Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 531: 108. The man from hell

   Chapter 531 One hundred and eight. The man from hell

   Hades had been to hell, not by way of death.

   "This is what you said... the passage?" Ruth stared suspiciously at the tombstone, no one in **** does that. "Who is Hades?"

   "The one who proves the existence of the passage." Lu Li glanced around, and there was nothing strange and abrupt.

   So is it down there?

  Lu Li picked up a stone thorn and dug the gravel in front of the tombstone.

  Ruth stood by and watched, the gravel rose, and there was a sudden sound of hitting a hard object in the pit dug by Lu Li.

   A section of skeleton covered in sand was revealed.

  Ruth stared suspiciously at Lu Li, he picked up another piece of stone and dug out the skeleton.

   "The Hunger Devil's Bones."

  Ruth looked at the pile of bones that Lu Li had thrown aside and said.

   After excavating the entire skeleton, Lu Li continued to dig downwards. Before long, the sound of hitting a hard object was heard again and again at the bottom of the pit, with a hollow sound.

   Ruth raised her eyebrows lightly and turned her head to the bottom of the pit.

   Lu Li brushed his palm on the sand at the bottom of the pit, revealing a wooden board.

   The index finger tapped, there was a hollow tapping sound, and the board was empty.

   Ruth suddenly turned and walked away, pulled out the holster, and eliminated the hungry demons who were wandering around.

   A few minutes later, Ruth, who had cleaned up all the activities around her, returned to the tomb. Lu Li had cleared the perimeter of the plank and lifted the plank.

   A low, narrow and dark space is revealed under the wooden board.

  The walls showed obvious signs of being excavated by hand, but the progress was slow. The sand and stone only existed on the ground floor, and the bottom was cooled magma rock. The iron pick and shovel were still not far below, exposing a corner.

   Some wooden boxes were piled up in the corners, covered with a layer of dust. In the deepest part, a black carved door like a religious legend is printed on the wall.

   Ruth had a hunch that the door was the key to Lu Li's return to the world.

   Lu Li jumped into the cellar and approached the obsidian-like stone door on the wall.

  What is engraved on it, it is difficult to see in the dark.


   A piece of dust fell from the hole, Ruth jumped down, and looked at Lu Li who turned back.

   "Come in and see more clearly." She stood up while half squatting, ignoring the stone door that Lu Li was concerned about, and walked to the wooden box to open it.

   Coins engraved with the portrait of MacDonald I filled wooden boxes.

  I want to come and put this stuff in the other boxes.

  Ruth whistled in an odd tone that could not be sarcasm or compliment: "His name is Hades, isn't he? Hiding money in hell...what a genius."

  There is nothing more reassuring than hiding your money in hell.

   And Hades, who regards money as his life, can indeed do such a thing.

   looked back, Lu Li was close to Shimen. There was a strange feeling in the eyebrows. The enhanced perception told Lu Li to touch this door and he would return to it.

   "This is the door?" Ruth, who looked back at Lu Li, found the Shimen he had been observing for a long time.


   Lu Li nodded and turned to face him: "The journey is over."

  As these words sounded, Ruth pursed her lips, and suddenly felt a little melancholy in her heart.

  This journey is really exciting, but unfortunately it is too short.

  Lu Li just took a step in the vast hell, and the distance he walked was not even a corner.

   If you compare it to the human world, Lu Li has not even left the range of Mount Sugard.

   and many of the acquaintances that Lu Li planned to meet in **** never showed up. Like Oliver, like Sarah and Adam.

  The latter are just characters in the Shadow of Manipulation story, they don't necessarily exist. The former died in the Elm Forest. If he was still alive in hell, he should be thousands of miles away at the moment, belonging to the land of the "Elm Forest".

   "Are you going back?" Lu left the exit.

  Ruth seemed to move, but she still shook her head and refused: "I... Forget it. There is no place in the world worth my nostalgia. I will live well in hell, even though I am weak."

  Ruth is not a demon. As a soul, she will only become a ghost when she returns to the world, and then she will follow the same path as Anna.

   That is by no means a comfortable path.

  Lu Li no longer persuaded Ruth to decide, and nodded lightly to her: "Goodbye."

   He turned and walked towards the stone door. Behind him, Ruth waved to the back.

   "Wish me to become stronger, maybe I can accept you as a younger brother when you die."

  Lu Li's soul became illusory for a while, and then completely disappeared into this small and dark space.


  Ruth let out a breath, glanced at the wooden boxes, curled her lips relentlessly, climbed back to the ground, and pushed the excavated mounds and bones back into the pit to restore them to their original state.

   put her hand on her forehead and looked at the black disaster volcano like a mountain in the distance. This time she no longer hesitated and hesitated.

   Now she has a way out and a safe house.


   "Nine hundred sixty, nine hundred seventy, nine hundred eighty...a thousand shillings."

  Watch Town, Passionate Haders Detective Agency, a silhouette of counting money is projected on the curtains on the second floor.

   In his hand, there is also the change on the table, which is Hades' harvest for the whole day today.

On the other side of the    mountain, when horrors and disasters came, and everyone was in panic and fear, Hades was one of the few people who could not be assimilated by despair.

   In other words, he is very happy now.

   Counted the shillings twelve more times, and Hades held them in front of him, took a deep breath, grinned intoxicatedly, and showed his golden teeth: "It's the smell of money."

   He started thinking about renting out all the rooms on the second floor tomorrow, except the bedroom, and the fake bedroom stuffed with fake gold bricks.

   That would at least bring you hundreds of extra benefits——

When    was thinking about something, a strong sense of unease suddenly appeared in Hades' heart.

   This kind of uneasy premonition has arisen many times, usually because his property has been violated.

   Being in danger is another hunch.

   "Why do you feel uneasy? Could it be the refugees who escaped from Belfast living downstairs!"

   Hades stood up in panic, knocking down the wooden chair behind him.

Before running downstairs, he didn't forget to hide today's harvest in his socks, then stuffed the socks into the worn and patched coat, and threw the coat to the **** heap in the corner, then picked up the oil lamp and left the bedroom, hurriedly ran. Go downstairs.


  The wooden ladder shook and Hades stood at the corner of the stairs. In the hall furnished by the pub sat many citizens who had escaped from Belfast, some tossing and turning, and some chatting in a low voice.

   "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Seventeen, no less."

   Hades muttered to himself, suddenly feeling a shudder.

  My Treasure and Secret Treasure!


   Darkness surged around him, and strange whispers echoed in his ears.

  Although the situation is not good, the appearance of the catastrophe in the night shows that Lu Li has really returned to the world.

  Lu Li remained calm. At this time, he should still be in the state of soul, which can avoid the invasion of the disaster of the night.

   At this moment, the sound of the door opening echoed, and a figure with an oil lamp appeared beside the door.

   "Lu Li!? Why are you in my treasure house!"

   Hades let out a piercing scream like a nervous breakdown.

   "You son of a bitch, break into my empty door!"

   (end of this chapter)