Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 717: 8. Horror Collision

   Chapter 717 Eight. Horror Collision

  The heat wave from the magma sea radiates to the whole underground world.

   This is intuitively reflected in the stone pillars that support the world. The rock mass near the magma sea is more fragile and mottled. With the slightest touch of the palm, the dry stones fell off like fragments and fell to the city tens of meters below.

  The hot wind with the smell of sulfur blew the tips of his hair, and Lu Li looked down at the underground world.

   The city of the lost giant is located in the center of the underground world. On one side is the downstream magma sea, the distance is distorted by the heat wave, and it is impossible to see whether there is the other side. On the other side upstream is illuminated by a river of magma, extending into the grey depths.

   The slightly narrower ends are also more than ten miles wide.

   The shape of the underground world is like a wide river.

  Lu Li stared into the depths of the underground world.

   If it wasn't for the conspicuous city, he should have walked upstream after coming out of the hole.

   Looking back, Lu Li continued up the spiral stone steps.

  The height of the stone pillar is about 600 meters. The steps are as large as the city below, about 1.5 times the size of human buildings. Thicker rock steps allow the spiral steps to preserve the bulk even after centuries of erosion.

   This wholeness becomes incomplete at 100 meters from the ground.

  Cracks and shedding on the steps can be seen everywhere. Stepping on the side near the magma sea is like a scorched bread crust. In the crisp sound, the stone skin is broken into powder, leaving conspicuous footprints.

   Starting from a height of 200 meters, the hot air flow from the magma sea is even more turbulent, just like the hot wind passing through the door in a hot summer.

  The surface of the coat became wet and warm, and it would be completely dried in ten minutes.

   Near the middle of the pillar, some disturbing changes take place.

   The steps under my feet suddenly trembled, and the rubble bounced up.

  Lu Li suddenly accelerated his pace and climbed up a dozen stone steps, but the shaking did not disappear.

  The rubble fell from the stone pillar above his head, and the source of the tremor was not the stone steps or the stone pillar, but the entire underground world.

   After tens of seconds, the tremors gradually stopped. The gravel dust that fell off the rock wall enveloped the entire underground world.

  The light from the magma sea casts a light yellow veil on the ground.

   On the edge of the veil, an inconspicuous black spot in the middle of the stone pillar stepped on the steps.

  Lu Li put down the arm that blocked his eyes, looked around the ground where the sandstorm was raging, and continued upward.

   In any case, flutter of unknown origin is not a good sign.

  Lu Li no longer retains his stamina, and moves up at a faster speed.

   But starting from 300 meters, Lu Li had to slow down. The breakage of the steps is more serious, and even missing corners and fragility are no longer a problem.

   A large number of stone steps fall off and sink. If you step on it with a little carelessness, it may collapse, and some can even see the bottom through the gap.

  This is not the hardest stage to go through. Standing in the square and looking up, the stone pillars start from the middle and upper section, the stone steps will be incomplete like a cliff, and there is a bare stone pillar nearly ten meters without any stone steps.

   Approaching a height of 400 meters, Lu Li had to test the strength of the stairs before he could fall on the center of gravity.

   But the accident still happened at 450 meters.

   The sturdy stone steps that had been confirmed before suddenly collapsed, throwing Lu Li who was standing on it.

   The quick-response Lu Li climbed the edge of the stone steps with his right hand, leaving deep finger marks on the fragile surface. Fortunately, it was strong enough to carry Lu Li's entire weight, allowing Lu Li to hang at an altitude of more than 400 meters above the ground, and did not fall to the city below with the collapsed stone steps.

   Withdrew his gaze downward, Lu Li raised his left arm to climb the edge of the stone steps, and pulled his body up.

   And almost tens of seconds after he climbed the safety stone steps, the second shock came.

  Because he came here once, this time Lu Li vaguely felt the source of the vibration—the upper reaches of the underground world.

   The second shock was stronger than the first. The entire underground world was like a steam train running on the rails, but it only lasted for a dozen seconds and disappeared in a hurry, leaving behind a ground occupied by sand and gravel.

  Dark dust permeates the underground world, and the visibility suddenly shrinks to less than 100 meters, isolating the individual from the world like the end of the day. The light from the magma sea pulls the long and narrow shadow of the land and projects it into the dust.

  The air became choking, Lu Li lowered his head, and continued upward after the vibration stopped.

   Whatever the source of the vibration, he will reach the top of the pillar before the third vibration.

   A few minutes later, the stone pillar is 500 meters away.

  Lu Li was only a hundred meters away from the top of the stone pillar.

   is also the hardest part of the road to climb.

   Most of the incomplete stone steps only have their roots, which are like steep cliffs. Although there are stone steps that seem to be relatively complete at intervals, no one knows whether they can carry Lu Li or a deadly trap before stepping on them.

  Lu Li clings to the stone pillar and moves up layer by layer.

   The time it takes to walk from the ground floor to a height of 100 meters is only two and a half circles at a height of 500 meters, and a height of 10 meters.

   The third underground tremor happened ten minutes later, but it was not as violent as Lu Li imagined, even milder than the first one, as if the crisis was over.

   Only the sound of clamor echoing in the empty valley in the upper reaches means that the matter is not over.

  Lu Li released his arms gripping the rock wall and continued to climb upwards.

  Three minutes later, Lu Li climbed 570 meters up the stone pillar, and the rock wall was within reach.

   But the top of the head is nearly ten meters, only stone pillars protruding from the rock.

   and at the end of the upper reaches, the echoing din is getting louder and louder.

  Lu Li grabbed the protruding stones with both hands, and climbed up layer by layer in a spiral shape.

  Fortunately, the stone is still strong, only a small amount of stone skin has fallen off.

   Muscles gradually became sore, but Lu Li also got closer and closer to the stone steps above—until he circled from the magma sea to the upstream side.

  The echoing noise faded away from the sound of the terrain changed, and turned back to the most realistic tidal wash.

  The raging tide came from upstream and covered the sky.

   After watching this scene, Lu Li suddenly understood why the city that had been lost for hundreds of years was spotless.

   It is not the tide itself that is scary. They can't wash down the city, and they can't wash down the stone pillars.

   is the moment when the turbulent tide flows into the magma sea.

  The tide rushed forward dozens of meters with a loud rumbling every second, and reached the edge of the city in a blink of an eye.

  Lu Li accelerated his speed and climbed upwards, reaching the top of the bare stone pillar. He jumped up with his feet on the stone pillar and grabbed the edge of the incomplete stone steps.


   The stone stair clawed by his right hand fell off and broke, smashed on the stone stair below, bounced and rolled out, disappearing into the waves pouring into the city.


   At the same time, the front of the tide touched the magma sea, and a large white mist-like steam emerged.

   Climbed up the stone steps, and Lu Li, who was only 30 meters away from the upper floor, leaned forward, but he was embarrassed and ran up quickly, and the stone layers collapsed and shattered.

  The magma and the tide water officially collided, and the white mist that can be steamed and evaporated instantly rose, shot on the top of the rock wall, changed its shape, and spread to the surrounding——

  The underground world began to become sultry, and the steam mist was getting closer and closer to the stone pillar.

   And the dark upper space is in sight.

   The lighthouse glowed, Lu Li ran into the upper space, and jumped to the edge with force——

  The terrifying high-temperature steam rushed into the upper space behind him.

   (end of this chapter)