Bizarre Love

Chapter 21: I'm afraid you hurt

With the lessons learned from the first group of mountain climbing students, the latter classes are not required to climb to the top of the mountain. By the end of the "Wan Gu Mountain" tour, it is already in late November.

The weather is only a few degrees, and the students' clothes are bloated.

Fan Huiyin asked Guan Xiaoye to join the class in the last monthly test, and everyone gathered around to see their results. Not surprisingly, Meng Ting was the first in grade.

The school's red list was changed in a round, and the second was Shu Yang.

Zhao Nuancheng sighed in the palm of her hand, and said with admiration: "Listen, you are the first in grade again. That's amazing." She paused, her eyes stopped in the second place, "The Shu of their second class Yang is also very good, only three points behind you."

Shu Yang is indeed very smart. Meng Ting looked at Shu Yang next to his name. Few people know that they are siblings and indifferent siblings. Meng heard that until he was in an awkward situation in his life, Shu Yang didn't mean to recognize his relatives in front of outsiders, so the two silently silently. Who would have thought that she died because she went to find Shu Yang in the landslide?

Meng Ting was shocked for a while, wondering if she died or whether Shu Yang was found back.

At the end of the month, Fan Huiyin announced in the class that the students were going to be vaccinated against hepatitis B.

Many girls in the class are worried and fearful of injections.

Teacher Fan said: "Line up this Saturday and go to the hospital to fight. H Central Hospital, the monitor is responsible for organizing it. This is free and voluntary. For the health of the students, everyone had better go to the hospital."

Guan Xiaoye took a notebook and counted the number of people who need injections. Hello, everyone.

Meng Ting ticked under the "Go" column.

Zhao Nuancheng asked her: "Listen, are you afraid of injections?"

Meng Ting was a little embarrassed and nodded, "Well, kind of." The feeling of needles piercing into flesh and blood is very uncomfortable.

Zhao Nuancheng was also afraid. She stopped for a long time in the column of "Don't go", and she ticked "Go" for health.

In the end, only a few people in the class did not go.

Guan Xiaoye patted the podium when she was over and said: "Then our class will be assembled tomorrow, so please remember to bring your student ID."

Licai Vocational High also announced the news of the injection.

He Junming and the others will not go. The richer the more, the more attention to health. Basically, this kind of injection has been completed since childhood.

The life committee member Peng Bo was afraid of them, so he ignored them in the statistics.

Jiang Ren put the phone down: "Peng Bo."

Peng Bo turned his head back flattered and said incoherently: "Brother Ren, it's not Jiang Ren."

He Junming twitched with a smile: "Hahaha!"

When Jiang Ren came to this class on the first day, everyone knew he was not easy to mess with. The classmates were basically afraid of him, and they didn't know what he said in private. It is estimated that they usually call him the eldest brother Ninja in gossip. At this time, Peng Bo accidentally leaked his mouth and his face turned pale.

Jiang Ren cocked his legs and said casually: "Give me the statistics."

Peng Bo quickly gave it to him.

Jiang Ren wrote after his name, then threw the notebook over, and Peng Bo hurriedly caught it.

He Han said, "Brother Ninja, didn't you get this shot?"

Jiang Ren was quite direct: "It's hit."

He Han said: "Then what's the use of you going to fight once?"

This time it was He Junming's first reaction: "Several schools are going to fight, Brother Nin wants to touch his little baby if he can go."

Jiang Ren smiled and said, "Go away."

But it didn't deny it either.

Although the two schools are close to each other, it is not easy to meet Meng Ting. This group of them is not only famous in Licai, but also a lot of people who know them in Seven. After school, Meng Ting followed Zhao Nuancheng to take the bus home. She was among the students, and it was difficult for Jiang Ren to talk to her.

The students from No. 7 Middle School arrived early on Saturday morning, and Guan Xiaoye and Fu Wenfei quickly made everyone line up.

Meng Ting glanced over, and all the people in the crowd were students. Everyone didn't wear school uniforms on weekends. For a while, he couldn't tell who was from which school.

Fan Huiyin forgot to tell them to go early, and the result is that the collection is slow and now they have to be ranked behind them. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that it will take a long time.

Sure enough, there was a long queue of students, and it might not be their turn until the doctor got off work at noon.

The students had no choice but to chat.

When Jiang Ren came, his classmates recognized him, and the Li Cai came early, and all the people in line in his class made way for him.

Jiang Ren was very special that year. He had an aura that didn't belong to his age, and he was a little lazy, but also awe-inspiring.

He didn't go there too, standing outside the crowd looking for someone.

Then I saw a girl in their class crying out with bare shoulders and holding a cotton swab.

The girl cried sadly, and her friend was also angrily: "What kind of nurse, even a needle can't be pierced. It's still fierce after three piercings, and the blood can't stop. Well don't cry, I remember her The name is gone, let's complain to her."

It caused the crowd to look over, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts. Pray that I will meet an experienced nurse.

An injection in winter is different from summer. In summer, you only need to open your sleeves, but in winter you need to take off your coat and pull the sweater down your shoulders.

There were several long queues in the crowd. Jiang Ren looked over the crowd and saw a group of students at the end of the line. Meng Ting stood among them, talking to Zhao Nuancheng.

