Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 604: One hundred and eighty one. They hid

   Chapter 604 One hundred and eighty one. They hid

   On the way to the safe house, Lu Li observed the street, which was occasionally seen before, but the figure of the guard who maintained the apparent order of the paradise had disappeared at this time.

   Paradise is transitioning from false pretense to true fear.

The    rules are further weakened, and there are more and more weirdos on the streets that no longer have the image of human bodies. The evil atmosphere is mixed together, as if to pull the king city into the inner world.

  It is normal for those who still maintain the appearance of humans or animals to be coveted and tempted, and Anna has to release the breath of resentment to avoid trouble. As for the "horses pulling carts", it took off its disguise as early as when Lu Li and Anna were at Amples Noble Bank because of a strange attack, revealing a huge centipede-like body.

   These indeed made the coveted eyes looking at the carriage no longer appear.

   An hour before dawn, the carriage arrived at the block where the clothing store was located.

   "Wait a minute..."

  Anna immediately became vigilant when she saw the broken glass and the mess behind the window. Let Lu Li stay on the carriage, step off the carriage alone, and walk into the clothing store on the broken glass.

   The dark fissure that expanded after the collapsed clock was the most eye-catching. Anna searched the store and walked up to the second floor, and found a pool of blood in front of the window.

  The bloodstains stretched all the way to the broken window frame. Anna stuck her head out and found the dark red bloodstains dried on the edge of the eaves, as well as the broken clothes corners.

   After searching the other rooms, Anna returned to the downstairs street and told Lu Li what she found.

   There was blood, and Reid and others disappeared...

   "Ask the 'residents' nearby."

   If they were attacked, it was impossible to make too little movement.

  Hope things don't get too bad...

  Because all the nearby residents had been cleaned up, Lu Li and Anna found the surviving residents in houses farther away.

   "What happened to the clothing store?" Lu Li asked.

   "You...too slow..." The weird and vague answer standing in front of the door was gnawing at his fingers horribly, and his left hand had been torn apart and only bones were left.

   "The meat was eaten by..."

   "Tell us in detail what happened."

   Strange greed swept across the bodies of Lu Li and Anna, requesting: "An...arm..."


  Lu Li calmly agreed and walked into the house with Anna.

   Weird sat down at the dining table, spat out a phalanx, and lay down with the five or six phalanges scattered on the table. It told them vaguely and slowly what had happened about half an hour ago.

   Only one human was found and eaten.

  Lu Li and Anna got key information, the others are still undiscovered, they may still be safe.

After    awkwardly finished speaking, Weird began to ask Lu Li for his arm, Anna glanced at Lu Li, stood up and walked behind Weird.

   After a while, Lu Li and Anna appeared in front of the house.

   There is not much time left, they have to find the missing Red and others as soon as possible, in the first 20 minutes of dawn. In any case, Lu Li had to go to the five o'clock block and get there before the final evacuation.

   Back at the door of the clothing store, Lu Li and Anna continued to search for other subtle clues, such as food and warm clothes that were not taken away, as well as marks.

  Ana searched the surrounding houses and basements that had been cleared out, but found no traces or signs of them.

   "Ask witnesses." Lu Li said.

   First know who died, if not one of York and Red——

"It's Reid." Anna suddenly said, she found a few strands of brown hair under the broken glass outside the window, it was Reid's hair, after a moment of regret, Anna asked Lu Li: "York they are still alive... They will go where?"

   "Go back to where he should be." Lu Li stared at the short hair in silence.

   "Shutes University." Anna said the answer.

  The place is relatively closed, and York is familiar with it. It is indeed the most likely choice for them who were attacked by weirdness to hide in Shuteus University.

   But it would be a waste of time to get into Shuteus University. If they weren't there, there wouldn't be enough time left for them to look elsewhere - Lu Li could only abandon these survivors and go straight to the evacuation point.

  Ana waited for Lu Li to make a decision. Soon, Lu Li got into the carriage and headed to Shutesi University, which was half a block away.

   There was an episode on the road - maybe it was an outsider, maybe it was sheltered by Lu Li, and there were three survivors hiding in a grocery store near Shutes University.

   It's just that they are extremely xenophobic, and even if Lu Li revealed his identity, he did not gain trust.

  Lu Li didn't have much time to delay, and only told them to go to the five o'clock block before dawn, where the last evacuation would take place.

After    Lu Li left, he hid in the grocery store disguised as a weird survivor and talked and said, "Could he not lie to us?"

   "If he is a monster... can he eat us directly?"

   "Two idiots, he is testing us! How could the king give up this city, we just have to wait and wait for the royal family to come to us with an exorcist..."


  The carriage stopped at the gate of the campus of Huates University. Anna accompanied Lu Li into the academy and went directly to York's office, where York and others were most likely to hide.

   Walking past the garden, there are many fewer figures in the academy. After humans were preyed on, most of the monsters chose to leave, leaving only a few monsters who had no intention of preying on them - this place has indeed become safer than the outside world.

   knock knock --

   Lu Li knocked on the wooden door of the office.

   There was a slight noise in the room, and it quickly disappeared into the silence.

   So Lu Li said the secret code he had agreed with York: "Where is your sanity counter?"


The sound of    finally sounded again, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps and the sound of heavy objects being moved from behind the door, and the door opened.

   "I knew you could find it!"

   York looked as if he had found the backbone, and the other survivors also stood in the room with a happy expression.

   He excitedly said to Lu Li, "Did you see it? There are only a dozen monsters left here. It's safe here and we can hide—"

   "Wangcheng was abandoned, and the last evacuation was at six o'clock." Lu Li interrupted York's words and looked at the alarm clock on the desk that was behind the door: "Is the time right?"

   The time points to 5:40, 20 minutes before dawn.

   "What?" York was stunned, and realized what Lu Li said: "Of course, I just proofread it yesterday..."

   "Wangcheng has been abandoned. The last evacuation will be at the five o'clock block in twenty minutes. We should leave." Lu Li said while looking at York's frozen expression.

   " is it possible...there are millions of people here!"

  Although York refused to believe that the royal family and the three major organizations would do this, he still chose to follow Lu Li, who trusted Lu Li more.

   The group crowded into the monster carriage and were carried straight to the five o'clock block.

  The urgent time squeezed the emotions of the people in the carriage. At a certain moment, they, like the others in the royal city, suddenly felt the vibration from the ground.

   A dull tremor came from the depths of the earth, as if something was waking up.

   (end of this chapter)