Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 430: 7. The Shadow of Innsmouth

   Chapter 430 Seven. The Shadow of Innsmouth Town

  Smoky steam train stops at Innsmouth Town platform.

  There were no passengers waiting on the deserted platform, not even the staff, and it was as empty as it was abandoned. If there is no plant disaster, there should be a bleak autumn-like wind blowing on the platform.

  The chimneys of the alchemy factory stand by the river flowing into the ocean, and people can be vaguely seen in the houses along the coast in the distance.

   As written in the letter that Remy sent to Lu Li, the locals are very... xenophobic.

  Affected by the environment, the noise from the passengers in the adjacent carriages is also reduced.

  The locomotive of the steam locomotive was smoked dark, leaving only the white-toothed coal-filling workers hurriedly getting off the train, looking as if they did not dare to stay long to replenish the coal.

   "Not quite right..." Anna, who was hiding in the inner world, looked at the figure standing between the houses in the distance and whispered.

   They stood still for too long, as if the time of the whole town had been suspended.

  The subsequent scene tells Anna that the time in town is passing normally.

  The figures from the houses came out and stood on the street, as if disturbed by a train, turning their heads to look.

  Ana felt a strong needle-like feeling of being watched in an instant, they were looking at themselves, or... Lu Li behind them.

  More and more figures appeared on the street. At a certain moment, they walked towards the train that stopped at the platform strangely and numbly.

The    action is like a group of dead people who have lost their life.


   "Hey... Yaris, it doesn't seem right..."

   In front of the small cabin where coal was stored in the corner of the platform, Bell pushed his companion who was working hard.

Aris was using a shovel to load coal into the sack, and said without looking up: "Don't be lazy, hurry up to work, steam cars may be banned again soon, some workers are interested in this job, we have to behave Phew, good enough."

   "If you don't look up at us, you'll never have a chance to perform!"

   The anxious scream of his companion finally made Bell look up and look at the place he pointed.

   The other two workers also looked up and froze in unison.

   "What are these locals going to do..." Yaris was a little disturbed by the townspeople who were silently approaching the platform.

  Bell couldn't help but move backwards, and a thought that made him want to escape emerged: "Will this place become like Shadow Town..."

   " way...they don't look weird-"

   Before he finished speaking, the other two loading workers suddenly dropped their shovels and turned and ran towards the train.

   The sound of running away aggravated the panic of the two. They couldn't help but look back. The train employees who had gotten out of the train and ventilated before hid back on the train.


   Bell shouted, and Yaris ran towards the front of the car.

  Aris was quickly left behind, and Bell, who felt wrong, turned around and saw Adams running slowly with a half-full sack.

   "Forget the coal! We have enough coal in the car to drive to Belfast!" Bell yelled.

  Aris gritted his teeth, dropped half a bag of coal, and ran back to the front of the car with Bell.

  Everyone got back to the train, the conductor clenched the smoking pipe tightly, and loudly urged the train to start quickly.

  The townspeople who were as numb as dead were approaching the platform, and some figures climbed stiffly on the platform and approached the train.

   There was not a single sound in the carriage, except for the occasional terrified cry.

  Fortunately, before these weird townspeople approached the train, the sharp whistle sounded to dispel the weirdness and silence under the clouds, billowing black smoke billowed from the chimney of the train, and gradually drove away from the platform.

   Hundreds of figures stood silently on the platform, their heads turned with the passing train, and the people on the train could no longer see them.

   Until then, there were whispers in several carriages with a depressing atmosphere.

   "Those 'people' seem to be because of you..."

  Ana looked back at Lu Li.

   Those locals are indeed human, but they harbor an obscure and malicious aura in their bodies, which is stronger than what she felt in Lu Li.

   Even this aura made her seem to smell the stench of deep sea silt that could not be dispelled.

  There are other exorcists on the train who will report the strange situation in Innsmouth to the United Organization.

   After a long time, the shadow of Innsmouth town dissipated, and the next carriage gradually returned to the noisy humming of conversation.

   As time passed, the sky began to darken, and as it approached evening, the train stopped in the new town.

   The town called "Zornster" looks like a station.

   As if there were more passengers than the car.

  People in simple and bright clothes waited on the platform, some with only suitcases, some with sacks and children.

   After the steam train arrived at the station, people began to crowd on the train.

The staff opened the door and tried their best to stay close to the carriage so as not to be crowded out by the crowd, constantly muttering such complaints as "too many people", "can't hold so many people", "don't know how many people will be on the next platform" .

   Everyone seems to know that the Lennon Islands are not weird, and flock to port cities with far-reaching capabilities.

   For example, the terminal station of this steam train, Belfast.

   But there were so many people that even the food truck was packed. The waiter had to come to the first-class compartment and ask Lu Li in a difficult situation.

  No Allow other passengers to settle here.

  The train crew knows that there is a great man in this carriage.

   "Where is the next stop?" Lu Li asked.

   "Maple Leaf Town."

   "How long will the train stop?"

   "Twenty minutes, sir."

   "Let them come over, I might get off at Maple Leaf Town."

   "Your kindness is appreciated."

Shortly after the    waiter left, passengers began to enter the first-class compartment one after another.

   They were all instilled by the waiters that Lu Li was a big man, and they consciously kept their movements and even breathing to a minimum to avoid disturbing Lu Li.

  Jojo and Fran have returned to sit honestly across from Lu Li. When the train started again, Jojo asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going back to Belfast?"

   "Anna's aunt is in Shymfast, let's go pick her up."

   "See you in Belfast."


  The first hour when it was completely dark, the train arrived at Maple Leaf Town.

  The warm light filled most of the houses in this town. Lu Li bid farewell to Jojo Fran and got off the train with the oil lamp delivered by the waiter.

  Crowds passed by and squeezed into the train from both sides, and the damp and cool air was blowing. Lu Li took a deep breath, turned his back to the gazes of Qiaoqiao and Fran behind the car window, and walked to the phone booth outside the platform.

Before    looking for a carriage to go to Shymfast, Lu Li had to make sure that Aunt Mary was still at his home in Shymfast.

   Half a minute after the call was forwarded, Aunt Mary's voice rang softly. After telling her that he and Anna would be at Shymfast in a few hours, Lu Li left the phone booth and rented a carriage to leave Maple Leaf Town.

   (end of this chapter)