Bizarre Love

Chapter 49: captive

Zhao Nuancheng was afraid of him, but when Jiang Ren asked Meng Ting. She was stunned.

Zhao Nuancheng still remembers going to Wangu Mountain, and Jiang Ren came with Meng Ting. In her heart, Jiang Ren is the kind of fierce and evil little bastard. Lucky kind.

After all, the school still has Jiang Ren and Shen Yuqing, and Lu Yue's scandal.

Although Zhao Nuancheng is afraid of death, she is not without principles.

It's so good, she abandoned her last time because she was afraid of Jiang Ren. Not this time!

So Zhao Nuancheng gritted his teeth: "I will take you there."

Jiang couldn't bear her and let He Junming lead someone.

He Junming whistled: "Come on, sister."

Zhao Nuancheng blushed and climbed into the car looking dead. The mountain bike was so fast, Zhao Nuancheng screamed.

He Junming laughed loudly: "I'm so courageous!"

She doesn't care who he is, she clings to his waist, He Junming is still cheap: "Tsk, so **** passionate. Be tighter."

Zhao Nuancheng: "..."

She showed the way and took them to Huxin Park. On a summer night, the lake was sparkling and it was quite cool. Spare three or four laps.

Jiang Ren stopped the car suddenly.

When he stopped, others stopped too.

Jiang Ren hung his helmet on the car and looked at Zhao Nuancheng coldly: "Why is Lao Tzu? What about her?" His eyes were cold, "Give you one last chance."

Zhao Nuancheng had just experienced the car crash, and now her teeth were shaking, she almost cried. She originally wanted to take them on a detour and report secretly to the police in the car, but the speed of the car made her dare not even take out her father's phone.

Finally, I couldn't stand the psychological pressure: "In the City Art Hall."

The air seemed to be quiet for a moment.

He Junming's heart is bad.

The City Art Hall happened to be the place where Jiang Ren was sad when he came back last winter. They probably knew what Meng Ting had done there.

Jiang Ren didn't say a word, and didn't ask them to keep up this time, and rode away by himself.

He made the motor shook the sky and disappeared in no time.

Zhao Nuancheng wiped tears.

He Junming sighed. They didn't want to bully the little girl either. He rarely found out from his conscience: "Don't cry, Brother Ninja is not a bad person."

Zhao Nuancheng wants to cry even more, why is it not bad? It's utterly broken.

She took the phone out of her pocket. At nine o'clock at this time, it's almost time to play.

He Junming said: "We will take you to the art hall and promise not to do anything to you. You woman, what are you thinking all day long."

The night wind blew on Jiang Ren's black hair.

He parked his car outside the art hall. Jiang Ren remembered that Christmas Eve was also in this place. He was in the snow with blood from his throat.

He walked in from under the dark sky.

The incandescent lamp is translucent.

He step by step.

But when he can see the stage.

The music has come to an end, the remaining rhythm is low and soft.

All the lights went out and the stage lights dimmed.

Jiang Ren raised his eyes, and the surrounding area was completely dark.

Only a square inch of the stage, there is a small piece of gray space.

Jiang Ren saw her at a glance.

He didn't have time to watch her entire dance, only saw a curtain call.

The music stops and the world is quiet. The world on her side became gray. She took a step to the right, opened her left hand and bent her leg slightly. The tip of the right finger gently slipped from the air, with a beautiful arc, leaning forward, and bowing.

Then the moment he raised his eyes.

The lights come on.

Jiang Ren took Ye's bitter air and saw her smile. Not a shy smile, but an elegant and agile never seen before.

Her eyes seemed to contain a whole galaxy of stars, and when she raised her eyes, everyone held their breath.

It was like morning dew dripping down in the forest, fleeting, but with the color of the first morning sun.

She laughed freely and happily.

The beauty is breathtaking, like a born and innocent fairy.

The people below were stunned for a long time before applauding violently.

The host stepped onto the stage and announced the next contestant.

Jiang Ren seemed to have forgotten to breathe, unable to recover for a long time.

He had never seen Meng Ting like this when he knew her. She still couldn't see the strong light in her eyes, leaning on the blind cane, walking slowly outside the campus. It was autumn when it rained, and the air was full of undissipated moisture.

She was quiet and lonely.

Out of his field of vision.

Meng Ting seems to have always been quiet and gentle. She has a good temper and will do everything she can. She stands in the light, but can tolerate the darkness. Jiang Ren always thought she was a well-behaved.

Until today, he saw the other side of her.

She is beautiful, but almost demon for the first time.

She smiled brightly and proudly, and she was willing to be a prisoner where she looked.

