Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 508: Eighty-five. An endless stream of events

   Chapter 508 Eighty-five. An endless stream of events

   "Stop **** crying!"

  Sewage flowed across the street, shrouded in fog, and a scolding sound came from the faintly glowing window.

   "I didn't even beg for three shillings all day, but I had to eat more than ten shillings of food!"

  In the dilapidated hut, a strong man was scolding the little boy who was sobbing by his mother kneeling on the ground and holding her in her arms.

   He raised his palm, and his wife subconsciously used her body to protect the child. This made the strong man even more angry, kicked his wife and scolded: "You and this wild **** don't want to eat anymore tonight!"

   He didn't vent to his wife anymore. Compared with that wasteful wild breed, his wife who helped the neighbors sew clothes in exchange for the salary on Weibo is somewhat useful.

  The angry head of the family walked out of the bedroom, sat down at the dining table, picked up the cloudy wine bottle and poured himself a full glass.

  Knock - Knock Knock -

   And at this time, there was a slow knock on the door.

"who is it!"

   The strong man looked towards the door and shouted impatiently, but got no response.

   "Damn, if I find out which **** is teasing me..."

   Cursing in a low voice, the strong man picked up the oil lamp on the dining table and walked to the door.

   "'s all right..." In the bedroom, the mother whispered to comfort the choked child.

   "Mom, I'm hungry..." The thin little boy raised his head.

   The sadness in his heart made his mother's eyes turn redder, stroked his face and said, "Everything will pass... Just bear with it, and soon we won't be hungry again..."

  Knock - Knock Knock -

When the    knock on the door rang for the second time, the strong man waiting in front of the door pulled open the wooden door and shouted with a grin, "Let me see - who are you?"

   The strong man's expression froze, and he looked at the tall black figure in front of the door suspiciously.

  The man wearing the top hat worn by the upper class or the high-ranking person could not see his face, stood straight outside the door, and did not answer the strong man.

  The strong man has never been impatient, especially when he was angry that the whole family could not earn two pounds of black bread a day, the man's silence made him even more irritable, but suddenly, he found that water droplets were dripping down the brim of the top hat.

   The strong man was stunned, looking down, and found that there was already a water stain under the man's feet.

   A breeze blew, and the coolness it brought penetrated into the heart of the strong man. He remembered something, and an uneasy premonition welled up in his heart.

   He didn't even dare to say a word of cruelty, and the strong man closed the door again and hung the latch.

   He didn't even notice, his trembling hands slowed him down for several seconds to hang the latch.

  Knock - Knock Knock -

   However, just after the latch was hung, the third knock sounded at a fixed rhythm.

   The brawny man who finally hung the latch backed away from the door, and decided that no matter who the weird guy outside the door was, he would not open the door for him again.

   As he was thinking about it, he suddenly noticed a silhouette drawn on the wooden door in front of him, like... a figure with a top hat.


   The polite refusal of these children's leaders didn't surprise Lu Li too much.

  Lu Li knew that being wary of strangers is the foundation for these children, whose average age is less than eight years old, to live up to now.

  Though those younger kids haven't learned that yet.

   "The weird fog is difficult to disperse, and it is very dangerous after dark." Lu Li said again, and his help to these children had nothing to do with Richard's request, but he wanted to do it.

   "Thank you for your kindness, I wonder if we can think about it?" The little girl leader with glasses bit her fingers and tangled: "You can tell me the address, and we'll find you tomorrow morning after the decision is made."

  Because of the two boxes of canned food, she wasn't too wary of Lu Li, but she wasn't fully trusted yet.


   Lu Li didn't insist any more, and told her the address of the detective agency.

   The little girl breathed a sigh of relief, and was glad that Lu Li was not persecuted, followed by a trace of regret.

   "We agreed to find you as soon as possible, my name is Wei Er!" Worried that Lu Li would rise, Wei Er had to be careful to please Lu Li again.

   "Okay Wei'er." Lu Li nodded, didn't stop, and left the rest room with the little girl and other children who brought him reluctantly.

   "Why don't you promise this gentleman, he's a good man—"

   A little girl's voice came from behind the iron door that was slowly closing.

   "That guy didn't lie."

   Walking to the beach outside, Anna's voice rang in his ears.

   "He's also an orphan, and should have sympathy for children in his own situation, if he's not just plain bad."

   Thinking back carefully, Richard is not a pure bad guy, but that doesn't change his crime of killing thousands of people.

   "Are you leaving?"

  The boy scout guarding the "camp" in the sewers said to Lu Li who came.


   "I wish you a smooth journey!" the little boy scout shouted straight like a guard.

   "Thank you." Lu Li replied, passing in front of him.

   and the little boy scouts, who felt some kind of egalitarian attitude, puffed out their chests even more proudly.

  Lu Li bowed his head and walked out of the broken fence gate, and the cold sea breeze was blowing on his face.

   "I have a hunch they won't survive the night."

   Lu Li suddenly whispered to Anna beside him.

   He wasn't sure if it was an inspired hunch or just a worry for a group of children.

   “But they have lived here for a long time,” Anna said.

  Lu Li shook his head gently: "Now is different from before."

   Even if it was only a week ago, most people's troubles were only the disaster of the night.

   "What do you want to do?" Anna's voice sounded in her ear.

  Before Lu Li answered, the sound of flapping wings sounded from the fog, from far to near, it became clearer than the waves.

  A black crow emerged from the mist and landed on the oil lamp that Lu Li was carrying. The bamboo tube tied to the leg indicates the identity of the black crow.

  Lu Li reached out and took out the note from the bamboo tube and unfolded it beside the oil lamp.

  【New event in Belfast area: Scarlet Hut】

  【Difficulty: Unknown】

  【Information degree: 3%】

  【Information Known】

  [3%: The hut itself is just weird]

  【Neighboring investigators choose whether to explore the event, and nearby investigators choose whether to avoid the event】

   The Investigator Base has released a new event, but there is more to it than this one.

  【New event in Belfast area: Ghouls】

  【Difficulty: Easy】

  【Information: 100%】

  【Information Known】

  【10%: The source of ghouls comes from the small town of Skorfen in the central region of the Lord’s Continent】

  [5%: Ghouls will attack all life, only a certain instinct exists]

   [25%: They are transformed from infected humans, fragile bodies, but extremely resilient, and will only die if their hearts are injured]

  【10%: If you are scratched by a ghoul, you will be infected and transformed into a ghoul】

  【50%: Human beings who are scratched will not become ghouls immediately, they usually will be completely transformed in several stages, roughly 1~2 days. Humans during the incubation period do not show significant differences and are not contagious]

  【Neighboring investigators choose whether to explore the event, and nearby investigators choose whether to avoid the event】

   (end of this chapter)