Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 394: 309. Church basement

   Chapter 394 Three hundred nine. Church basement

   The tide next to him receded, and it crowded towards Sansan Street.

   The streets not far away became more and more chaotic, and several Night Demons under the clouds were coming.

   The six-legged monster was lying in front of Lu Li, and his raised hands were like offering treasures.

  The statue of the Mother of the Swamp was circulating, and only Lu Li could hear the whispering whispers in his ears, as if it sounded in his mind.

   "I've been watching you... pick it up... don't reject the power..."

  Lu Li seems to have encountered the same situation as Tristan.

   And Lu Li doesn't seem to have a choice to refuse.

  The six-legged monsters may follow the orders of the Swamp Mother and make a comeback at any time.

  Lu Li stretched out his arm silently, and the counter on his wrist rattled from gentle to rapid as he approached.

   An illusory white palm suddenly grabbed his arm, Anna shook her head at him, her scarlet pupils flickering erratically.

Lu Li didn't change his mind, but it reminded him that he briefly retracted his palm and untied the holster, took out Sequence 2 and handed it to Anna, and then, like a piece of meat in the soup, Lu Li used the holster to hold the sculpture of the Mother of the Swamp, No contact with the sculpture at all times.

The    holster is engraved with a barrier rune, which mainly isolates the sanity pollution, and may not make the Swamp Mother lose contact with the sculpture, but the counter is no longer ringing and has leveled off.

   The six-legged monster who presented the sculpture returned to its original state, and quickly crawled towards the street of three people who were fighting.

   "Let's go."

   Lu Li said, approaching the dazed Qiaoqiao and Fran.

  The Swamp Mother doesn't know when she will react.

   or have already reacted.

   An indescribable aura permeated from the sculpture in the holster, and the almost gentle counter re-accelerated, clucking loudly.

   There was a buzzing sound in Lu Li's ears, and noisy snowflakes appeared in his eyes. They flickered at the edge of the viewing angle and spread to the middle.

  Lu Li ignored it and quickly approached the church after meeting with Jojo Fran.

   This phenomenon intensified rapidly, and countless moments of death, prayers, worship, and other illusions that did not belong to Lu Li's memory began to flash in his mind.

   It seems that some kind of existence is coming into Lu Li's consciousness, occupying his mind.

  Anna immediately noticed something was wrong with Lu Li, who was swaying, and supported him, his figure faded into the inner world.

  Jojo and Fran watched with concern.

   "It's okay for now."

   The hallucinations and hallucinations caused by low sanity have long been used by Lu Li. Although the erosion of the Swamp Mother made him uncomfortable, it was not serious.

   And he can complete the message of the Swamp Mother with frequently flashed clips.

   For example, the most frequent scene: under the huge ancient banyan tree that covers the sky and the sun, countless six-legged monsters prostrate and worship, surrounded by Yingchuo people in the distance, and a banyan tree surrounding the open space.

  The ancient banyan tree in the center of the open space revealed a dark and dark hole, exuding a mysterious and eerie atmosphere.

With Anna's help, Lu Li walked into the cemetery outside the church.

  The mottled stone bricks of the church's outer wall and the rusted copper bell on the top of the tower silently tell the years it has gone through, but it ends here.

  There are almost no survivors in Shadow Town, and the future outcome of Shadow Town can be foreseen: it will be abandoned because it is uninhabited and eventually eroded by evil like more and more villages and towns.

  This church will eventually collapse and become ruins with age and disrepair. But until then, it was one of the strongest and safest buildings in town.

A group of tombstones surrounded the church. Several people were walking on the path. Jojo suddenly found that Lu Li in front of her was deviating from the direction. She walked to the trash can under the church wall and threw the gun holster with the sculpture of the Mother of the Swamp into the trash can. .

  The flickering snowflakes in the sight and the noisy whispers in the ears gradually fade away as they move away from the source.

The    sanity counter returned to a gentle level, and gradually stopped making noise as Lu Li pushed away.

   But Anna still didn't let go of Lu Li, grabbed his arm, and the three moved along the path to the front of the church.

  Jojo stepped forward to push the door, and the door seemed to be integrated with the space, motionless.

  Anna waved her hand gently, and there was a dull sound of heavy objects falling from behind the door. Jojo pushed again, and the heavy door was slowly pushed open a gap.

  Indescribable, the rotten and damp breeze gushed out from the crack of the door, and the dust blown out almost fascinated Jojo's eyes.

  Jojo backed away, Lu Li stepped forward and entered the church sideways.

  Blood-red light shone into the interior of the church from the broken window. The messy and dilapidated church was simply blaspheming the gods that did not exist.

  Behind the gate are piled up collapsed benches and a corpse of a Daredevil.

  The body of the Night Demon was covered with wounds. Several iron picks and forks were inserted into the Night Demon. Lu Li looked around the interior of the church, then raised his head and looked at the deepest wall of the church.

   The colored window, which may have been inlaid with patterned pictures, has completely disappeared, and the podium below is broken.

   An image emerged: Night Demon smashed the colored window and entered the church. The fleeing populace ran and screamed in panic, and the men took up arms and fought, eventually killing the Night Demon.

   Casualties are unknown as there are no bodies in the church. The blood-red light and the red carpet also concealed the traces of blood.

   "The wind is blowing from there." Jojo pointed to the entrance to the underground on the edge of the podium.

  The stone door of the basement with the same texture as the wall is open.

   It seems that there is no need to ask Fran where the entrance to the basement is.

   Fran, who came in last, pushed the door of the church, and through the gap, he saw that the fighting on the street of the three people was still going on.

  Jojo and Fran moved the benches to block the gate, returned behind Lu Li, walked through the empty church to the entrance of the basement.

  The cool and humid wind blows from the basement to the ground, and the wind is mixed with the smell of sludge like corruption and the faint smell of blood.

   But it wasn't this that caught everyone's attention.

   "There is light..." Fran whispered in disbelief, and his dead heart became hot again.

   Darkness filled the steps, but at the corner at the end of the steps, there was a faint light of an oil lamp.

   Maybe there are still people alive in the church basement!

   Fran thought, holding back his excitement and looking at Lu Li.

   "I'll take a look." Anna whispered, returning after a short absence with news: "There is no danger, and there is no living person."

  Fran's emotions were frozen.

  Lu Li took out his flashlight and turned it on, a faint beam of light shone out, and walked into the basement.

  The silent Jojo and Fran followed behind.

   As you approach the basement, the light around the corner becomes clearer. Even though Fran had already learned the result from the ghost named Anna, he still had the illusion of a fluke.

   The vision continued until he came to the corner.

   In front of the wall facing the steps, the bookshelf was removed, revealing a dark passage behind, and the breeze from the Shadow Swamp blew into the basement along the long dark passage.

   There was an oil lamp on the cabinet beside the steps, and the flame was flickering faintly because the kerosene was almost exhausted.

  Large tracts of dried blood were spread on the ground and walls.

   Except for them, the basement was empty.

   (end of this chapter)