Black Ride

Chapter 1007: Bow and arrow

In the void space, Kreis seems to be unable to perceive his body, as if he is a rootless floating spirit, but he is drawn here by the induction in the midst.

"I can do it. The boss has transmitted me the knowledge. The rhythm I feel now is very similar to the fifth-order power described in the knowledge."

Cress once again strengthened his heart. I don't know if it has something to do with his heart. A ray of light suddenly appeared at the end of the bewildering void space. Kreis moved forward decisively, consciously feeling the sudden shift of space.

Sensing the surroundings again, Kress found that his physical sense of body had strengthened. He opened his eyes and saw a dark space. A dark altar was placed in the center of the dark space, and he was standing on the side of the altar.

The scene in the depths of memory seems to be on the verge of drowning people who frantically want to swim to the surface, soaring rapidly and breaking through the surface.

Kris remembered that he had been here before. It was just that when he came here, he felt like a dream, and everything he saw had a strong sense of distortion. Not only does it not have the concept of "self", it also looks at "self" from the perspective of the third person walking in front of the dark altar, offering a group of ice blue light groups symbolizing the life of the frost-white dragon.

"It was an exchange ceremony, but I brought nothing this time ..."

Chris thought about the solution. At the beginning, he dedicated the life of the Frost White Dragon to the altar, and exchanged his "super-large" and "Frosty White Kingdom" to the "Frost King's Blood". Then a comet energy light from the center of the altar penetrated his body and took himself away from this space.

"Wait, Kris, you are looking for the vessel of God. The knowledge transmitted by the master shows that the ordinary black source spirit boat maximum probability does not have the strange power of" exchange ritual ", which means that the exchange ritual itself , Perhaps the power of God ’s vessel! "

And this time into this peculiar space, he has self-consciousness and can control the body. This is different from the last time.

This time, he has the initiative!

Kreis walked up to the center of the altar in two steps and two steps. At this moment, the feeling in the dark was so intense that it stimulated his heart to be restless.

Chris gave the action to the heart to judge. He raised his iron fist high and struck **** the altar. With a loud bang, there were actually four or five cracks on the surface of the altar. The cracks seemed to hurt this space, making Kreis feel a very abrupt sense of space shaking.

In the next second, four or five cracks spread and almost split the entire altar; at the same time, a strong sense of pulling came from above, and Kris ’s feet could n’t stand on the ground, feeling that the entire body had to be pulled away space.

Kris stretched out and grabbed the crack of the altar, and tried his best to put his eyes into the crack.

The stimulating heart is already manic to the extreme, and Kris cannot allow himself to leave here passively because of the collapse of space! Finally, he forcibly opened the cracks of the altar, from which he saw a sharp reflection of the blade.

There was a loud bang, and the gap that needed to be broken just now suddenly expanded greatly, and the entire altar and the dark space collapsed with violent shaking. And the action force driven by Kris's strong will made him make the most powerful action in the shortest time.

Regardless of three, seven, twenty-one, reach out and catch!

The last moment Chris was pulled away from the dark space, he felt the pain of his finger being pierced by a sharp blade.

I don't know how long it has passed, and Kris' consciousness is once again connected to the external body. He opened his eyes diligently to see clearly, and then realized that he was sealed in the black mud of the black throne again.

It was just that this time something seemed to be held between his fingers, that thing had a slender metal texture and a sharp blade, and that the tingling sensation of blood was real.

Kress squeezed the black mud hard and slammed back into the light-filled environment. But at the moment of seeing the sun again, Kreis realized that her strength had been exhausted. All his hands and feet are out of control, his fingers loosen things that he should hold even if it hurts, his torso falls forward, and the earth zooms in sharply in front of his eyes.

It was Willpower that anesthetized Kris's nerves, and he was still squandering his dry body.

"Bang", Kreis stumbled to the ground, but fortunately he was still awake, and his ear immediately heard a crisp metal landing.

Wu Qi and Kress' eyes were shifted, and they fixed their eyes on the metal weapon lying on the ground at the moment.

It was a straight metal arrow, the arrow was round, and the blade of the arrow was like a semi-circular blade, and it was stained with the blood of Cres; there was also a bulging balance on the front of the arrow, the balance and the arrow were perfect One is as if it were built. Below the arrow of the balance is a slender arrow body, which is engraved with dense mysterious characters from top to bottom, and its material is like some kind of wood, tough and simple, but the color is exactly the same as the bow of the long bow. .

"Arrow, bow and arrow!"

Wu Qi exclaimed. He opened his clothes, and the simple long bow just inserted inside.

Wu Qi had long been prepared for Chris to successfully find the vessel of God. Although he was nervous just now, he didn't lose his heart. It was because he brought out a long bow. Even if there was any force majeure error, the vessel of God would not cause any serious trouble to the vessel of God.

But this result greatly exceeded Wu Qi's expectations! The vessel of God buried in Heiyuan Wangzhou turned out to be an "arrow"-the bow and arrow should have been a set!

That is to say, the Throne of Heiyuan stole the "Arrow ~ ~" from the Throne, and the "Bow" is still in the hands of the Throne. The original set of Divine Vessels is like this. It was split into two parts by mistake. Now he took the "bow" that the throne granted to the infinite throne, and found the "arrow" from the black source king boat, which has not been integrated into a set for so many years. The vessel of God is integrated!

Wu Qi subconsciously stooped down to take the "arrow". The moment he held the "arrow" in his left hand, he also felt the trembling and buzzing of the "bow" in his clothes. Finally met each other.

Wu Qi also completely understood the information that he could not understand at this time. Only the combination of bow and arrow can be regarded as a real vessel of God. If the power is separated, it will be greatly reduced. Even if the individual entity still has the nature of the vessel of God, it can exert its power at most above the fourth order and fifth order. Not full.

Therefore, there will be a so-called "string" boundary, "arrow" exchange ceremony, this is the ability of the bow and arrow split.

"Since ancient times, bows and arrows have been weapons used to shoot the enemy. If I shoot this bow with this bow, what will happen?"