Black Clover: Runaway Asta

Chapter 216

"It's really ugly!"

Asta opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and he could see clearly, but judging from the speed at which these ghost-faced bees took off, it was like playing with them, so Asta did not leave in a hurry, but planned to Use ninjutsu to test whether these magic bees are also immune to Zakra....

It's not because of his entrustment, but to deal with extreme situations. For example, when flying deep into the strong magic zone, will the speed of these magic bees become faster and faster, and will the number increase?

If this is the case, then he has to find a way to deal with it.

With this in mind, Asta directly gathered the chakras to his throat, and then a ball of flames spewed out, directly burning the nearest group of ghost-faced bees to ashes!


After Asta saw that the ninjutsu was effective, he became confident, but just to be on the safe side, he still threw a mother-child teleportation talisman here. If he was in danger, he could bring everyone back here directly.

"I understand. He's not swearing, but he wants to test whether he can kill these ghost-faced bees. If he can, then even if extreme situations arise later, he can deal with them calmly. If not, he may just kill them." I will abandon this plan!"

Lina said excitedly.

"Scheming, scheming, scheming!"

Cook was completely convinced, and felt that it was not unreasonable for them to be dropped by Asta 5.0.

"His thoughts are really meticulous!"

Weiwei couldn't help admiring.

"Damn it, let him steal the limelight!"

The eyes of the triangular-eyed Bangers were red with jealousy.

"Everyone sit down!"

Asta said, he directly opened the eight gates and entered the shock gate, and then rushed towards the gray forest like a blue thunder, and along the way, he saw dense ghost-faced bees taking off from the tree trunks, some even as big as Those who were far away gathered into a group and started to intercept Asta, but before they could organize an attack, Asta just passed by.

This near-sonic speed really startled all creatures.

However, due to the area near the gray forest, the ghost-faced devil bee is the absolute master, so only the ghost-faced devil bee dares to fly into the sky! .

Chapter 531 Death Valley!

Seeing these ghost-faced bees coming from all directions to encircle Asta, Asta didn't feel anything, after all, he has a big heart, but everyone in the pink silk ball didn't think so.

At this moment, they are equivalent to wearing virtual reality helmets. Through the magic of silk threads, they can often see a large group of ghost-faced bees whizzing past their ears.

"It's so exciting!"

Banassa cracked open a bottle of beer to cheer her up.

"too frightening!"

Linna directly covered her small face.


Bangers was already dizzy from fright, Weiwei also felt a bit of pleasure in the rapid flight, Dominique and Kasem were a little motion sick, after all, they had never flown so fast before.

Half an hour later, Asta saw a gray forest all over at a glance, which was obviously a gray forest.


Ashtar held the crowd and landed directly into the gray forest.

"Finally down!"

Linna almost crawled out, if there was a next time, she would definitely choose to walk!

"Too, 13 is too fast, it's like a dream!"

At some point, Weiwei took out a pair of glasses from her suitcase and put them on her eyes, which made her look more intellectual and beautiful.

"Bangers, wake up, it's here!"

Dominique and Kassem kindly patted Bangers on the face.

"What's here?"

Bangers is now stunned. He still remembers that before he fainted, he watched huge ghost-faced bees drifting past his eyes, and then he didn't know anything. It's gray, what's going on? This gray forest is too terrifying. Just standing in it makes people feel depressed. If you live here for a long time, you will definitely suffer from depression!

"After my research, everyone has been in a color environment for a long time, whether it is multiple eyes or physical and mental damage, it is very serious, so I invented this kind of eyes overnight, and you can wear this specific glasses. It can effectively reduce the damage of gray to eyesight!"

Weiwei took out more spare glasses from the suitcase as she said, "But in one night, I can only prepare 7 glasses."

"Academician Weiwei, you are really amazing. After wearing it, I feel much better!"

After Linna put on the glasses, she immediately felt much more comfortable.

"Seven is enough, give me one!"

Bangers snatched one without any explanation, and it was much better after wearing it.

"Now there are eight people in total, and I'm a criminal, so I definitely don't have one, so it's really enough."

Cook was somewhat disappointed, but he was used to picking strong magic fruits in the gray forest all year round, but what he didn't expect was that Asta handed him his glasses, "Master Asta, you What is this for?"

"These glasses are useless to me, they are cheaper for you."

Asta said, he opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. For him, the color damage of the gray forest didn't work for him.

"Thank you so much, I will definitely lead the way!"

Cook was moved to tears at once.

"Even being so kind to a criminal, he's really nice..."

Vivi found herself appreciating Asta even more.

"Linna, what does the hedgehog grass look like?"

Ashtar asked.

"Mr. Asta, this is the hedgehog grass. It looks like a hedgehog, and its spikes all point in one direction. Let's just keep walking in this direction now!"

Linna excitedly pointed to a half-meter tall hedgehog grass.

"It really looks like a hedgehog!"

