Black-bellied Movie Emperor’s Clever Wife

~: Round 189 camphor tree (eight)

After dawn, Cao Zhen called and asked the Public Security Bureau of Y City to send a forensic doctor to identify the remains under the camphor tree. However, there were too many dead bodies carried back from the Du family. The forensic doctors were too busy to send.

In order to confirm the identity of the remains as soon as possible, Cao Zhen contacted the S City Public Security Bureau, and the S City Public Security Bureau immediately sent the forensic doctor Qiao and the identification department's Lu Xinqing to come to support.

When they arrived, it was already afternoon, and after a few words with Cao Zhenhan, they immediately went to work.

Lu Xinqing of the forensics department has been in this business for more than ten years. He is fifty-three years old this year. He is very burly. He has a small size and a neck with a half-finger gold Falun necklace. It is said that his wife bought it for him. He warded off evil spirits and opened the light, and he did not avoid suspicion. He wore it for more than ten years as he wore it, because this bullish gold chain made him not like an forensic officer at all, but more like the owner of a kebab at night night stalls. The amount of alcohol is very good. He is often a good brother with Zhang Youcheng. He often drinks together but does not smoke.

Fang Qiao is very young. He is only 29 years old this year. He was transferred from the South to the Public Security Bureau of S City four years ago. He looks graceful, wears gold wire glasses, and has a little Wu accent. He is slow in speaking no matter what he does. The occupation is forensic. He is always serious and unsmiling, but wearing a white coat is not like a forensic doctor, but more like the extremely tall surgeon in the white giant tower of the Japanese drama.

The two had cooperated with Chen Zhen in the murder of Chen Yi, and it was a nod.

Fang Qiao looked at the remains under the camphor tree. "This is the remains to be identified?"

Cao Zhen responded, "Well, gender, age, cause of death, you give me and Duanmu the result as soon as possible."

"OK!" Fang Qiao put on plastic gloves, "I'll take a look!"

Lu Xinqing also opened the work box and collected plants, insects, and possibly fibrous tissue near the corpse.

There is a big gap between the two in terms of age, but they are very tacit, and each has its own, and will not hinder each other at all.

"Uncle Lu, do me a favor. I want to take out all the bones."

"Wait a minute, I'll take a pair of tweezers."

Lu Xinqing carefully removed the roots of the bones, so that Fang Qiao could take out the bones one by one.

Fang Qiao laid his bones on the blue plastic paper spread on the ground, and quickly put out a human figure.

The forensic appraisal conclusion is a very important type of evidence in the three procedural laws. Therefore, the forensic expert must be cautious and careful in appraisal. The appraisal content includes the appraisal of the cause of death, the appraisal of the mode of death, the inference of the time of death, and the identification of the injury (death) , Identification of pre- and post-mortem injuries.

Forensic medicine may not be the doctor who saves lives, but it is the last doctor seen by unnaturally dead humans.

Of course, this profession is not just about being able to do it, nor is it just about dealing with the dead.

They face not only a corpse, but also speak for the dead. They also have a variety of corpses, such as victims of traffic accidents, sudden deaths on the road, unknown corpses, homicides, corpses or disfigured corpses. If the dead bodies in the rivers, lakes, seas, vehicles, ships and planes were injured or killed, even the identification of the body during the execution of the death penalty is the life of a forensic doctor.

From graduating from a forensic school to being a teacher, to being a single-handed person, it can't be done in a year or two.

Many people will even say that forensic medicine is the most sacred job in the world, and it is also the most **** profession.


An excellent forensic medicine is harder to find than a dragon and a phoenix.

Fang Qiao carefully examined the pelvic bones of the remains, "The pelvis is thick, tall and narrow, the large ischia is notched and deep, the joint of the pubic bone is higher, and the lower corner of the pubic bone is small!"

The pelvic bone component located between the trunk and the free lower limb bones plays the role of transmitting gravity and supporting and protecting the pelvic organs. In the human bones, the gender difference of the pelvis is very obvious, which is mainly due to the responsibility of the male and female pelvis The physiological functions are not exactly the same. In general, the accuracy rate of judging **** according to the adult pelvis can reach 95%.

He picked up another leg bone, and looked at it in a bright place, put on a magnifying glass, looked at it, and touched it again, "The femoral head should have healed, but it has to be X-rayed to be sure."

The way he talked to himself, other people were already surprised.

Forensics are like this.

Suddenly, he looked up, "Who helped me record?"

During forensic autopsy, there will be a helper who will record the results of the examination. These few people are right next to him. He wants to see his bones, but he can't help him.

Cao Zhen volunteered: "I remember, you continue!"

Fang Qiao lowered his head and picked up his skull again. "The front and back diameters of the head are relatively short, which are of the type of a round skull. The posterior transverse seam begins to heal ..."

He said a lot of words, because they are all professional book terms, and people who know a little bit of fur can understand a little.

"Fang Qiao, say the key!" Cao Zhen couldn't help but urge.

He put down his bones and said straightforwardly, "The deceased male, Asian, aged 18-20 years old."

