Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 967: Thirty-four. Holy Light Team

   Chapter 967 Thirty-four. Holy Light Team

  The lounge, which can accommodate five students, is crowded and has nowhere to stay due to two extra shelves of books and luggage.

   "But didn't I say that I met Lu Li during the mysticism trial and invited him by the way..."

  Jaeger covered his face. If he knew the captain's performance, he would definitely hesitate to invite Lu Li.

   "I thought you were talking nonsense."

   "Mr. Lu Li, do you need to think about joining the Holy Light Squad?" Deputy Captain Margaret reminded Lu Li with the same indifference of the night watchman.


   Captain Kiruat couldn't believe Margaret who betrayed him.

   "No, I'll stay with the Light Team for the time being."

   "It's great!" Kiruat clenched his fist excitedly, growled excitedly between his teeth, and then suddenly paused: "For the time being... what do you mean?"

   "I have a companion who is still in the lower grades, she will come in half a month."

  For those who have met 10 credits, they want to take advantage of the remaining days to meet merit promotion or seed promotion.

  Although she was unlucky to encounter the "increased refining of pharmaceuticals" that Lu Li avoided in the second-level alchemy trial, when she was almost successful, the gatekeeper found cheating in the first-level botany trial, and she was locked up for 15 days.

   "It's okay, we can let your friend join the squad as a substitute, or even substitute..." Kiruat swept over Jaeger and Margaret with a pretentious look. "...Some players who don't deserve the honor of the squad."

   "Do you mean Captain Kiruat?" Margaret's voice was as cold as her silver hair.

   "Margaret, you and I come out." Kiruat's face was gloomy, and he felt that he had to exercise the authority of the captain's majesty.

   Kiruat and Margaret left the lounge. In front of the vacant round table, Jaeger, who felt embarrassed and ashamed, explained to Lu Li, "Captain doesn't usually do this, you... your presence made her a little excited."


   "Yes, the captain is a woman. She thinks female appearance will make her look down on her, let alone me."

  Lu Li didn't say anything, quietly listening to Kiruat's repressed whispers that sounded in the corridor outside the door.

   "You don't like Mr. Lu Li...sir?"


   "But you're driving him out!"

   "He should be on the better squad, the squad on the leaderboard."

   "With Lord Lu Li, we will also be on the leaderboard!"

   "That's not what we brought."

   "Margaret, don't force me to use means."


   "Little Mary~ Hmm~ Please~"


Without knowing anything about   Jaeger, Kiruat and Margaret returned to the lounge.

   Kiruat and Jaeger are trying their best to hide what happened when they were alone.

   "Lord Lu Li..."

   "You can call me Lu Li."

   "Lu Li..." Kiruat skipped the honorific habitually and welcomed Lu Li as the leader of the Holy Light Team.

   Kiruat, Margaret, Jaeger, Naxi, now this four-man team will add Lu Li and substitute Fudot.

   Naxi, a team member who had never met before, was undergoing a level 5 test of strange knowledge.

   "Lu Li, what can you do?"

   "Could you tell us your saga? Those of weird times."

   Kiruat, who asked at the same time as Margaret, hurriedly said, "We can talk about this later. Now I want to hear the story, little..."


  Silver-haired Margaret interrupted Kiruat. I don't know if I want to hear the story as well, or I don't want her to say that name.

"what story."

   "Perseus with the head and body of a dog, Ophelia, the repressed spirit, Caterina the bloodline hunter!"

   Kiruat didn't realize that at the moment she looked like a little boy or a little girl, leaning forward on the round table expectantly.

   "And the ancient **** of the deep sea." Margaret added softly.

   Lu Li's eyes drooped slightly.

   What he has experienced is only a distant and fantastic story to the onlookers.

  Lu Li did not reject the expectations of the Holy Light team, and briefly described his experience after leaving the underground rock formations-until the **** of the deep sea disappeared, bringing light to Mount Sugard.

  The straightforward narrative is obviously not as exciting as the story with ups and downs, but when the narrator is the party, they can feel another kind of reality.

   "The Light Team is honored to have you join." The excitement faded, and Kiruat's reiteration became sincere.

   Next, it was the turn of the Light Team to introduce themselves.

The Light Squad is undoubtedly in accordance with the standard team configuration of the Giant Tree Academy: Kiruaite is responsible for combat, protection and command; Margaret provides potions, assistance, and use of wisdom; Jaeger is Kiruaite's deputy; Naxi is responsible for the investigation and serve as a scout.

   The newly added Lu Li and the replacement Fodor are to be determined and need to be judged by the Holy Light team.

  The story time is over, and Jaeger hangs up a new fluorite lamp to let the atmosphere of the bonfire night talk disappear.

  Margaret's shawl and long hair are like moonlight reflecting the deserted silver light: "Tell us the power you have, the inconvenient trump card tells us the type, attack or support, defense or escape."

   psychic gun; left hand; four cursed titles and the dreamer's ability to dream; kill monsters and plunder humanity, but it's not a trump card.

   The hole card may be the beacon that was stuffed into the chest on Friday...

   But that requires human consumption, and Lu Li has not mastered it enough.

   "The bottom card is the power to drive away weirdness that I haven't mastered yet." Lu Li paused slightly and continued, "Is the sequence potion included?"


   "Pharmaceuticals No. 63, No. 81, No. 96."

   "Three top 100 potions? It's worth a lot..." Kiruat commented.

  Lu Li continued to say calmly: "Except for these and the first 40 sequence potions, two copies of each other sequence potions."

   "Lu Li... what do you mean?" Kiruat couldn't keep thinking about it and turned to Margaret.

   "Except for the first 40 potions and potions 63, 81, and 96, Lu Li has two copies of each potion."

   This is Lu Li's final preparation before leaving the lower grades.

   Purchase two copies of all buffs, direct damage, and weakening types of serial potions.

  Unfortunately, because the first 40 series of potions are precious, the sellers are not willing to trade them with shillings.

   Kiruat stiffly turned to the junk pile in front of the bookshelf that came with Lu Li.



   Sequence potions that are relatively precious and need to be carried around are put into the stomach bag by Lu Li - an alchemy storage bag that can hold more things than the surface and can be carried on the body.

   "Is there a 39th serial potion?!"

   Kiruat said suddenly excitedly. Margaret's indifferent cheeks moved, and Jaeger also looked at Lu Li.

   Sequence Potion No. 39: Calm the forest.

   Observing the undisguised desire of the Holy Light Team, Lu Li nodded: "Businessman Anthony is buying."

   Kiruaite lowered his head: "Lord Lu Li, please accept the throne of the leader of the Light Team..."

  Lu Li had no intention of getting his hands on the captain, but then it was his turn to ask questions.

   "You need the 39th serial potion?"

   (end of this chapter)