Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 664: 241. Inspiration from books

   Chapter 664 Two hundred and forty-one. Inspiration from the book

  The silence of the new day fades away.

  Shimfast's soldiers knocked on the doors of residents who registered babies, though they usually got results before they knocked.

  If it is very quiet inside, it is very likely that the couple behind the door escaped by luck. If there is crying inside, it means a nightmare is coming.

   This is not absolute, but most of them are.

  Infants who died in the silent time were buried in Shymfast Cathedral, and the priests deliberately carved out a clearing in the northwest corner of the cemetery.

  The place is known as the "resting place", and it is said that nearby residents occasionally hear the sound of children playing and laughing from the "resting place". This once caught the attention of the exorcist, but upon investigation found nothing.

   "They never left us, they just accompanied us in another way. These lovely lives will be remembered by all..."

   In front of more than 20 sad and sobbing couples, the priest and the nun prayed together,

   Compared with the previous days, there are far fewer people attending the funeral, because the number of dead babies is decreasing day by day.

   But that's not because people found a way, it's because there are fewer and fewer babies.

   The cemetery was almost packed with parents attending the funeral the other day. The sky also fell icy drizzle, like the gods are also weeping.

   "How many babies do we have?"

   Outside the cemetery, there was an inquiring sound with metallic echoes under the armor.

   "Less than two hundred." Another soldier answered him.

   "It's fake... There are millions of Sims now." The soldier didn't believe it.

   "No, it's true. I overheard the town hall people talking on duty this morning." The sigh hit the helmet coldly. "Can you believe it? They were glad when they said this... glad there are more than 100 babies alive."

   "It's not too much, isn't it? The Time of Silence came a dozen times, and now every one of them is... lucky..." The soldier's words became dull and choppy. "My wife is five months pregnant..."

"that is too bad……"

   Another soldier raised his hand and patted his companion on the shoulder, the two pieces of metal made an uncomfortable rubbing sound.

   "There will be a solution, and those scholars are trying to figure it out."


   "Is this what you guys thought of?"

  City Hall, Office of the Deputy Mayor, O'Connor sneered and stared at the scholars across the desk: "Let the baby pass out with an adult dose of anesthetic every day before the hour of silence?"

   Seemingly unable to vent his anger, O'Connor slapped the table vigorously: "Even if I'm a politician, I know how much damage this can do to babies!"

  Bosys University, Jason, a professor of medicine, said helplessly: "We have no other way. Except for anesthesia, we have no way to make the baby fall asleep within ten seconds, and it must be stable for ten minutes."

   "Then think about it," O'Connor yelled, which didn't sound reasonable, but that's what politicians do.

   Scholars, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Jason stood up and said: "In fact, there is another, but the people may not accept..."

   "Why not—" Deputy Mayor O'Connor, who was about to get angry, suddenly thought of something and suppressed his emotions: "Let's talk about what it is first."

   "It was brought up by the exorcists who wanted to use monsters...weird powers to put babies to sleep."

   is not only unacceptable, if it is mentioned when the time of silence has just arrived, the angry people who are full of hatred for weirdness may even smash the stronghold of the exorcist alliance next door.

   But now, people who have experienced grief may be able to accept this?

   But apparently, borrowing weird powers is a last resort when there is no hope.

   "...Is there a better solution in other cities?"

Scholar Herbert Nagy replied: "It's all like this... I heard that there are places where the baby's mouth and nose are covered and suffocated... IMHO this is more dangerous. Compared with anaesthesia, although it may make the baby unable to sleep for a long time. Or brain damage and intellectual problems, but—"

   O'Connor waved him to stop talking nonsense, and asked the assistant to come over and call the exorcist next door.

   "You really intend to do that?" Professor Jason couldn't help but say.

   "Why not?" The always tough deputy mayor showed a soft side. "We're not parents who have lost children, and we shouldn't stop what they're doing for their children. By the way—"

  O'Connor stopped the assistant who was about to leave: "Don't forget to inform the group of nobles, they might be interested in life too."

   That way he would face much less resistance to issuing orders.

   In fact, there are far more inhabitants dying in silence than babies, maybe a dozen or twenty times.

   There are always some unlucky or poor people who accidentally make noises after the moment of silence, and then disappear into the air worthless.

   But people obviously care more about the latter than the poor baby.

   After all, babies also represent hope.

  The world is bad enough that they can't let the last hope go away.


   The next afternoon, Anna came to the basement.

   "I hope you came here this time with the answer in mind."

After being relatively familiar with   , Celica Dallaire is no longer afraid of Anna.

  Anna nodded lightly, thinking and reading all night made her think of the answer: "I want to touch him."

"that is it?"

"that is it."

  Ana replied to the incomprehensible Celica Dallaire: "I am a wraith. I have no body and no touch, and my emotions are like a dry pool that cannot be replenished. Only possession can give everything for a short time."

   "So you will possess me..." Celica Dallaire suddenly understood why Anna wanted the man she loved out of safety. "The feeling of reappearing makes you unable to hold back your feelings for that so?"

  Anna nodded in response.

   "Maybe it doesn't have to be so troublesome..."

   Celica Dallaire stared at Anna's ruby ​​red eyes and asked tentatively, "Why don't you take me there? Then he doesn't need to risk—"

   The voice stopped abruptly, and a coldness suddenly wrapped Celica Dallaire. She seemed to have fallen into the bone-chilling icy water, and the suffocation that was hard to breathe surrounded her.

   Anna, who had experienced hundreds of deceit and lies in the memory of many people, stared at her coldly.

  Anna couldn't take Celica Dallaire to the sea cliffs. Then Remy might notice something, and Celica Dallaire, who became a new resident, would be a hidden danger - she couldn't control her all the time.

   "I just...want to help you..." Celica Dallaire said with difficulty.

   "Then don't think about it there." Anna replied coldly, dissipating her aura.

   Celica Dallaire took a deep breath as if alive, wrapping herself in the blanket, still shaking. She stopped bringing it up and said, "Do you have a better idea?"

   "There is indeed one."

   (end of this chapter)