Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 669: 246. "Trails" of Aunt Mary

   Chapter 669 Two hundred and forty-six. Aunt Mary's "Trace"

   [Shimfast has changed a lot, and the home has been occupied by other people, and everything has changed. I want to stay, but it's urging me... I should go, go to the wasteland and accept my destiny]

  【Lu Li, Anna, if you read this letter, please don’t come to me】

  It shouldn't be like this.

   Celica Dallaire felt a huge wave in her heart.

   This is not the same as what was said...

  In the adventure story prepared for Lu Li, Lu Li found the last letter. The time written on it made Lu Li understand that the four letters from Aunt Mary happened before she left the Ellen Peninsula by boat, not after the disaster. In the end, Lu Li and Anna, who had a false alarm, returned to their safe house and continued to live peacefully in the increasingly bad apocalypse.

   Now, the adventure story has been rewritten, instead of a full stop representing the ending, it turns into Aunt Mary falling into a weird conspiracy.

  The story continues…

   "Who is it..." Anna frowned, and the overflowing cold breath blew her cloak.

   "Maybe it was the existence that made Aunt Mary leave the boat." Lu Li read the fourth letter again, and stuffed the envelope back into his pocket.

   "She has..." Anna murmured.

   "I don't know, we don't know the time of these letters."

   But maybe it can be roughly deduced - Watching Town and Star Town have obviously been raided, and there is no reason why the two prominent letters placed on the window sill should be ignored by the survivors.

  Aunt Mary may not be away for long.

   "Is there always someone in the house?" Lu Li asked the old couple outside the door and the mother and daughter standing further away.

   The mother and daughter and the elderly couple spend most of their time in the house. After Lu Li asked if he had heard any strange noises in the past few days, the old couple recalled that they heard footsteps walking upstairs late last night.

   Their bedroom is under the study. At that time, they thought it was the other two residents who entered the study and ignored it.

   Maybe Aunt Mary came back secretly and left with the fourth letter.

   searched the study room again, and Lu Li, who had not found any other clues, carried Celica Dallaire with his back, and left the house.

   "Why did Aunt Mary go to the Badlands...

  " In the bustling street, Anna's muttering came from under the black robe.

   "The Avitannis will pass through the Badlands." Lu Li replied.

  Most ships going to the Lennon Islands will pass there, and some small ships will stop at the port to replenish resources.

  Maybe Aunt Mary got entangled in the Badlands port and left the ship.

   I just don’t know why Jojo and Aunt Mary still stayed on the boat and arrived at the Lennon Islands, and why Aunt Mary, who was entangled in weirdness, was able to return to the Ellen Peninsula.

  Aunt Mary's letter represents that she knows the weirdness that haunts her.

   Because of some kind of deal with weirdness?

   "Where are we going next?" Anna said.

   "The nearest port."

   If Aunt Mary had been here last night, she might have caught up.

   But before that, Celica Dallaire must be settled.

  Aunt Mary's house still has vacant rooms, and she can directly ask the governor of the Champs-Elysée block to arrange her residence.

  Lu Li asked the governor about the nearest port to Simfast that could go to sea. Leaving Celica Dallaire behind, head to the South Gate of Shymfast.

   "Miss, may I ask your name—" The governor was about to register Celica Dallaire.


   Celica Dallaire watched Lu Li disappear at the end of the street, the governor turned around and walked in the opposite direction of Lu Li.


  Celica Dallaire walked up to the scantily clad woman standing on the street and smelled of bad perfume and told her that she could send her to the Lennon Islands.

   No one can resist the lure of the Lennon Islands.

   "Why should I believe you." The woman asked cautiously.

   "You don't have to believe me, but you'd better believe them," Celica Dallaire said, taking a stack of shillings from her bosom.


  Anna felt that Aunt Mary might have left clues elsewhere, such as the manor. But there was nothing there except the humble longhouses that had been built.

   And when they reached the South Gate, they met Celica Dallaire who had been waiting for a long time.

   "You saved me, and I will help you too." Celica Dallaire limped towards Lu Li and Anna. "It's just a sprained foot, I can walk by myself."

   "Don't be brave." Lu Li said, no longer rejecting Celica Dallaire's insistence.

   The closest port to Shymfast to sea is Port Hope: a newly established bay port to the south.

   However, the Hope Port currently only has a route with the Prince Fantas Port of the Lord’s Continent. If you want to go to the Barren Land, you have to transfer at the Prince Fantas Port.

   took Celica Dallaire away from Shymfast, walked two or three miles away, and flew to Port Hope, fifty miles away when no one saw her.


  Port of Hope.

   Its name carries people's expectations.

   In addition to the lingering fishy smell in the port, there is also a strong smell of tung oil.

   Because everything is new here.

  Lu Li and Anna find the port manager. Exciting news: indeed a Lady Mary had left the port by boat, just about half an hour ago.

   They have a chance to catch up with Aunt Mary.

   The person in charge told them that the next ship to leave the port would be in an hour and a half.

   went to the ticket office to buy three tickets, and Lu Li and the others temporarily stopped at a newly opened hotel outside the port.

  Lu Li ate some food, but felt a little sleepy after eating. He asked Anna to keep an eye on the innkeeper, woke him up before boarding the ship, and fell asleep on the single bed.

   Sleeping Lu Li's breathing became steady.

   At a certain moment, a shadow quietly left Celica Dallaire's feet.

   Celica Dallaire, who regained control, first looked at Lu Li who was asleep, with a sad look in her eyes.

   "Is that doctor dead..."

   "He just fell asleep." The voice under the black robe was cold.

   "Will I be the second?"

   did not get an answer.

Celica Dallaire might have guessed something, and she wanted to change this: "I can see that you love him...but you risk taking the man you love out of safety and putting him at even greater risk... Is it worth it?"

  Anna shook her head silently.

   "He shouldn't stay at Wanghai Cliff..."

  "…" Celica Dallaire was horrified as Ana revealed their location.

Anna continued to say: "He should be like a hero, walking on a hopeless land, saving strangers who have never met, helping all those in need, treating all existences equally even if they are weird... not hiding in safety house, waiting for the end that I don't know when."

   "Mr. Lu Li is just an ordinary—"

   "He should be a hero."

  Anna interrupted Celica Dallaire, her ruby-like eyes burning like fire: "And I'll help him become a hero."

   "Like a seance rope."

   (end of this chapter)