Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 70: 70. Then close the net

   Chapter 70 Seventy. Then close the net


  The youth was shocked by the cruel reality and speechless.

  There is no room in front of you, but the corridor is gradually becoming narrower, and the original normal passage can only accommodate two people walking side by side.

The    formation changed, Lu Li naturally walked in front, and the youth fell behind.

The    corridor continued to narrow as they went deeper, to a width that could only accommodate one person.

  The young man faintly felt that something was wrong, he called out to Lu Li, and put his palms on the wall covered with graffiti.

   After a few seconds, his face turned blue: "The walls are closing!"

   "It's just a mechanism for the ghost house to trick people, it can't be closed."

   Lu Li, who didn't take part in the plot of entering the ghost house, replied.

   He's the kind of person who would just watch a horror movie and say that these are just fictitious ghosts and victims you see are actors pretending to be——

   The young man forced a smile and wanted to say something, but suddenly turned his head to look at Shi Lu, his face suddenly contorted with fear.

  I don't know when, the boundless blood slapped the wall behind him, and swallowed it violently.

   "My! Run!" the youth screamed.

  Lu Li glanced at the terrified young man, and looked at the rushing blood.


   Neither the wall that was gradually squeezing in the middle nor the overturned blood behind him seemed to be real.

  Although this kind of hallucination is a little childish, there is finally a ghost that looks a little useful.

   "Quick! Run!"

   The youth's path was blocked by Lu Li. In order not to be regarded as a pig teammate, Lu Li had to keep walking quickly.

Fifty meters later, there was an empty space around him, the young man gasping for breath, looking at the blood that had disappeared behind him, trembling: "What the **** is going on, aren't we in the ghost house, why is there such horror? The thing... where is this!?"

   He suddenly noticed the same thing around him.

   This is a courtyard that resembles the outside world.

   The dim yellow light pretending to be the sun is pouring overhead, and the surrounding walls are painted with fences and dead trees, as well as the forest in the distance.

  Lu Li found another exit next to the exit they came out of, which may be the exit of the player who chose to take the left.

  The layout of the yard is very simple, a backyard full of fallen leaves and dead branches, and a damp and dilapidated ancient well.

   This scene is enough to arouse the fear of most people.

   "This is..." The youth's lips trembled.

   "The last note hiding spot."

   Stepping on the rotting and silent leaves, Lu Li approached the dry well and looked down from the wellhead.

  In the bottomless depths, a pale figure was climbing on the wet and slippery well wall like a snake, and quickly approached the well surface.

   Lu Li has seen it twice, this white-skirted female ghost rushes around, it's really hard for it.

   It approached the well surface weirdly, with messy black hair gaps, a pale face that was bubbling white was revealed, grinning and pounced on Lu Li on the well surface!

   Seeing getting closer, Lu Li suddenly asked, "Where's the note?"


   The female ghost in the white dress made a subconscious action because of thinking. But it forgot that it was still wet on the wall of the well, and with the pause, its body began to fall.

   It quickly raised its hands, grabbed the edge of the well with both hands and hung it with difficulty.

   "Help, do me a favor—" The white-skirted female ghost raised her head and asked Lu Li, who bowed her head by the well, for help.

   "Where's the note?" Lu Li repeated the same sentence.

   "I'm a staff member, not a ghost.

   "Where's the note?"

   "If you don't save me, you will harm others!"

  Lu Li didn't repeat the reading, and replied, "I don't think it would be illegal to wait for a ghost to die."

   The female ghost in the white dress gritted her teeth and decided to climb up on her own.

  How could Lu Li make her wish, pick up a broken wooden stick from the ground and stab it down like a sword.

   "Ouch! Ouch! It hurts! Wait, wait, I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you! Let me go up first!" The white-skirted female ghost couldn't dodge and had to shout loudly after being stabbed more than a dozen times.

  Lu Li stopped temporarily, stepped back a little and watched silently as the white-skirted female ghost climbed ashore. The latter hesitated for a while, but still took out a note from his hair.

   "This is a cursed note, whoever picks it up will be punished—" When he wanted to say something cruel, he saw Lu Li raising the stick again, and subconsciously changed his words in fear: "Be cursed and be happy for the rest of your life."

   "Thank you." Lu Li thanked, dropped the branch and took the note.

   "You cleared the level."

   The white-skirted female ghost said in a complicated tone, sighed, and turned to walk towards the narrow passage when she came.

  The background is bleak and lonely.

   "We've cleared the customs, we don't have to be afraid anymore."

  The young man who has been paddling so far let out a long sigh of relief, pretending to exhale softly: "Huh? There is still a room in front."

  The door on the wall was dark behind the door, and it felt a little weird.

   "Maybe there is the exit, let's go and see!"

   Leather-clothed Love Years muttering what a dead character would normally say, approaching the door, turning his head frequently to imply that Lu Li would follow.

  Lu Li put the three notes together and followed the youth into the door.

   The room was pitch black with no light source. In this scenario, Lu Li turned on the oil lamp.

  The light of the oil lamp spreads out and reflects back.

  Lu Li stood still and did not take a defensive posture. This is a mirror room, with rectangular mirrors scattered all around, and the blurred mirrors show Lu Li's figure and the light of the oil lamp in all directions.

  Lu Li saw the young man following him at the same time. But not in front, but behind... himself.

   "Tell you a secret quietly..."

The young man sneered in a low voice, his complexion gradually turned pale, his face was hideous, the corners of his mouth were cracked, the flesh stubble spread outwards, and the cold aura emanated outwards. I am a ghost."

   "I'll tell you a secret too." Lu Li stared straight at the young man in the mirror in front of him, reached out to his waist, removed the holster, and held the flintlock gun. "Actually...I'm an exorcist."

  The youth's change stagnated for a while, and he said, "...Really?"

   "If it is a fake replacement."

   "Why do exorcists use guns..."

   "It looks like a flintlock gun on the surface, but it's actually an exorcism gun." Lu Li picked up the holster, "Deal with the ghost, one bullet at a time."

  The youth began to degenerate into his original human form, and with a crying tone, he flinched: "...Will I forgive me if I apologize to you?"

  Lu Li turned around and raised the muzzle: "I'll count to three, and then I'll shoot."

   The young man who was retreating didn't even want to turn his head and run away.

   He thought very well, even if he couldn’t escape, he could ask before the countdown—


   A dull sound followed the gunshot.



   Ghost House, a secret room.

  In the dim light, four ghosts gathered together, secretly spied on everything that happened in the mirror room.

  The silence lasted for a while, and suddenly, at a certain moment, gunshots rang out, causing a commotion in the room.

   "He's here to catch us!"

   "We were discovered... we were discovered..."

   "Are we going to be broken up!"

   "He has a gun! We're dead!"

  The sound of crying, the sound of knocking down tables and chairs, and the sound of shouting and shouting mingled together, and the four ghosts had no masters and were full of despair.

   (end of this chapter)