Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 432: 9. Overlooking the weirdness of Belfast

  Chapter 432 IX. Overlooking the weirdness of Belfast

   "Mayor Mr. Famster doesn't know what he's doing, and he allowed that group of fat pig Muggle MPs to agree to this unreasonable ban."

   On the side of the road under the street lights, the motorcade lined up in a long line, and beside a gorgeous carriage at the end, a plump lady in a gorgeous peacock-like fluffy dress complained.

   The lady's accent has a strange tone, and I don't know if it has something to do with pinching her nose: "So much so that I have to stand and wait with these filthy commoners now, and I have to set off together."

Da da da--

The crisp sound of horseshoes came from behind, and the lady glanced at it. She saw a tall and straight figure in a poncho on the carriage, her eyes were slightly bright, and she deliberately told the butler in a voice that could be heard by the figure on the carriage: "Tell the servant to look after this car. The carriage, which contains a valuable gift for Baron Joseph, my good friend Baron has been looking forward to for a long time."

   "Good lady."

  The housekeeper summoned the maid to hold the umbrella, and turned back to instruct the servants.

  Irene's farewell gift, she is also going to the Lennon Islands?

   Hearing the familiar name, Lu Li raised his eyes slightly and parked the carriage behind the lady's carriage.

The    guard stepped forward to count the information and told Lu Li to wait for the four carriage convoys before they could set off.

   "Is the quantity fixed?" Lu Li asked.

   "The more people there are, the safer it will be. Who knows if there are those ghosts outside the city." The guard said, leaving the carriage and walking towards a carriage slowly approaching from the far side of the street.

   opened the car door and told Aunt Anna and Mary that they would be able to leave Shymfast soon. Lu Li leaned on the wooden door and waited for the convoy to set off.

   Ten minutes later, the last carriage joined the convoy.

  The guard with the oil lamp shouted for the convoy to set off and retreated to the edge, witnessing the convoy stretching hundreds of meters like a fire dragon along the road, slowly heading towards the suburbs.


   In the silent rainy night, the long queue of carriages slowly drove away from Shymfast behind him.

   The torch-oil lamp on the carriage glowed with a dim, dim yellow light.

   Lu Li was driving the carriage, the fire dragon in front of him and the darkness around him reflected in his eyes,

   "Are we going to take Annie?"

  The invisible Anna sat beside Lu Li and asked softly.

   "She can only survive in the elm forest."

   A tree can't make the voyage across the ocean alive to the inhospitable Lennon Islands - even if it's turning into something truly bizarre.


  Be quiet in front of the carriage.

   Along the deep rut of the road, Lu Li returned to the carriage when he was far enough from Shymfast.

  Aunt Mary was already asleep, Lu Li changed the wound gauze, ate some food, leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes.

   Anna, who was vigilant at night, watched Lu Li's sleeping face silently for a moment, and when his breathing stabilized, he floated out of the carriage, announcing to release his own resentful aura, warning of the things hidden in the darkness around him.

   The unconcealed aura spread out, and was soon noticed by the exorcists in the joint organization in the convoy. They rushed in from the front of the convoy, but saw an illusory girl figure sitting in front of the carriage driving the carriage,

   After a brief stagnation, the exorcists had some guesses, bowed slightly towards Anna with a complex expression, and silently retreated to the front of the convoy.

   In the quiet night with only the sound of the wheels turning and the drizzle falling, the Fire Dragon team drove quietly, except for occasional brief pauses for unknown reasons, and horse-drawn carriages from nearby towns joined the team, most of the time everything was fine.

   Anna, who had long been accustomed to the darkness and quietness, sat in front of the carriage without being disturbed.

  Darkness and silence haunted Anna for a long time, she heard the sound of Lu Li waking up in the carriage.

   "How long have I slept." Lu Li asked Anna who was drifting back to the carriage.

   "It's less than half an hour before dawn."

   opened the curtains, opened the car window, and the cold air poured into the car.

   In front of the convoy, a touch of fish maw white is emerging.

  Closed the window to block the moisture outside, Lu Li rubbed his eyebrows and asked, "Where are you going?"

   "Ten minutes ago, the convoy guard shouted that there are ten miles from Sugard Mountain."

  Lu Li got up and walked out of the carriage. The cold outside made his drowsy mind regain some sobriety.

Under the    oil lamp, his breath was faintly white.

  Lu Li raised his head to look at the fading sky in the distance, and suddenly crashed into a shadow.

   It was a huge figure that even all human beings could not understand. The deadly darkness around it was darker than the night, and its whole body was shrouded in a gauze-like dark cloak that fluttered in the wind.

   No matter how Lu Li observed, he couldn't penetrate the thin veil to peek into the essence of the silhouette. It stood on the road where the convoy passed, and the convoy passed under it, and had already passed halfway through it, as if this huge invisible outline had been standing there.

  No one noticed the strangeness above their heads. Even if they looked up at the sky, the people sitting in the carriage chatting could only see the dark clouds before dawn.

"can you see it?"

   On the carriage, Lu Li, a few dozen meters away from it, was almost at its feet. Lu Li stared at this terrifying and oppressive silhouette and said in a low voice.

  There is nothing...the door? "

  Lu Li shook his head gently: "Maybe it's a projection of low sanity."

   For a moment, he really thought it was "The Door" or the "Terrorless Faceless Giant", the culprit of the Zernster massacre.

   This also alerted Lu Li.

Both    Sanity and "Gates" have entered the second stage, and their boundaries are starting to blur and indistinguishable.

  When an illusion appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes, was it a projection of Sanity, or was it a visit from the "door"?

   This will affect Lu Li's immediate judgment and actions.

   extends further beyond this. If the root causes of the two problems are not solved, even if you hide in the safe Lennon Islands, the shadow of the "door" will follow you, and danger will always be with you.

   Regarding Sanity recovery, you can ask Remi Jimmy and his sisters, they should have arrived in Belfast. Regarding the latter, Richard has not been caught yet. He led Lu Li into the trap, so he must know something.

  Lu Li thought and watched the carriage pass under the silhouette of the huge cloak. Turning his head, he re-watched the still silhouette facing Mount Sugard.

The    cloak also covered its face, and there was some kind of darkness that made Lu Li unable to see directly under the cloak.

   It was not like the projections of the inner world that Lu Li had seen when he entered the second stage, and cast a malicious and malicious stare, trying to influence Lu Li.

   It stood solemnly in front of Mount Sugard, as if looking out into the distance, ignoring a row of ants passing by under his feet, and an ant looking up at it. .

   It's so close to Belfast, perhaps by coincidence.

   or some kind of symptom.

  As the convoy continued to move forward, it disappeared into the darkness before dawn, and was no longer visible to Lu Li.

   At the same time, the guards shouted from the front.

   "There's Mount Sugard ahead! We're about to arrive in Belfast!"

   (end of this chapter)