Banasa walked over to Hedgehog Grass with great interest and observed.

"As expected of a strong magic zone, this chaotic magic power and unreasonable natural creatures, these are the keys to breakthrough research!"

Dominique said excitedly, "If I can find more special materials, then the heavy-duty magic machine I'm researching will definitely be upgraded to another level!"

"Hmph! What's so interesting about this place where the birds don't shit, if it wasn't for Princess Weiwei who wanted to come here, I wouldn't have made it myself!"

Bangers complained inwardly.

"Wait, don't walk in the direction of the hedgehog grass!"

Cook said in horror as if struck by lightning after seeing the hedgehog grass.


Asta asked curiously.

"Master Ashtar, anyone who often lives in the gray forest knows that this is not hedgehog grass, the real hedgehog grass is not so big, it is death grass!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll find real hedgehog grass for you!"

Cook lowered his head and began to search as he spoke. After walking about thirty steps, Cook excitedly pointed at a hedgehog grass that was only a dozen centimeters in size, "Master Asta, look, this is Real hedgehog grass!"

"These two grasses are almost identical except for their size!"

Banasa was shocked.

"How can there be such a small hedgehog grass?"

Linna was surrounded, and she didn't notice it herself.

"Linna, did you walk along this big hedgehog grass?"

Asta couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, Mr. Ashtar, I still remember that when I was lost, an adventurer named Kool told me that I could get out as long as I walked along this hedgehog grass. At that time, he did mean that 477 was this big Hedgehog grass!"

Lena said.

"Kol? You're talking about the messenger of death, Kool, aren't you?"

Cook sat down on the ground directly after hearing the name.

"Death Messenger?"

Asta frowned, when did this Kur get another name?

"By the way, aren't you also a member of the Magic Hunter Guild, so do you know Magic Hunter Kool?"

Banasa said.

"Sister, the Magic Hunters Guild is a very large guild. Apart from my own team, I only know a few hunters from other teams, so I don't know the hunter Kur you mentioned, but I do know the Death God Kur Yes, there are many adventurers who come to the gray forest every year to pick the strong magic fruit, but recently everyone has been rumored that there is a death messenger here, and he specially lures others to walk in the direction of the death grass!"

Cook said.

"Then follow the direction of the death grass, where will you end up?"

Ashtar Road.

"Death Valley! Although there are many space-time cracks in the gray forest, if you are not careful, you will go to other worlds, and some may never come back. This is why everyone is reluctant to come to the gray forest, and Death Valley is the most dangerous place among them. In another world, none of the rumored people can come out alive!"

Cook said in horror.

Chapter 532 Gray Beast!

"How is this possible? If it is Death God Valley, how can I still come out alive!"

Lina said in disbelief.

"What does the **** of death Kuer you mentioned look like, draw it."

Asta looked directly at Cook and said.

"This...Master Asta, it's not that I don't paint, but that I've seen Kool and died. We brothers are lucky, so we haven't met Kool, but we have seen a lot with our own eyes. The adventure team disappeared into this gray forest!"

Cook was afraid that Asta and others would not believe it, and was sweating profusely.

"I see."

Asta nodded, and then said, "For safety's sake, you camp outside the gray forest first, and I will go find out by myself."


Banasa immediately objected, she knew that Asta was doing this to protect them, but why didn't she want to protect Asta?

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to die!"

Asta smiled confidently, and the devil's wings spread out immediately. As his feet left the ground, Asta's aura was pulled to its fullest in an instant!

"It's so handsome!"

Weiwei was stunned. At this moment, it seemed that Asta was the only one left in the world. This weird gray forest was overshadowed by Asta, and more importantly, Asta's expression at this time Gives people a feeling of a demon **** looking down on him for life.

"If there really is a demon **** in this world, then it must be like this!"

Linna is also obsessed, mainly because the current Asta is too eye-catching, with silver-white hair, blood-red eyes, and jet-black wings, no matter which one is the best match, let alone the combination of these up!

"I now suspect that he will flatten the Valley of the Death God!"

Cook couldn't help but look at Asta's current appearance.

"Damn! Damn, this handsome person should be me!"

The triangular-eyed Bangers was furious, but there was nothing he could do, who made his hardware unable to keep up!

"I also oppose you acting alone. Since it is a risk, we are a team, so we should advance and retreat together. If you have eliminated the risk by yourself, then why are we here〃`?"

Weiwei immediately said after experiencing the surprise at the beginning.

"I agree!"

Lena said.

"Although my sense of presence is very weak, sometimes the process is more exciting than the result."

Dominic Dominic, who developed heavy magic machines.

"That's right, I'm afraid this is the first time I've come to the strong demon land in this life, and it will also be the last time I come here. I don't want to tell my grandson when I get old and tell him the only history of entering the strong demon land. My grandfather didn't actually go in to explore at that time, but just stood outside like a coward!"