Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 352: 267. The missing fourth person

   Chapter 352 Two hundred sixty-seven. The missing fourth person

   "Well, I'll just say it's a lousy attention." Vincent raised the rum bottle to signal to Lu Li, the liquid in the bottle swayed, this guy drank like a drunk in the morning.

   "Do you still want to implement your plan?" Lu Li looked at Petra.

   There aren't too many disappointments on his cheeks—perhaps because the emotions have been vented since they found them in the morning.

   "Not for now," Petra said.

  The shadow of the thread lift suddenly caused a supporting role to appear in the mansion, no matter how you think it is all malicious.

  If the shadow of the thread has its own consciousness.

   "So did you have a similar situation last time?" The baron, who was gracefully cutting a portion of foie gras, asked Xiang Vincent.

"No, last time we were in a wrecked sailboat, the protagonist was us, no one else." Vincent briefly summarized that this was the first time he mentioned the content of the last ceremony, even if the butler promised to pay handsomely when he first arrived Couldn't get him to speak.

   "So will this change affect you?" Butler Lulu asked the crowd.

  Petra thought for a moment and said, "Changes mean new situations, that's for sure. But we've got a little more initiative—at least we don't see them until the story mentions supporting characters."

  Lu Li sat down at the long table, and the maid brought double breakfast in front of him. Picking up the knife and fork, Lu Li ate the food while listening to the housekeeper Lulu sorting out the information he had collected so far: The black outlines are the characters in the Viscount's mansion in the story, the background characters such as the cook, servant and gardener. They can be touched, but cannot communicate, perhaps because the story hasn't started yet, or the story isn't on them.

   Deeper touches they didn't do, like whether they can hurt.

  Lu Li silently chewed his food, his jet-black eyes fell on the two jet-black figures in the corner. They seem to be servants, doing the act of wiping the windows without any sound, and the occasional lightning that cuts through the clouds will set off their eerie and terrifying figures.

  What did Lu Li think of? He looked around the long table and found no faces: "What about the new members?"

   Yesterday, the butler mentioned that he would continue to invite new exorcists.

   The sound of cutting and chewing in the restaurant suddenly disappeared, and only Vincent was still pouring alcohol into his mouth.

  Petra resumed his movements and sighed: "He's dead."

  Lu Li frowned slightly: "The rules have changed?"

  Sara wakes up and outsiders are pulled into the ritual when the chapter begins.

   There is still half an hour before the start.

   Butler Lulu took over the words and said to Lu Li, "It has nothing to do with us. The exorcist died in the hands of a monster. When we contacted him earlier, the police station told us that he lost contact."

  Petra nodded: "I checked with the messenger, that unlucky guy encountered a ghost last night and disappeared after that."

   A little bit more optimistic, maybe the exorcist just disappeared instead of death - unfortunately, this kind of optimism is not suitable for exorcists to have, people can at most enjoy the pain: Look, fortunately, it is only a grievance and not an evil spirit.

   "In Belfast?" Lu Li's brows did not widen.

   "In Belfast."

  Lu Li silently wrote it down, and planned to summon a messenger when he was free later to inquire about new events in Belfast.

   "Don't worry, Belfast is a big city, and there are many powerful demon slayers protecting it." Petra comforted Lu Li's thoughts after seeing some thoughts.

   The voice fell, and Vincent's mocking voice came from beside him.

"'Don't worry, Belfast is a big city, and there are powerful demon slayers protecting it'." Vincent pretended to imitate: "Hey! The hundreds of thousands of citizens of Zenster City were also at the beginning. thought so."

  Petra fell into silence, her face turned ugly.

  Lu Li watched quietly, the pessimism revealed in Vincent's words made Lu Li think that he was the same as himself, but the next moment, Lu Li found that Petra's face had the same pessimism.

   All of a sudden it seemed that everyone no longer had hope for the future.

   Does this mean... the end is very close to this world?

   "Enough." The housekeeper stopped Vincent's sarcasm. Although she didn't like Vincent's character, his experience was necessary for everyone.

   "Listen to you, the housekeeper." Vincent got up, bowed pompously, and sat back in the chair again: "But I don't think you need to care about a dying person, right?"

   "Are you terminally ill?" Lulu asked with a frown.

   This is not in the information she found.

   "No, I'm fine, I can have a few more bottles." Vincent shook the bottle that was about to bottom out. "Last time I got away with this **** ritual, there's a proverb in my hometown that 'if you don't have awe, the same river will drown you twice'. To be honest, I'm not like you, who have it out of ignorance Many naive imaginations, I know very clearly that this ceremony will be the end of my life."

   Vincent took a swig of wine and said drunkenly.

   It's hard to say whether he vented because he wanted to vent, or was simply drunk.

   Maybe he is very similar to Lu Li, and he always prepares for the worst in everything.

   After all, he has faced the fear of the shadow of the thread.

   "You drank too much." Petra said helplessly, snatching the empty wine bottle from Vincent's hand.

   "No, my brain is very clear - staying awake and calm at all times is the principle of the night watchman." Vincent curled his lips.

   "So does the investigator," Petra said, placing the empty wine bottle on the table.

   The butler glanced at the clock and said, "There is one person missing now, I will fill the vacancy."

   "No." The baron refused. "Most people have only heard of Baron Joseph's bad things, but they haven't seen it. If I die at its hands, you will be the next Baron Joseph, and continue the Joseph family's estate."

   Probably infected by Vincent, the baron's tone was a little more pessimistic.

   "This is not the time to talk about such things." The butler did not intend to continue talking about this topic.

  Everyone waited for Lu Li to finish his breakfast, changed his clothes and entered the bedroom to wait.

  The baron specially locked the door to prevent the housekeeper from rushing in to join the ceremony.


   Muffled thunder echoed in the dark clouds, and the obscure ancient voice slowly emerged.

  【Chapter VIII Twisted Resurrection】

   The beginning of each day is the most peaceful time of the plot, and today is no exception. Sara woke up in the bright weather, and without a paradoxical and gloomy inner voice, everything seemed normal.

   Until Petra was separated from the crowd.

   [Servant Petra was walking on the corridor leading to the restaurant, and suddenly, he saw a familiar figure appearing in the corner in front of him, it was Lola! 】

   Lightning flashed and thundered outside the window, the majestic rain fell, and a dark figure appeared in Petra's line of sight.

   It leaned halfway out of the corner, raised an arm, and waved gently towards this side.

  【Seeing his good friend came back, the servant Petra happily ran to Lola. 】

   (end of this chapter)