Jiang Ren panted heavily.

In the summer of June, the air has never been drier. His heart was pinched fiercely by a hand, and he was about to drown in a sudden strange feeling.

Long ago, he realized that he liked her.

However, just today, he realized blankly that he had been seduced.

Damn, just seduce. Being a girl who he always felt like a limp, harmless little lamb was a bit abnormal.

Seduce is not a good word.

However, no word can express his feelings more clearly than it.

She has a short skirt.

The white socks wrapped the slender legs. Every undulating arc, with a fascinating temperature, dyes and scalds the air a little bit.

She wore dancing shoes, light and moving. The air was covered with her sweet breath, he recalled that tiptoe gently raised, he felt that he could cover her feet with one hand.

Jiang Ren felt that he was a little bad.

He grows like this, for the first time in his life, blushing!

He was punished to stand in elementary school. During his adolescence, he did a frog jump in front of a group of people in the military compound. Even the first time he got up in the morning, he changed his pants without changing his face.

His emotions were nowhere to rest, and went to two extremes.

Either indifferent or irritable.

However, he never thought of it in his life.

He watched a dance, no! Damn, it's not even a dance, it's the small part of the curtain call, he was blushed by a girl!

A dance in the audition was originally more than a minute.

When a performer on the stage danced and went down again, he still stood there maintaining that action.

The black gloves clasped the cloth seat tightly.

He breathed heavily, like a dying person. The mind is in a mess.

Until he saw Xu Jia.

Xu Jia looked startled, his eyes fell on the stage, but it was more like crossing the stage, in a trance.

Not only them, but many girls in the audience have residual surprises in their eyes.

Jiang Ren dullly thought, should he kill this entangled man?

However, his body became weak and he was in a mess.

He wanted to take a hard cigarette, but he touched it in his pocket. Only his wallet and cell phone did he remember that he had quit.

He can't even get angry.

Jiang Ren just thought over and over again, why didn't she look at him before stepping down?

Before Meng Ting changed clothes in the background, he received a text message from Zhao Nuancheng.

Zhao Nuancheng doesn't have a mobile phone. She brought her father's mobile phone when she went out today.

[Listen, I will be here soon. Sorry, Jiang Ren and the others are here too/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~】

Meng Ting was stunned.

When she performs, she is focused and serious. She loves the feeling that every inch of her body is tightened to the extreme, and then attached to it with flexibility and freedom and lightness. Because the performance time was ahead of schedule, Zhao Nuancheng could not rush over. In this case... Jiang Ren didn't see it either.

Meng Ting quickly changed into a ballet suit.

When she came out, it was already No. 93 performing.

Summer night is very dry.

The dark sky was dyed dark blue by the bright light, and she had a headache how to face a large group of people later.

As a result, a teenager came to face him in the dark.

He originally squatted by the side of the road, only when he saw her coming out did he come over.

It's Jiang Ren.

Meng Ting remembered that she had said to look at her eyes before, but now she appeared here. She felt that she was born with him.

He was wearing a dark blue T-shirt and almost melted into the night.

Seeing her, he curled his lips and smiled: "Look at the eyes?"

Meng Ting: "..." Her face was red. In her life, she wanted to avoid him the most and lied to him the most.

Jiang Ren looked at her white little face, and he couldn't make any progress in the world: "Let's go, take you home."

Meng listened a little at a loss, did he expose it so easily?

The white flower loops from her hair had been taken, and her long hair was hanging on her shoulders. Being lifted by the night wind, she was a little bit indescribable.

Jiang Ren had already inserted the key, stepped into the car with long legs, and lazily said, "Come here."

Meng heard: "But I have to wait for Zhao Nuancheng."

Jiang Ren casually said: "Didn't you finish the dance? It's useful if she comes?" He said, "He Junming will send her home."

"I want to call her."

Jiang Ren raised his eyebrows: "Sure, hurry up."

As soon as Meng Ting struck over, Zhao Nuancheng's sad tone came: "Listen, I'm sorry for not being able to come and cheer for you."

Zhao Nuancheng looked around in despair. She was killed before and didn't ride in He Junming's car.

He Junming said: "Wait, you wait in this broken place to get the car to eat shit!"

Zhao Nuancheng's temper also came up.

Humph, just wait.

The Huxin Park is built with a nursing home around it, and it is usually full of old men and women. Zhao Nuancheng finally found a bus stop. Just wait there and stop moving.

As a result, half an hour passed, not to mention the car, even the exhaust has not been seen.

He Junming: "Hahahaha are you stupid?"

Zhao Nuancheng: "..." This lack of virtue was raised by the placenta!

