Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 94: 10. Hateful Links

   Chapter 94 Ten. Hateful Links

   "You seem to be very calm." Lu Li asked noncommittally.

   "Because like I said before, we have no contradictions." The dark alley couldn't cast light, and Hall stood in the dark, only half of his face was outlined with a smile. "It's Richard who attacked you, and it's Ulysses who wants to occupy you. As for me? I'm just a guy who benefits from Richard, and I don't want to be involved in his conspiracy."

   "Unless you're the kind of guy with an excessive sense of justice who wants to shout 'for justice' and kill me, hahahahahaha..."

   seemed to find it amusing, Hall laughed, and the image went crazy. But soon he found that he was the only one laughing, and the opposite Lu Li was still looking as usual.

   His smile faded, and he asked tentatively, "You wouldn't do that, would you?"


   Lu Li's silence made the atmosphere become solemn.

  Hall suppressed the frivolous expression on his face and said seriously: "Your enemy is Richard."

   "But it doesn't prevent me from solving you by the way." Lu Li picked up the holster.

  Although it is already known that the psychic gun will affect the sanity value, but this is Lu Li's only attack method.

   "I can tell you anything you want to know, including Richard's plans and where he might be hiding!"

  Lu Li paused for a while and asked, "Where is Richard."

  Hall breathed a sigh of relief: "I tell you will you let me go?"

  Anna leaned into her ear and whispered, "We can trick Richard's position first and then—"


  All hope is stifled in the word indifference.

   Not only Hall was stunned, but Anna as well.

   This ghost girl had a sense of superiority in IQ for the first time, and couldn't help crying: "Won't you lie to him!"

   "I never lie." Lu Li tilted his head to look at her and answered seriously.


  Sneering laughter suddenly came from the opposite side. Hall covered his face and smiled in a low voice: "I had planned to take care of myself and live a good life, since you are courting death... that's no wonder—"

  ! !

The sound of    stopped abruptly, and the sudden sound of dragon chirping broke up all the noise, and thick smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun. The surrounding raindrops stagnated for a moment and fell more violently.

  The rising smoke from the muzzle revealed Hall, who was covered in blood and had a **** chest.

   I don't know because the first rose is fully bloomed, or Hall is not strong, or both - this shot almost killed Hall in one shot.

  Lu Li retracted the holster, silently removed the cartridge case, and loaded new bullets.

   "Wait a minute! Are you crazy or am I crazy..."

  The pained Hall realized that Lu Li was about to raise his arm to shoot again, and shouted in grief: "Why do you have to do it first, I haven't finished my words yet!"

   "Why don't you wait for your call to start?" Lu Li tilted his head slightly.

   But this reminded Lu Li, he didn't shoot again, but tilted his head and said, "Anna."

   "Huh?" Anna tilted her head like Lu Li did.

   "Get rid of him and you will become stronger."

   "Well... leave it to me." After a moment of hesitation, Anna floated and rushed out.


   Suddenly, bursts of tearing sound came from Hall's body. There were tiny cracks between the flesh and blood that exploded in his chest. Something was brewing in the dark cracks.

   An indescribable malevolent aura oozes out from the cracks in his cracked skin. Hundreds of cracks spread all over his chest at the same time. Scarlet eyeballs protrude from them, covering Hall's chest.

   is like the back of a toad.

   "This is so disgusting ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Anna covered her eyes and stepped back at a faster speed.

   At this moment, a figure suddenly passed her, leaving a message beside her.

   "It seems that I can only finish."

   Hundreds of red eyes on Hall's chest rolled at the same time and gathered on Lu Li.

   and the psychic gun in his hand.

  ! !

  The muzzle of the gun was raised, thick smoke billowed, and another loud dragon roar echoed in the narrow alley, and the ground seemed to tremble slightly with it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

  Hall screamed in pain, and the countless red eyeballs on his chest exploded and were crushed into **** juice, which exaggeratedly covered the entire surrounding wall, and mixed with sewage to flow into the roadside ditch.

   "Uhhhhhhhhh!" Hall let out a harsh howl, covering his chest and rolling around.

   "It's impossible! It's impossible! How can you be so strong!"

   "You are too weak."

   In the throes of excruciating pain, there was a crisp sound of shell ejection that made his soul tremble.

  Hall rolled to the side almost in a conditioned reflex, but he was still a step slower.


   The third shot! Almost at the same time, Hall's right arm exploded, spun and fell into the distance, boiling and dissipating in mid-air.

   The bloodstains also disappeared, and it was as if nothing had happened in the alley.



  Loli's voice was steady, and the fourth bullet was loaded.

   "I surrender! I admit defeat!" Blood dripped from Hall's leaky lips: "I'll tell you everything I know! Are you looking for Richard? I'll tell you where he is!"

   "Continue." Lu Li's calm voice sounded.

  Scarlet saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, Hall held back the pain and gasped, "Will you let me go if I say it?"

   "You asked that just now."

   "Then do I need to say anything?" Hall held the corner of his mouth.

   "Don't say it, you will die now. Say it, you can live a little longer."

  Anna stuck her head out behind Lu Li and hummed softly, "He still has some eyes on his chest, just get rid of them, it looks disgusting..."

   "Don't...don't do that!" Hall hurriedly pleaded: "Then I will die immediately...they are one with me, and I depend on these eyes to live..."

  Lu Li silently wrote down this sentence, and temporarily lowered his gun: "Speak."

   "Cough cough... cough." Hall coughed up a large piece of blood, which evaporated in an instant after landing.

He gasped heavily, occasionally his cheeks twitched in pain, and his eyes showed the haggardness after exhaustion: "I'm actually dead. After the madhouse was abandoned, a fire broke out, and I have several seriously ill patients who were bound to their beds because of their restraint. And burned alive... Richard was lucky to escape. I just want to live. I love my current wife, she's five months pregnant, even though the baby isn't—"

   "You don't need to say this, I'm not interested in listening to it. Just tell me where Richard is."

  Hall was stunned, his lips trembling and said: "But...but in general, shouldn't the bad guy confess the truth at the last moment and let everyone understand his motives?"

   "I'm the type that doesn't listen."

   (end of this chapter)