Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 450: 27. Even in hell, I will accompany you

   Chapter 450 Twenty-seven. Even in hell, I will accompany you


   As if a gust of wind was blowing, the candles around the blanket lowered their heads for a moment.

  After the old woman opened her eyes, the handkerchief she was holding in her palm curled and burned at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving burn marks scorched by the fire.

   After walking into the room, Lu Li could smell the ubiquitous smell of sulfur in the hut. As the old woman spoke, the sulfur smell in the room suddenly became strong and pungent.

   It seems that the smell on the black crow has found its source.

   "She's not very well..."

The old woman told the middle-aged man who was waiting nervously to grab the burnt handkerchief over the candle and hand it back to him, in the slow tone that old people usually use: "She is a mother full of love, let me tell you to take good care of her. Sister Honey Henry."

   The middle-aged man took the handkerchief, and when he touched the old lady's skin, he quickly pulled it back, as if he was scalded by fire, and asked with a dry smile, "Where is the cashier's check from Liver Bank... Did she tell you?"

   "In Henry's Toy Mali..." the old woman replied.

   "Okay, thank you very much, thank you for your help..." The middle-aged man hurriedly bowed and said, bypassing Lu Li behind him and hurriedly left the psychic house.

   The pale white eyes of the old woman fell on Lu Li. Those ghostly and terrifying eyes had no focus, but they made people feel like "I'm being watched".

   "Hello young man, and..."

   Her gaze fell on Lu Li's side: "Beautiful resentful girl."

   She can see Anna.

   Anna slowly emerged with an indifferent expression, and a defensive aura lingered around Lu Li and her.

  The old woman smiled kindly, completely opposite to the horror of those eyes: "Don't be nervous, I'm still a psychic, it's easy to see souls."

   "So do you want to contact dead friends, or relatives?"

  Lu Li approached the old man, stopped outside the candle, took out the investigator badge and showed it to the old woman: "Investigator Lu Li, from Ellen Peninsula, I want to ask you something."

  I have reservations about whether the old woman really entered hell, but the temperature on her body is indeed a bit surprising.

   But it could be just the temperature of the candle.

   "Of course." The old woman stretched out her hand and let Lu Li sit on the chair. "It's been a long time since an exorcist from outside came to the town. It's probably... about a week."

   The old woman's joking jokes went unanswered. Lu Li didn't sit down and asked directly, "Has any suspicious outsiders come to this town recently, or something suspicious happened in the town."

   "Please wait a moment, I will ask the guardians of the town..." The old woman replied slowly, closing her eyes.

   Somewhere, Lu Li felt that there was something more in the dim psychic room where there was only candle light. Some are like the consciousness of the Elm Forest, but more illusory and ethereal, like the fairy in legend.

  They lingered around the old woman, as if whispering, telling something.

   "Suspicious people and suspicious things..."

   At this point, the old woman began to slowly repeat what she had heard.

   "It's bad..." "Rotten..." "All alive..." "Sweaters..." "Just two days ago..."

The key words were uttered by the old woman, and after a few minutes, the consciousness of the elves around dispersed, and the old woman slowly opened her eyes that would be horrified no matter how many times she saw it: "I found it, that may be what you want. I'm looking for someone, but he died yesterday."


   Lu Li immediately thought of the reason for the two blood-colored tentacles: the tentacles were looking for a new host.

"They told me about it... A missing postman was found two days ago in a coastal hut at the foot of the mountain, along with two innocent townspeople he killed. The reason was that he picked up a diary, And disappeared at home the next day. The police accidentally looked at the diary while the police were handling the case, and then went crazy... That's the source of the pollution."

  The old woman said slowly: If you want to know more details, you can go to the police station, the people from the joint organization have not arrived yet, you have enough time to investigate, but be careful, don't read that diary..."

   She could see that Lu Li came to investigate privately.


  Lu Li thanked him and planned to go to the police station for details.

The old woman stopped him, her tone of admiration: "Young man, you have the potential to become a psychic, are you interested in it? This may be a little dangerous, but once you become a psychic, life and death The boundaries will blur in your eyes."

   "Not for now." Lu Li replied.

   But at this time, Anna, who has always been silent to outsiders, took the initiative to ask: "When he becomes a psychic, will his eyes become like yours?"

   "Why do you ask that?" asked the old woman.

  Anna replied calmly: "I don't want to see those dark eyes disappear."

The    old woman smiled: "Is that so... Of course, I'm glad that the first ghost psychic learned from me."

   "Then I'll come to you when we finish solving the problem," Anna said.

  Lu Li probably guessed the reason why Anna wanted to know the psychic, and kept silent.

  The old woman waved her hand: "It won't be very complicated, just a few words."

   "A few words?" Anna was a little unconvinced.

   "So it's talent."

  The old woman said this as if she was telling the truth, and then told Anna how to channel.

   The method she mentioned was the same as the method Tesla once told Lu Li, the core of which was "dying".

   And Anna is already dead, she can go to **** as long as she holds the token of the person who needs to go to hell, and then constructs the scene of her death. If you want to come back, just remove the constructed environment.

   After the old woman finished speaking, she noticed that Lu Li was looking at the scratches on her cuff, and said indifferently and kindly: "Those evil demons are as numerous and annoying as bugs, and they can smell the smell of strangers."

   "What is your dying structure?" Anna asked, looking at the suspicious wooden bench and water basin in the candle circle.

"There are two types of near-death - real, fake. The real ones are the ones that will really kill you, like drowning, like holding your breath, like cutting your wrists. And the fake ones are usually channeled by evoking the most fearful images in your heart. The teacher thought he was going to die... This is the death picture that scares me the most."

  The old woman said: "When I was a young girl, I was caught by a cultist, tied in an evil circle, cut my wrists to bleed, and offered sacrifices to the evil god."

   Only then did Lu Li notice that under the old woman's torn cuff was a scar that could not be covered by loose skin.


   An abrupt cat meow sounded, and a black cat walked out of the darkness, jumped over the candle and sat beside the old woman.

The old woman touched its head and smiled at Lu Li: "It's just a very ordinary wild cat. After the plant disaster, it didn't have anything to eat, so it came to me. A psychic and a black cat, It's a good match, right?"

   "Okay, let's finish your business."

   (end of this chapter)