Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 706: Two hundred and eighty-three. However, t

  Chapter 706 Two hundred and eighty-three. However, the end of the devastated earth has long been doomed

   "Girl's Shadow attacked lawyers and professors in Ke'ande Jingdian City yesterday and this morning."

  On the edge of the old river plain, under the umbrella of a withered acacia tree, Lu Li talked with the merchant.

   "Is that the code name of the new evil spirit?"


   "Kande Jingdian City, what's the story there?"

  Lu Li has never heard Anna mention it, and Anna has never been there,

  Maybe it was a story written in the background of Ke'an De Jingdian City that impressed Anna deeply?

   "170 years ago, the coup d'état took place in the city of Ke'an Dejingdian, and the Kingdom of Eloria was separated from the independent city-state. The coup d'état was seven members of the city-state council—"

   "Is there a love story that is impressive enough to be written into a book?" Lu Li interrupted the businessman, Anna was obviously not interested in politics.

   "...The Chloe Massacre." Maybe no one ever bought a love story from the merchant, and it paused for a dozen seconds. "During the coup, a teenage girl named Cloche from the conservative camp was guillotined, and the executioner was her lover. In the end, the executioner killed the beloved in order not to cause trouble for the family members, and committed suicide at home that night. Written 140 years ago as "The Tragedy of Cloche"."

   may be right.

   So Ana attacked the upper floors of Ke'an De Jingdian City - they were all former vested interests.

   Separated from the merchant, Lu Li stepped into the wilderness called Plain.

  The old river plain used to be the most rainy place in this land. If life in a desert is an oasis, life in a barren land is an old river plain.

   But over time, something happened, the snow and ice in the world's Back Ridges stopped melting so far, and the old river plains gradually became a thing of the past.

  Loli walks on the plain, and dry riverbeds can be seen everywhere.

   On the sheepskin map, there are many villages and towns marked on the Old River Plain. However, most of the villages and towns have been abandoned after the third catastrophe.

   At least one of the villages that Lu Li passed by was empty.

  Empty villages are more uncomfortable than the wilderness. Lu Li did not enter the village, but went around from the periphery.

  Lu Li walked all the way, saw uninhabited villages, saw wolves passing by a few miles away, saw old sailboats stranded on the riverbed in the old river channel, and saw some holes that could not be understood how they were formed.

   They are like wounds in the earth, not dense, but distributed everywhere in this plain. Some holes are the size of a fist, some are big enough to hold the next house.

   Without exception, they are bottomless, as if reaching the center of the earth.

   Fortunately, they are conspicuous enough not to become traps and devour the unsuspecting.

   But these weird, disturbing holes reminded Lu Li of old news from a long time ago: Badlands Nightmare Incident, Bottomless Abyss.

   Thirty-two investigators died and seventeen retired from that incident.

   But Lu Li didn't feel the strong urge to "get into it" as the investigator described.

   Maybe they are not the first bottomless abyss to appear, maybe Lu Li keeps enough distance from them, maybe high human nature helps Lu Li resist their temptation.

  In the afternoon, the advancing Lu Li stopped briefly, pursing his dry and broken lips and looking into the distance: In the distance of the earth, a meandering river flows from south to north in the opposite direction.

   This is the river introduced to solve the third scourge.

   The new river was not marked on the parchment map, and if its path was similar to the old one—crossing the river and heading northeast for less than 150 miles, it would be the destination of Luli.

   He took out the half-jug of water bladder to moisten his mouth, and Lu Li continued to set off.

   In addition to the breeze on the wilderness plain, the sound of the flowing river gradually sounded in my ears. An hour later, Lu Li arrived at the shore.

  The river flows from south to north, with a humid sea breeze.

   You don’t need to hold up the water to taste it to know it’s salty.


   reminded Lu Li of the frequent evil spirit broadcasts at the beginning.

  Land Li to observe the river water. Its width is less than 50 meters, and it is difficult to see the bottom of the river covered with sediment, but the river is not too deep, usually not more than 10 meters.

  Have to cross the river to keep going, or go back to the furthest reaches 150 miles away - but that's almost impossible.

   Waiting for the silent ceremony to leave, Lu Li began to prepare for crossing the river.

   Four psychic guns were thrown across the bank, in order to reduce weight and reduce the chance of being damaged by blisters - if they hadn't been broken.

  Straw dolls and "lighthouses", oil lamps were wrapped in oilcloth by Lu Li and placed close to the body to avoid loss of function and loss due to accidents. The cloak was left on the shore.


   Reach out to stir the river water, the temperature is on the cool side, you should wring out your clothes as soon as possible after landing to avoid body temperature imbalance.

   Sitting on the bank and soaking in the river water, waiting for the body to get used to the temperature without cramping, Lu Li jumped into the river and swam to the opposite bank.

  The river water is not turbulent, but the turbidity makes it difficult to observe the situation in the water.

   Swim to the middle of the river, suddenly a soft touch brushed from Lu Li's fingertips. Raise your palm, there's no silt or anything on it.

  Land Li accelerates swimming.

   Suddenly, Lu Li on the water surface sank into the water, as if something was dragging him down. A few seconds later, a dull sound rang out from the water, and a one-meter-high splash of water exploded on the river surface.

   Lu Li resurfaced and panted, holding the psychic gun that shot empty bullets in his raised hands.

   He had no time to find the attacker, threw a psychic gun into the water, and continued to swim to the other side ten meters away.

  This is not Lu Li's home ground, even if the Doomsday Book of Revelation has increased his power. All Lu Li could do was speed up and swim to the other side.

   When he was less than five meters from the shore, his body slammed into the water again.

   The source of this drag is on the "lighthouse" on the left hand.

   Lu Li squinted to observe, but the turbid river water was difficult to see clearly. He tried to burn humanity, but the brilliance could not penetrate the tarpaulin.

   He pulled out the last psychic gun with his right hand and pulled the trigger towards the source of power.

   Nothing happened, the psychic gun submerged in the water failed.

The    force dragged the land away, and was about to be dragged into the depths of the river. He could only loosen the palm of his grip on the "lighthouse", swing his legs to break free from the river water, breathe the cold air, and climb wetly to the shore.

   coughed out the uncomfortable seawater in his mouth and trachea, and retreated from the river bank.

  The river water mixed with sediment can't see anything, and nothing seems to happen.

   A gust of breeze blew, and the clothes dripping from the river clinged to the body, revealing the outline and taking away the body heat.

  Lu Li took off his clothes and wrung them dry, put them on crumpled, and then went to pick up the four psychic guns scattered on the shore.

  The bad thing was that they all malfunctioned, and what was even more dangerous was that a psychic gun exploded after Lu Li pulled the trigger, and the chamber exploded irregularly like a horn.

  The still damp clothes are robbing Lu Li of his body temperature, and a lot of trouble awaits him: night, weird fog, malfunctioning psychic gun. Compared to these, hypothermia is even trivial.

   He should back up, go back to a nearby town for repairs and supplies, and then set off.

   (end of this chapter)