Black Ride

Chapter 1001: On the night of war

The orange sunset fell to the horizon, and the people at Noah's base ushered in the night after World War I.

The lights of the bustling business districts in the past were completely extinguished, but the industrial and scientific research areas were full of bright lights.

Wu Qi did n’t have time to go home and reunite with Black Knight ’s companions. He had been staying at the military headquarters of the military headquarters to record the information he had obtained in the Apocalypse Abyss in the order of his life date and transferred it to shifts Military personnel.

The geographical environment of the apocalypse abyss, the types of abilities of the abyssal life, and the depth information of the thirteen thrones are all information that will play a role in the victory of this war.

The particularly important information about the throne and the envoys must be firmly remembered by the command-level officers, and the small details and large cardinal information of observing the shape of life in the abyss to speculating its possible abilities, then There is a super intelligent "Josda" record of Noah City's current military intelligence system, and it is delivered to the electronic port of the military intelligence system carried by the soldiers of the investigation team in real time on the battlefield according to the actual situation on the ground.

The transfer of intelligence is a very huge project. Wu Qi and the military personnel in shifts worked until three o'clock in the morning to complete the input and classification of all content.

"Tough work."

"You are."

Wu Qi shook hands with the military personnel separately. When leaving the gate of the military office, a familiar figure in the corridor but some long-term memory in his memory caught Wu Qi's eyes.

The middle-aged man in the general's military uniform leaned against the snow-white wall with a cigarette in his mouth, but he did not ignite because of the smoke-free regulations in the building, just biting. He was about 195 cm tall and taller than Wu Qi. He had black hair and two temples dyed silver. Compared with his memory, the two temples seemed to have more silver-white hair.

"Instructor Ye Zheng." Wu Qi recalled the man's name.

Ye Zheng smiled, took off the cigarette in his mouth, and then looked directly at Wu Qi.

"Welcome back."

Ye Zheng can't remember what Wu Qi was like when he was a training soldier, but the scene of Wu Qi actively studying and asking him for war knowledge at dawn base is still vivid. Now he looks at Wu Qi again. Wu Qi has no "flaws" all over his body, and he can't see through at all.

"Go, I will take you to the scientific research institute, where there is a large person waiting for you. I specially applied for you to lead the way, otherwise I may not have the opportunity to describe the old with you."

Wu Qi nodded.

On the road outside, Wu Qi said, "I'm really happy that you lived from Dawn Base to Noah Base."

"You really will say this." Ye Zheng smiled bitterly. He looked up at the bright moon in the sky and lit a cigarette in the open space; took a deep breath and spit out a smoke ring.

"The Dawn base was destroyed by an army led by a throne, and I witnessed the moment the city walls were destroyed. Many people escaped, and more did not escape."

Ye Zheng's tone was calm and he couldn't hear a trace of excitement, like narrating a very ordinary thing. But anyone who has seen war can understand how complex emotions are mixed in this calm tone.

Compared with the excitement and revenge of mentioning old things, Ye Zheng's heart is more regret and loneliness, so it seems calm.

Wu Qi glanced at the faces he had seen at the dawn base, knowing that some of these faces had been permanently forked to symbolize death, and some still survived in this small and large Noah City. Some corner.

How many beans can't be crushed into soy juice after one round of grinding? In the face of a ruthless war, human life is just the same bean between you and me.

"By the way, do you still remember the people at Dawn Base? I came here to pay attention to the people before, maybe I can tell you a few people's life and death.

Wu Qi thought about it and reported the two names that made him relatively memorable.

"Zhang Ji'an." This was the first leader Wu Qi met when he entered the dawn base.

"It's a pity that he died. Among the teams that evacuated the base, the patrol was the lowest priority." Ye Zheng said.

"Molly." This was the enemy who opposed Wu Qi in the mine mission. Later, he came to disgust Wu Qi's team and was sent to the military prison by Wu Qi's team.

"He was released from the prison during the final evacuation battle, the broken batch."

In the catastrophic situation of the destruction of the Dawn base, it means death after the break. Only those who are evacuated by the soldiers who are willing to sacrifice their prolonged time to survive will be lucky to survive.

These answers are all reasonable, Wu Qi is not surprised. In fact, among the people he knew at Liming Base, Ye Zhengneng survived, which was already a good result for Wu Qi.

"By the way, what happened to Noah's base in the past two years when I was away, can you tell me about it?" Wu Qi asked. He has been working in the city since he entered the city wall, and has been sending his own intelligence. He has not had time to understand the changes of Noah's base.