She didn't know that many people were watching her.

She was beautiful and young and energetic.

Because this weekend, she rarely **** her hair, her long black hair was draped down, and she had a different kind of beauty. Not knowing what Zhao Nuancheng said, they both laughed.

She smiled sweetly, her big eyes slightly bent, like stars.

He watched it for a while before making a call.

Zhang Yiyi's face turned pale when he received the call, and the boy's tone was lazy: "Remember what I said before?"

Zhang Yiyi quickly said to remember.

"Now go and apologize and call her to the hospital corridor."

Zhang Yiyi didn't dare to refuse, so he hung up and went to Meng with a few girls.

When she walked over to a class of students, they all looked over.

Zhang Yiyi has dyed brown hair and wears earrings. At first sight, he is not a student in their school.

Meng listened back and remembered who they were.

The Licai student who smashed her glasses that day in the vocational high school seemed to have a grudge against Shu Lan.

Zhang Yiyi blushed: "Meng Ting, I'm sorry that day, can you accept our apology?"

Meng heard a little surprised.

The girls nodded one after another, and Zhang Yiyi said, "We were wrong, and we will never dare to do it again."

Meng listened to frown and did not speak.

Zhang Yiyi was too anxious, her face was pale: "We have already been punished by the school, and we still have the money for the glasses, we will also pay you back."

Meng Ting didn't need those glasses anymore, she shook her head: "No." She didn't want to entangle them too much, and nodded as forgiving them. After all, the school's punishment was quite serious. They were punished for mistakes, which made her feel untrue for a while.

When these girls were playing Shulan that day, they couldn't see that they were not easy to provoke. How come they suddenly apologized?

Zhang Yiyi whispered: "You must go to the corridor with me. I will give you the money."

Meng Ting raised her eyes, and she guessed something: "I won't go, I don't need the glasses money."

Zhang Yiyi was in a dilemma, but the phone rang.

After she connected, she made a double hmm and gave the phone to Meng.

Jiang Ren smiled and said, "Meng Ting, let you come and come here, afraid that I will hurt you?"

Meng Ting glanced at the curious Zhao Nuancheng, and whispered: "I'm queuing, but I'm coming."

Jiang Ren said: "Then I will come and find you."

Meng Ting's heart tightened. She raised her eyes, as if feeling a bit, Jiang Ren looked at her outside the crowd, as if she really wanted to walk over.

She has no choice: "I'm here."

He smiled.

Zhang Yiyi took her to the corridor of the hospital, where there were few people, which formed a huge contrast with the bustling outside. Several unscrupulous girls hurriedly bowed to her and apologized. In the eyes of Meng's misunderstanding, Zhang Yiyi stuffed the money from the glasses into her hand and ran away.

Then Meng Ting raised his eyes and saw Jiang Ren.

She clenched the money in her hand and understood why these people would apologize, she could only whisper softly: "Thank you."

Jiang Ren said: "Great grace does not say thank you, can you promise me a request?"

Meng Ting was scared of him. She had a bad feeling and wanted to leave when she turned around.

Jiang Ren smiled, and he supported her, blocking her retreat: "What are you afraid of."

Meng Ting raised his eyes to his chest. She took two steps back and finally couldn't help but said, "Are you annoying Jiang Ren?"

He bends his lips: "I have exercised restraint. I really didn't want to hurt you. They said that the new nurse's injection is not good, and I am afraid you will hurt."

"I want to go back."

"I will let you go back after the injection." He was silent, "After you finish the injection, can I make it if I don't pester you?"

She raised her eyes and whispered: "Really?"

He cursed secretly in his heart, hmm.

Meng Ting finally followed him to the head nurse's medical room.

The head nurse is a middle-aged and kind woman, she doesn't ask nonsense, she knows who Jiang Ren is. The dean will give face to the youth.

The head nurse smiled: "Little classmate, show your arm."

She hesitated and looked at Jiang Ren.

Jiang Ren raised his eyebrows: "What, what do you want to do?"

She blushed: "Can you not look at it?"

"Do you think I want to see it?"

The head nurse was overjoyed and coughed twice.

Meng Ting said seriously: "You look at me uncomfortable."

Jiang Ren put his hands in his pockets and turned his face away. He responded to her request and said impatiently to the head nurse: "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

The head nurse thought that Jiang Shao was very irritable, and she made Meng Ting take off her coat with a gentle voice.

Meng Ting took off his coat, because he had to pull the sweater off his shoulders to show his arms.

Her exposed skin was white, and half of her shoulder was exposed obediently as instructed.

The head nurse flicked the needle and raised his eyes.

The girl's shoulders were white and delicate, and her collarbone was very beautiful. When her brown eyes looked over with anxiety, there was a thrilling beauty.

The head nurse couldn't help but said softly: "Don't be nervous classmates, close your eyes and don't look."

Meng Ting nodded and closed his eyes as the head nurse said.

Her long eyelashes trembled, and the head nurse subconsciously raised her eyes and saw the boy's dark eyes.

He didn't know when he didn't keep his promise, turned his head, his eyes fell on...

Meng Ting's white shoulders.

When the head nurse looked at the little girl again, she didn't notice anything.