Zhao Nuancheng died of grievances, and heard from Meng: "I'm sorry, I'll watch you wear a skirt another day. Is your game going well?"

"Well, where are you now?"

Zhao Nuancheng felt so embarrassed, so she hesitated, "It's okay, I'll wait for the car to go back right away. You go home quickly, pay attention to safety. My night view is good, I will go shopping."

Zhao Nuancheng was always playful, but Meng Ting was relieved and told her to go home early.

He Junming said in an exaggerated tone: "Oh, the night scene here is really good, look at this deserted place..."

Zhao Nuancheng became a pufferfish.

Consume it, you will have to eat **** sooner or later.

Jiang Ren said, "Done the question? Come here when you feel relieved."

Meng Ting didn't want to ride in his car. She felt that the bus was safe. When she was riding a bicycle to school, she used to ride in his car, and her psychological shadow was not shallow.

Jiang Ren knew what she thought of.

He snorted, took his helmet and approached her.

In the summer night, insects sing up and down.

With big wet eyes, she was thinking of refusing.

Jiang Ren lowered his eyes, put the helmet on for her, and then gently buckled her head lock with his fingers under the black gloves.

Behind the glass mirror, she opened her eyes wide and wanted to cry without tears.

Jiang Ren couldn't help but smiled, "Ride slowly this time, so I don't want to scare you?"

"What about you? I wore this, what are you wearing?" She was not used to it, touching the heavy helmet, which seemed to have a youthful and domineering atmosphere. It makes her breathless.

"I don't need this." He said, "Come up, can't I hold you?"

Of course Meng Ting didn't want him to hold him, she got into his car nervously.

Then gently grabbed the hem of his clothes.

The waist was gently, like feathers falling into dust.

Jiang Ren bends her lips, not forcing her.

He started the car and rode forward slowly. He has never ridden such a slow mountain bike in his life.

The young man's broken hair grew a little longer, but the hard spirit on his face remained unchanged.

He still remembers breaking her bicycle chain himself, and then driving her home, wanting her to take the initiative to hold himself.

It was funny, he thought now, but he was more afraid of her tears.

The girl behind her had a glutinous voice and asked him, "When did you come?"

Test him?

He said slowly: "Just here."

Meng Ting was happy, he just came and didn't see it.

She was in a relaxed mood, and he didn't dislike it anymore. Jiang Ren tonight was unexpectedly easy to talk.

There were street lights in the city one after another, and the night wind was blocked by the boy's body, and she could feel the faint body temperature from him.

Meng Ting has rarely tried to get along with him quietly.

He was afraid of scaring her, even riding a bike, he started to coax her.

However, no matter how long a road is, there is an end.

When Meng heard home, he returned the helmet: "Thank you."

The corners of her lips were slightly bent, and her big eyes became crescent moons.

Jiang Ren held the helmet: "Yeah."

She wears a helmet for a long time, her hair is messy, and she even has a little stupid hair. She can't see it herself, so she doesn't know.

He glanced several times, his voice was calm, but his eyes were filled with a smile.

The little fairy walked off the altar, **** obediently.

Meng Ting was carrying a blue schoolbag and waved to go home. To thank him, she decided to give him less assignments that he hated next week.

Jiang Ren's thumb rubbed the inner edge of the helmet, where the temperature of her cheek still remained.

Kissing his fingertips warmly.

He suddenly smiled.

Fuck, is she happy enough? He was calm enough.

Jiang Ren threw the helmet on the car and walked in front of her a few steps.

Meng Ting asked in confusion, "Are there anything else you can do?"

He held her shoulders with a smile in his eyes: "Meng Ting, you lied to me once, and I lied to you again."

She let out an "ah", her eyes puzzled.

Jiang Ren said: "I didn't just come. I came when you were still on stage."

When Meng heard this, the whole person was not good, and the boy's eyes were dark, but there was a trembling light.

In her junior high school days, she had seen similar eyes countless times. But there is no such thing as crazy.

"Do you know what I was thinking?"

Meng Ting really didn't want to know at all: "I don't want to listen."

But he sighed: "You are so beautiful."

Meng Ting's face turned red for a moment: "Jiang Ren! Don't say anything!" She felt ashamed to listen to him, "I'm going home, you are not allowed to say such strange things."

Besides, you can do ten times your homework, bastard.

When Meng Ting pushed him away and ran home, his face still couldn't help but feel hot.

The light in the living room is on, Shu's father has to work overtime, and Shu Lan paints her nails on the sofa. When Shu Lan heard the door opening, she glanced at Meng Listening unclearly.

Meng Ting ignored her, and Shu Lan was concerned about her life.