Ye Zheng said: "Of course. I'm afraid that the distance is not enough."

"It's okay."

In the second half of the road, Ye Zhengjian spoke with Wu Qi about the more important part of the events that occurred over the past two years. The four major satellite bases have successively fallen and evacuated their troops into Noah City to expand their labor force. This is a must-have. Among them are the battles participated by the throne. The apocalyptic army unscrupulously surrounded the grain-breaking tactics several times.

After these contents are finished, the fully-lit research area building is in front.

"I'll deliver it here." Ye Zhengmo extinguished his cigarette **** and dropped it into the trash can beside the road.

"Well, take care."

"Take care."

No more words are needed, the word care between men already includes all the blessings and instructions.

Do not pass Ye Zheng, Wu Qi went straight to the gate of the scientific research area.

Straight into the automatic door of the building, a mature male voice full of mechanical sense sounded in the lobby.

"Good evening, General Wu Qi."

Wu Qi no longer felt novel, he replied: "You are good, General Josda."

Wu Qi glanced at the local area, and the destination clearly turned into the promenade. And Josda's voice seemed to follow the shadows, always ringing near Wu Qi.

"Hey, I haven't seen you in two years, I miss you so much."

"Polite words are free. Also, when will I become a general?" Wu Qi walked sideways.

"The Lord of the City, this afternoon, set your authority as General immediately after returning to the city. Wherever I am, you can go wherever you want and check any governance information." Josda said.

"Well, you should be the top artificial intelligence with the highest authority in Noah City. Industry, scientific research, military, every important system is dominated by you." This is why Wu Qi joked "Josda" "General" reason.

"Germany is not coordinated and ashamed."

"Okay, do you have" art "in artificial intelligence?" Wu Qi stood at the entrance of the General Laboratory and waved his hand. "See you next time."


Josda's voice completely disappeared. The door of the general laboratory is opened after face recognition, and a high-tech laboratory of hundreds of square meters dominated by white tones is in sight.

In the laboratory, Ruo 瑢, Arthur, Clio and others were there. Directly opposite the gate, there are two vertical cylindrical precision compartments, each with a glass culture column 6 meters high and 3 meters in diameter.

The column is filled with light green culture medium. The black mother throne with black body and Urano, the throne of the sky, are immersed in the culture medium.

The two of them are the fifth throne and the ninth throne of the abyss of the apocalypse; the black mother throne once killed Wu Qi, but as a result, Wu Qi failed to completely destroy it. Now they are all captured by their Noah City. The brain wave detector screen corresponding to the conscious activity is two very weak yellow lines, which means that the two thrones in the cultivation column are in a deep coma.

What surprised Wu Qi more than that was Arthur and Klio in white uniforms. These two were the former seventh throne and the former ninth throne, and they stayed with Sister Ruoyan like their subordinates.

"Technology to capture and study throne-level life" and "Technology to resurrect the dead throne and use it for own use", Noah City already has this kind of thing, and Wu Qi is not surprised that the Noah Legion can rely on itself The power to repel the highest four thrones while the abyss general was present.

"Aqi, you're here." Ruo Rong waved to Wu Qi with a smile.

Wu Qi approached frankly, and his eyes fell naturally on Arthur and Klio.

"Sister, these two, can I just call them companions?"

"Yes." Ruo Rong gave Wu Qi the exact answer.

Wu Qi nodded appreciatively in his heart, then looked at the two of them and reached out with his hand.

Neither Arthur nor Kryo resisted, UU reading came over and shook hands with Wu Qi.

This feeling makes Wu Qi very wonderful. If you don't consider your feelings, Arthur is nothing, after all, this guy almost hacked him.

Keli is relatively intriguing, but this guy has been planted in his hand, and he should hate him.

At this time Ruo said, "Arthur and Kryo both have memories of their lifetime."

"Having memory?" Wu Qi murmured secretly. What should be the matter? These two men are obviously thirteen thrones of the abyss who consider humans as their dead enemies. If they are thoroughly brainwashed and the orders are reasonable, if they have memory, they will be ordered by sisters Ruoyou, Ruoyou This technology is also superb.

"Specifically, Arthur, please tell me." Ruo Yuan said.

Arthur said to Wu Qi: "There may be some discrepancies with what you think. We are based on this body and two new consciousnesses cultivated by Ruozhen. In other words, we are not the same person as the real Arthur and Kryo. It ’s just that he has the same power and was informed by Ruo-Ying of this physical past. "