Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 97: 13. Baron Joseph

   Chapter 97 Thirteen. Baron Joseph

   A lingering stench pervaded the deserted, dusty room.

   That seems to be the smell of some kind of meat that has been left for too long and rotted, but the source of the taste cannot be found, and it is everywhere.

   Perhaps the source of the rotten smell has been taken away—or left on its own.

  There are not many footprints on the old and faded floor, which are scattered around the living room and the door. The owner of the footprints has a very clear purpose.

  Lu Li found the same footprints and the faint smell in the 6 doors opposite. Yes, the 6 doors also have a rotten smell. The windows were open, and it seemed that the long ventilation had dissipated the smell a lot. This rancid smell is easy to ignore if you go directly from door 12 to door 6.

  The situation has become very clear by now. Even if it's a little stupid...or rather, Anna, who can't think deeply, noticed something.

   Decay and decay. These two keywords are enough to connect the clues obtained by Lu Li.

   This kind of resurrection by occupying the body of the living is not without cost.

   First learned from Hall that occupying the body of a living person will have the memory of the owner of the body at the same time, just like the memories of two people are stuffed into one body.

   For the time being, after having the memories of two people, whether that person was Hall or Brian when they were mixed together, and whether they would be schizophrenic, this kind of mixing method would definitely not be very relaxing.

The contrast between   Hall's character before and after illustrates this. His love and performance for Brian's wife may stem from Brian's memory. After getting away from his wife, he switched to Hall's character again.

   Another side effect that O'Connor "told" him. At the same time the occupation took place, the body was already dead—

   There is no breathing and no blood circulation. After the cells die and lose their oxidative reactions, bacteria start to grow and the body begins to rot like any other dead person. That's why O'Connor smells rotten on her body and in the room, and why she's so old. Because she is rotting.

  Rook disappeared on the 13th, returned on his own on the 15th, and today is June 21st. Six days just put her body in a giant state - which is why she looks a little swollen.

   The same problem also appeared on Hall, he was not breathing, and he had a clear smell of disinfectant, but this kind of detail can only be reviewed after the event.

  Ana was still trying to think about the truth, and Lu Li told her the answer directly.

   "If it rots...evil..." Anna folded her arms, feeling a little chill. "Does it mean that they will die when they are completely decomposed?"

   "Maybe not..."

   Some residents have discovered the problem. Before they came out, Lu Li and Anna left the longhouse and returned to the carriage.

"There are two possibilities. Richard lied to them and deliberately concealed the fact that doing so would cause his body to rot. But it's unlikely, and if so, Hall and O'Connor would be more eager to find Richard than we are. Germany."

   "What about the second?" Anna asked.

   "The second...they knew it would rot, and they were prepared to deal with the aftermath."

   "Get ready..." Anna repeated in a low voice, feeling faintly that something was wrong.

  Lu Li's black eyes landed in the distance of the hazy street and spoke calmly.

   "Like finding a new body."


   Before it got dark, the carriage slowly left Watching Town and headed for Belfast along the road.

   A very real problem appeared in front of Lu Li.

   This question has nothing to do with Richard, but is equally a headache.

   He is running out of money.

  Money is very important, but like most other things, it is quite indifferent in Lu Li's eyes. This resulted in Lu Li not having the idea of ​​"planning carefully" and "saving and frugal" under any circumstances, and everything was based on efficiency.

   So he spent 1000 shillings to buy answers to a few questions.

   But there is still time. Before O'Connor looks for a new victim, Lu Li can seize the time to accept a few more commissions and earn some money.

   Or think of something else.

   For example, Lu Li was thinking about contacting Anna's family and trying to get a shilling. Or contact the baron Joseph who has a problem with his style and is interested in him, and try to exchange a shilling.

   This thought continued until the carriage returned to Sailor Street.

A carriage stopped in front of the long house where the Detective Agency was located, surrounded by many nearby residents watching the fun.

   The sky was getting dark, and the rain stopped temporarily. It was rare that so many people gathered outside at this time.

  Anna was afraid of life, so she first went through the wall and returned to the detective agency. Lu Li stopped the carriage under the outer wall and walked down the street.

   "It's Detective Lu Li!"

   "Mr. Lu Li is back!"

   I don't know who shouted, and looking at it with a fiery gaze, the crowd unconsciously parted a path.

  Lu Li saw that it was a cart of golden tulips, the eyes of the surrounding residents made him realize something, and went straight to the carriage: "So these flowers have something to do with me?"

  The floral fragrance penetrates into the nose. Because it is too strong, the fragrance becomes pungent and stinky, but it is much better than the rotten smell.

   "I'm the manager of Stephen's car dealership. These tulips were entrusted to you by Baron Joseph. You are Mr. Lu Li, right?" The elegant manager in a tuxedo standing beside the car bowed slightly.

   Stephen's car dealership specializes in serving the nobles.

   "It's me." Lu Li looked away from him and landed on the carriage. "So this car flower is mine, right?"

   "Yes, according to Baron Joseph's orders, this car flower is already yours."

   Got the answer, Lu Li nodded slightly: "Then please do me a favor and sell this flower for me, and you will be divided into 10% of the cost of selling the flower."

   The manager smiled: "Mr. Lu Li, these flowers are Joseph male—"

   "Twenty percent."

   The manager kept smiling: "Excuse me, we are professionally trained, no matter—"

   "Thirty percent, disagree. I can find other people who are willing to do this."

The manager took a deep breath, and his smile became brighter: "Okay, you are our guest, and your order is also valid. We will deliver the remaining 70% of the labor fee to your house later today. ."


  Lu Li nodded, motioned to the surrounding residents to greet him, and returned to the longhouse.

   At this moment, in a gorgeous carriage with carved patterns not far from the float.

   "As expected of the man Ben Jue likes, there is no fluctuation in such a romantic scene."

   A lazy tone sounded in the carriage, and a slender hand raised gently: "Don't he like shillings, order to go down and send him a carload of flowers made of shillings tomorrow."

   Another voice sounded: "Baron, even if we use ten shillings, we will spend tens of thousands of shillings... Maybe we can give away a bunch for the time being?"

   The lazy voice was slightly dissatisfied: "Will it be too stingy."

   "What's important is your mind. I think Mr. Lu Li also wants you to pursue her with your mind, not a stinky shilling."

   (end of this chapter)