Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 306: 221. Old Warm Street

   Chapter 306 Two hundred and twenty one. Old warm streets

The noise of    quickly alerted the neighbors and attracted the attention of the patrolling police officers.

   However, the situation did not continue to expand. After the owner of the house, the neighbor next door, and the police officers who came to discover that Anna was a ghost, the situation was like a calm sea, and there was no more waves.

   Lu Li never misremembered the address, and it was impossible for her to spell the figure with the beak mask wrong, but this is indeed not her residence. The owner of the house also told Lu Li that the building had no basement.

   Lu Li, who didn't know the name of the bird's beak mask, couldn't ask, and left the building in awe.

   Standing in front of the doorstep, Lu Li looked at the gloomy rain curtain covering the sky and thought for a moment.

   He doesn't think the beak mask figure is deceiving himself or writing it wrong, so what is the problem?

   The search for the "unexpected harvest" was unsuccessful. After a while, he returned to the detective agency. Lu Li picked up the letter and opened it again, ignoring the original content on the diary paper, and looked at the address on the last line.

  Although it is scribbled and there are fold marks wet by rain, the handwriting is clear and there is no trace of smearing, and it is impossible to mistake the number.

   Knuckles tapped the table lightly, Lu Li put down the letter, picked up the phone and called Jojo.

  The phone was connected, but the person who answered the phone told Lu Li that Qiaoqiao had not come back. About half an hour later, the phone rang, and Qiaoqiao, who had returned to the academy, called.

  Lu Li directly asked her about the warm neighborhood.

   For example, whether there are other streets called Wenxin Street, or streets commonly known as Wenxin Street.

The former Qiao Qiao told Lu Li no, the latter does have two similar streets: Violet Block and Kezi Block - the people there are very good at maintaining neighbor relationships, and each resident is as friendly as a friend, so it is nicknamed "" Cozy" neighborhood.

   This is obviously not what Lu Li was looking for.

The   bird beak mask figure can directly write the real address in the address instead of using a metaphor.

   But there are some possibilities.

   For example, the beak mask figure is worried that some beings will spy on the letter. In this case, it becomes necessary to use metaphors.

   After thinking about the price/performance ratio, Lu Li decided to visit these two blocks. Anyway, he has nothing to do right now.

  The Violet Street is in the middle of the city, and the Kezi Street is in the east, not too far from Elm Street. In the past, Lu Li can stop by Elm Street to see the houses.

  Lu Li and Anna, who was hiding her breath, first went to Violet Street, stopped for a short time and then left, and took a carriage to Kezi Street.

   Because there are no 16 buildings in Violet Street.

There are indeed 16 buildings in the   Kertz block, but it is a longhouse like the detective agency, with different house numbers and no basement.

   After getting nothing, Lu Li came to Elm Street again, and observed the two addresses provided by Qiaoqiao on the street.

   They are all single-family two-story buildings. In the middle of the street is a residential house. The owners are a loving old couple. They feel that it is too far from the city center and want to move to their son's residence.

  The edge of the street is also a residential house, but it seems to have been used as a warehouse, with wooden boxes of various sizes and uncut logs stacked under the walls of the house.

  This is indeed one of the transit warehouses for lumberjacks.

  The two houses have advantages and disadvantages of each other. The former can check in directly, everything is prepared in advance, and the old couple will only take away some personal items. The latter only has a single bed and a dining table on the second floor, otherwise it seems to be a deserted house. However, the hall on the first floor has a very large space, and when the weather is good, you can directly see the whole bay and the side of the cliff on the second floor.

   Especially when the price is very low - this is the most fringe house on Elm Street, although the mood of the Elm Forest does not spread here, but no one can live here with peace of mind.

   This is not a problem for Lu Li, so it is not difficult to guess where he chooses.

   After waiting for a while, the owner of the house came. This is a middle-aged man with intentions. He hid the secrets of the Elm Forest from Lu Li, and tried his best to persuade Lu Li to buy it, as long as he paid 2,900 shillings.

   The middle-aged man didn't show greed in terms of price, but Lu Li couldn't come up with so much money, and he wouldn't spend nearly 3,000 shillings on it. So Lu Li only rented the house at 80 shillings a month.

  The owner left the key and left, Lu Li stood in front of the "bedroom" window on the second floor and looked out.

  Ana revealed her figure from the side, looked at the shabby house with only a dilapidated single bed against the wall and a wooden table, and said with some conflict, "Are we going to move here?"

   "Not for now."

   Its use is just a warehouse - the materials purchased by Lu Li can be sent here, and then transported to the cliff from here.

   "Temporarily..." Anna murmured.

   "The danger increases over time, and sooner or later we will move to the edge."

   "Yeah." Anna nodded.

   She was already prepared, but she was already used to the things of the detective agency and had a hard time getting used to it.

   "Are you going to see the cliff?" Lu Li tilted his head to look at Anna.

   "Won't you waste time?"

   "The rain can't do anything."

   After thinking for a while, Anna nodded lightly.

   Without Barton's drag and initial caution, Lu Lianna was fast.

   The sadness and despair that pervaded the dead tree forest were more intense than the previous days, but it became difficult to affect Lu Li. They haven't regarded Lu Li as their own, but they are no longer on guard as outsiders.

With the help of   Anna, it took just over an hour to reach the cliff this time.

  Anna and Annie came into contact, and Lu Li walked into the cave. The place was still dry, there was no seepage of water, and no rainwater poured into the cave.

   Back outside, Anna excitedly told Lu Li that Annie's breath was growing.

   They managed to save Annie.

   accompanied Annie and said some words, and Anna reluctantly left the cliff with Lu Li.

   An hour and a half later, Lu Li and Anna returned to the detective agency.

   The detective agency has changed a bit since they left three hours ago.

The    sculpture stands behind the door, but her intact arm is raised to point to the phone on the desk.

   "Are you alive?!" Anna shouted to the sculpture in surprise.

  Lu Li walked to the desk and called the telephone office to ask if there was a call just now.

   After getting the result, Lu Li hung up the phone and picked up the handset, dialed the dial to call Qiao Qiao.

   Not long after they left, Jojo called.

   After the call was connected, Qiaoqiao told Lu Li that she remembered that there was indeed a street called Wenxin Street, before it was burned down.

   For some reason, Lu Li felt that this was the place he was looking for.

After inquiring about the situation there, Qiao Qiao told Lu Li: "Because of a fire, most of the houses there were burnt down and collapsed. There are only some houses that are barely intact but should have been uninhabited long ago... But there may be some scavengers. People shelter there from the rain."

   "Where is it?"

   "On the west side of the black cat block, you can see it when you walk west along the black cat block."

   (end of this chapter)