This is the same as last night's judgment, but the age is more accurate.

18-20 years old ...

It was this age when Yang Xiao disappeared.

He asked, "What about the cause of death?"

"There are no obvious scars on the skull, and there are no rubbing marks on the ribs and sternum that are stabbed by the blade, because there are no internal organs to check. Just looking at the bones, there is no way to confirm whether there are signs of poisoning. It may also be natural death or death due to illness."

"Exclude natural death and death due to illness!" Said Xu Zhen with certainty.

Fang Qiao was stunned. His forensic doctor had not formally concluded yet, but she had already begun to do the elimination method. He would certainly be unhappy if someone wanted to say that, but she was Duan Muyan, the auspicious character recognized by the S City Public Security Bureau Things (the policemen call her privately), it would definitely make sense for her to say so.

"If you think it is poisonous, then I have to find a place to do a pathological test!" That is, take the bone marrow of the remains to test.

He also said: "The possibility of poisoning is also ruled out!"

"Natural death, death due to illness, poisoning you have been ruled out, and he has no obvious trauma, which can be frustrating to me ..." Listening to her means is obviously that the dead person was killed by someone, but it is not poisonous. Killing is the injury caused by external forces, but this bone does not have obvious injuries.

He looked at Xu Yan and hoped she could give some hints. Is n’t she a consultant? Although he is not a criminal police officer, he is a forensic doctor, but he ’s really a bit ignorant that she has been ruled out by him. His eyes returned to his bones.

He seemed to find something, and suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" Cao Zhen asked.

"He has a problem with his spine!"

Hearing, Limiao squatted down like him, looking at that spine, "What's the problem?"

The human spine is composed of 33 vertebrae. It is the skeleton of the body's central axis. It is the backbone of the body and is an absolutely important existence.

Fang Qiao did not speak, but arranged the vertebrae one by one, and then held it upright like a building block in his palm. He took four of the twelve thoracic vertebrae, using a magnifying glass worn on his eyes. Watched for a while.


Jing Sa waited anxiously and urged: "Sure enough, hurry up!"

"There are pin-eye scars behind the second thoracic spine!"

Cao Zhen asked: "What does this mean?"

"Representing someone punctured his thoracic spine with a long needle about five inches while he was alive ..."


Fang Qiao took off the magnifying glass on his eyes and slowly said: "Under normal circumstances, the spine has four bends, and the side is S-shaped, that is, cervical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis and sacral kyphosis ... These four vertebrae respectively bear the weight of the human body, and as long as one of them is destroyed, it is a devastating blow to the spine. "

He smiled and said, "Is this the cause of death?"

It is common sense that a spine injury will die if it is severe.

Fang Qiao shook his head, "The death is not over yet. In this case, he should be paralyzed."

Cao shocked: "Paralyzed !?"

Fang Qiao nodded, "also known as the high paraplegia!"

He said: "Paraplegia caused by transverse spinal cord lesions is called high paraplegia. Does he have lesions?"

"No, but I said someone punctured his second thoracic spine with a needle, hurting the meridian nerve between the bones of the thoracic vertebrae, and the intervertebral ligament. Once these things are picked out, or because of external factors, then The vertebrae are worthless. "

"What will happen to him?"

"What else? Paralyzed limbs, the sensory movements and reflexes of the limbs completely disappeared, um, a waste person!"

As soon as the word "Hua Ren" appeared, the three of Gao Zhen, Jing Sa and Cao Zhen changed their faces.

This seems much more miserable than expected.

"Duanmu, what do you think?"

For a while, Miao said, "I think I know why Du Fu did not leave Du's family after his parents died."


"We assume that Yang Xiao and Du Fu are going to elope, but this plan was discovered by Du Fu's parents. What do you think they will do?"

"Stop it!" Her daughter-in-law had to elope with a man. How can a parent allow such a thing to happen.

"Yes, stop! But Du Fu was determined to leave this place with Yang Xiao. What would her parents do when she didn't want to stay anyway?"

When Jing Sa looked down, Cao Zhen had the answer, "Instead of killing Yang Xiao, it is better to treat Yang Xiao as a hostage to hold Du Fu down, threatening her not to leave."

"Yes! This is the most effective method."

If Du Fu loves Yang Xiao deeply, killing Yang Xiao in a hurry will only cause Du Fu to resist even more, and even make a fish dead net, but if Yang Xiao is alive, imprison him, control him, let him Du Fu's weakness, things become much easier, as long as Yang Xiao's life is used as a condition for her not to leave this house.

For the loved one, Du Fu will compromise.

However, the imprisonment of Yang Xiao alone is not safe. In the unlikely event that an omission occurs, Du Fu will have the opportunity to rescue Yang Xiao and the two will definitely escape again.

Such a danger, I believe that Du Fu's parents will never want it.

Then there is only one way. Yang Xiao can live, but not normally. Then, her parents died, but Yang Xiao became a waste, how could she leave, leave, who will take care of Yang Xiao.

Thinking of this, 皛 皛 clenched his fists and bit his lip.


Only beasts can think of such a cruel method.