Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 449: 26. Ms. Merlin

   Chapter 449 Twenty Six. Ms. Merlin

  The seaside town - that's what the locals called her hundreds of years ago.

  The original name of this town has disappeared from people's memory due to the long-term title. Even the official and maps have marked it as a "seaside town". Perhaps only her original name is recorded in the Royal Library of the Kingdom of Ellen.

   The coastal town at the southern foot of the Fallen Mountains is far away from the Allen Peninsula. At least when Luli's horse-drawn carriage drives along the coastline streets, there is no outline of land on the sea.

   The southern shadow swamp in the northeast direction that is closest to it is also nearly a hundred miles away.

  The population of the seaside town is less than 4,000 people - this population is far more than most towns in the Ellen Peninsula, but compared with other towns in the main continent, it is just an inconspicuous town.

   In comparison, it is far more famous than those towns with more populations than it.

  The seaside town is a tourist town. The mild environment, comfortable climate, friendly residents, and closeness to the mountains and the sea make it a tourist town for the civilization of the mainland.

   In addition, it is difficult for the hurricane to bypass the Allen Peninsula and hit here,

   Except for the unknown Hurricane "Arthur" more than a month ago.

   However, the increasingly severe environment still affects the coastal town at the foot of the mountain. The decrease in tourists and the departure of some residents have made the place much deserted.

   In the void, Anna sat beside Lu Li, cuddling him unnoticed, quietly watching the vernacular architecture of the coastal town. The buildings here are so different from the Ellen Peninsula buildings that Anna can't subdivide the difference between them, and can only attribute the gap to cultural heritage and freshness.

   There are also clean and tidy streets and beautiful white sandy beaches.

The gloomy sky did not spoil the atmosphere too much, seagulls flying over the coast, the laughter and laughter of children who turned into black spots came from the beach, with the sea breeze blowing in the cool afternoon, not noisy, but not desolate streets. Pedestrians watched, some of whom were clearly foreign tourists.

  The quiet seaside town seems to have never suffered from weird troubles, and suddenly Anna has the urge to settle here.

   Only she and Lu Li.


   A poster lying on a bench on the street was blown by the sea breeze, spun and flew towards the passing carriage, hitting Lu Li's face.

   Before Anna's rising breath shredded it, Lu Li reached out and grabbed the poster and unfolded it in front of his eyes.

  【Lennon Islands, your best choice to avoid weirdness and start a new life! 】

Below the    text, there is a picture of a pair of young lovers snuggling up to the island and coconut trees, and at the bottom is a string of local phone numbers and addresses.

   This is a promotional poster for the Lennon Islands.

   It seems that the Lennon Islands thing is well known.

   If it wasn't for the damned behind-the-scenes existence, she and Lu Li would already be on the big ship to the Lennon Islands.

  Ana thought coldly.

   squeak - squeak -

  A bicycle passed behind the slow-moving carriage, and was pedaled farther and farther by the postman in the dark green uniform.

  Lu Li took his attention away from the poster and silently watched the postman go away.

   This type of transport is definitely not seen in Belfast.

That terrible uphill and downhill keeps the range of activities of the bicycle only in the adjacent streets. This kind of thing with extremely low cost performance will naturally not be accepted by people who mainly use it, and how can the upper class people? Travel by bike.

   "Are the Scarlet Tentacles here?"

   When the postman riding a bicycle disappeared from sight, Anna's soft words rang in his ears.


   Lu Li's answer came with a rare uncertainty. He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky above the coastal town, but only stopped for a while, and then looked at the coastline not far away.

  The blood-colored tentacles hanging from the clouds were... divided into two parts above the coastal town, one hangs down from the jagged town buildings, and the other hangs down toward the vast sea.

  Twins? Or will two blood-colored tentacles that are too close have a similar situation?

   Lu Li is unknown, but it is certain that the destination of his trip is this town.

   At this moment, a sound of flapping wings sounded not far away, Lu Li looked in the direction of the sound, a dark crow flew over, and landed on Lu Li's raised arm in the surprised eyes of passers-by.

   The bamboo tube on the calf indicates the identity of this black crow.

   "Get some bread."

   Lu Li said, he pushed aside the bamboo tube on the black crow's leg and took out the note.

   The curtain behind him was lifted as if being blown by the wind, making it unobtrusive.

  【Welcome to the beautiful coastal town】

  【Ms. Merlin, the exorcist, lives here. If your exorcist/investigator/night watchman needs help, you can go to the divination room at No. 13 Haifeng Street to meet with Ms. Merlin】

   The above was written on a yellowed note from some years ago.

   is not an investigator organization, but it is similar. The Society of Exorcists also uses ravens as messengers.

   After reading it, Lu Li stuffed it back into the black crow's mailbox, the black crow didn't stop, spread its wings and flew away, silently as if it were not a black crow.

  Anna got out of the carriage with half of the shriveled bread.

   "It left?"


  Lu Li made a syllable, suddenly raised his head slightly and sniffed lightly.

   The air that the black crow left had a faint smell that almost dissipated, like the smell of rotten eggs. Or more specifically, the smell of sulfur.

   Is there a sulfur mine nearby?

  Lu Li thought, and quickly turned his attention away. The coastal town is at the foot of the Deciduous Mountains, and some minerals in the forest are normal.

  Look at the number plate of the building on the right, No. 68 Haifeng Street, and straight ahead is the residence of the slayer.

   There is still some time before it gets dark. Thinking of the contents of the note, Lu Li seems to be able to visit before it gets dark and finds tentacles. The blood-colored tentacles hanging into the town will not arrive here for more than three days, and the exorcist here may know something.

   Pulling the reins, the carriage drove along Seabreeze Street and arrived at destination number 13 in a few minutes.

  【Psychology and Divination House】is written on the signboard in a rose-like cumbersome font.

  Lu Li parked the carriage by the side of the road, and Anna walked into the dimly lit hut.

  Candles were scattered all over the floor of the hut. In the center of the room, an old woman sat on a circular blanket spread on the floor. The candles surrounded her and the blanket, in a circle.

The swaying flames made the old woman's face change between light and shadow, and her hand clutched the handkerchief, resting strangely on a low chair with water flowing through her, and the water ran slowly across her wrist, drop by drop. into the copper basin under the low chair.

  A middle-aged man kneeled cautiously outside the blanket with his back to Lu Li, as if waiting for some result.


   With the slow sound of water dripping, the old woman sitting surrounded by candles slowly opened her ghostly pale eyes.

   (end of this chapter)