Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 791: 82. Sailing

   Chapter 791 Eighty-two. Sailing

   Follow the rust-covered cabin of the whale to the captain's cabin on the upper deck.

  The captain's room is equally bad. Time and environment have severely corroded it. Tables, chairs, beds, floors, rudders, and all wood products are like rotten and mutilated corpses in a humid environment, and they are devoured. The stuffed deer head hanging diagonally on the wall looked weird, and the sea breeze was squeezing into the captain's room through the broken window.

   Katarina's first time to the sea and sailing, but it was obviously not a wonderful experience.

   But it's better than the cabin, where the smell of rust and rust water dripping from the crumbling ceiling, and the eerie echoes, as if terrifying echoes from the deep sea.

   "Will it take us to Wiener Freeze Harbor?"

   asked Purseus, and he turned around several times, but couldn't find a place to sit. There was dampness everywhere that would make his hair wet and reflect the light of water under the oil lamp.


  Luri believes in whales just like Linna's tree.

   This kind of trust in weirdness may cost Lu Li a heavy price, but not now.

   "The one at Cape Storm...may be old." Katerina looked into the distance behind her. Before they left the bay, they could still see dozens of stars originating from stone pillars and ships.


   Lu Li was still observing the captain's room.

  The wooden bed or floor like a giant view is slippery like moss, stepping on the edge to squeeze out the water.

  The sea at night is colder than the land, full of humidity and cold wind. If you want to improve the environment, you must at least start a fire and seal the leaking windows.

   "This whale is weird..." Katerina stopped before she could say the offensive words. "...Storm Cape let it in and did nothing."

   "Perhaps whales are powerful?" said Prius.

  Because of his admiration for Lu Li, he has a high opinion of whales, and he is too big.

   "The gods will not tolerate any invasion unless the enemy can easily kill it."

  The sea breeze poured into Purse's ears, and he couldn't sit down and scratch, so he had to flatten his ears and say, "Whales don't seem to be as powerful as gods..."

   "So I say the gods may be old."

The experience of   Midnight City has made Katarina grow up, at least it was difficult for her to say such long and organized words before.

   "In that case we ought to tell those people..." said the good Physius.

   "A lot of people have seen this... whale, they'll think of it."

  Katerina said, looking at Lu Li, who was standing by the window looking at the deck that melted into the night: "What are you thinking?"

The    familiar scene did awaken some memories of Lu Li.

  These memories made Lu Li have an irrational idea: bypass Wiener Ice Free Port and go directly back to Belfast.

   But Lu Li knew that there were only ruins and the abandoned Wanghai Cliff.

   "Do whales repel weird fog?" Katarina asked.

   She was answered quickly. The distant stars were covered with mist, and it only took ten seconds to see them again. Darkness completely enveloped this rusty ship, but the strange mist did not board here.

  Lu Li handed the oil lamp to Katerina, opened the suitcase, took out the fluorite lamp that would not go out but was darker, and exchanged it with Katerina for the oil lamp.

"Where are you going?"

   "Walk around." Lu Li carried the oil lamp, ready to go to the cabin under the deck to have a look.

   Oliver's remains are still there.

   "Mr. Lu Li, I'm with you," said the little follower Ben Pusius.

   "...I'll go too." Katerina also said.

   She doesn't want to be alone.

   Putting down the suitcase, Lu Li and the others left the upper deck and walked into the cabin.

  Lu Li still remembers the road, after all, it was only a few months ago. But for the world and the whales, twenty-four years have passed.

  Corrosion is everywhere, rust is like clinging to rock walls, and the reddish-brown walls eroded by seawater and moisture are like the guts of giant creatures.

   Stepping on the stagnant water, Lu Li came to the end of the cabin on the first floor following the route he remembered.

The    cabin has long since disappeared, and Oliver's body has disappeared. Only the empty jar in the corner tells everything silently.

   "Where's Oliver's body?" Lu Li asked.

  The whale could not answer Lu Li.

   At this moment, the eldest sister, who was huddled in a cloak and covered her head to block the dripping water, suddenly said, "It said it left."

   "Leave?" Lu Li frowned.

   But the eldest sister can only understand emotions, and the whale can't express more complex emotions,

  Lu Li knew that Oliver was dead, and even if he became weird, he was no longer him.

  Whale said "leave" is more likely to be the original Swamp Mother sent it out of the swamp, Oliver's body was taken out.

  The eldest sister then conveyed the other emotions of the whale, which seemed to be the words of a whale asking for help.

  Whale hopes that Lu Li can go to the lower cabin to have a look.


  The submerged steps, the stagnant water floating in the dark yellow.

   It may be a leak, it may be too much water, it may be both. The hatches on both sides of the passage were tightly closed, and thick rust was crawling on it. To a certain extent, the rust helped the whales. They blocked the continuous seepage of the cabin, and prevented the seawater from dragging the whales to the bottom of the sea.

  The water was so deep that his calf was submerged, and when Prius jumped in, he probably only showed a pair of eyes.

  The environment in the lowest cabin is worse than expected.

   Lu Li understood the whale's request for help.

   "Where are the buckets."

   Following the whale's guide, Lu Li found the bucket in the utility room on the deck. The wooden barrels are corroded and the iron barrels can still be used.

  Find out the gloves in the suitcase and give them to Katerina, wrap your palms to avoid tetanus infection from cutting the skin, Lu Li and Katerina walked into the passage to help the whales clean up the stagnant water.

  Puseus was lighting the steps with two oil lamps.

  There is no pumping tool, they can only bring the original buckets to the deck and dump them out.

   It took several hours to clear the stagnant water down to the ankles, and Lu Li stopped them.

   They still didn't help the whales much because more water was stagnant in the rusted compartment and lower boiler room.

   These can only be processed at the shipyard after docking.

  The whale honked its whistle to say thanks.

   They couldn't find dry wood that could burn, and the only coal that could be used was in the lowest boiler room. Just find some wooden boards to block the windows of the captain's room and block the piercing sea breeze.

   Sitting in the tarpaulins, they simply added some water and food.

   "How long will it take to get to Wiener Freezing Port?" Lu Li asked.

   "It says dawn."

   There are less than twelve hours left.

  Lu Li put the change of clothes in the suitcase on the tarpaulin to block the wet, slippery and cold touch.

  Caterina doesn't matter, she has stayed in worse environments, such as soaking in sewage all night, and her skin is as rotten as a dead person.

   As midnight approached, all that was left in the captain's room was the whimpering of the wind blowing through the cracks.


   Katarina slowly opened her eyes.

Its daybreak.

  Puseus curled up in his coat and fell asleep, Lu Li was not here.

   Katarina walked out of the captain's room, folded her shoulders in the cold air, and looked around.

   She saw Lu Li on the deck, and beyond the horizon, a sprawling, bustling port city like the old Belfast.

   (end of this chapter)