Black Ride

Chapter 1010: Painted on charcoal

The confrontation between the dark crescent moon and the flaming sword is like a natural disaster in the eyes of most of the second- and third-order abyss soldiers and Noah soldiers. The final result was that the dark crescent crumbled, making Noah soldiers even more nervous.

"Black flame ..." Wu Qi muttered to himself.

Immediately, among the remnant mist hairspring appeared a gorgeous man with a red-eyed fox, a pupil like flames, a cheek pattern, a flame mark on his eyebrow, and even dark hair. He wore a black-brown slender Chinese suit with a feast embellished with metal flowers and pink lotus flowers. The beauty was flamboyant and dazzling.

The man's crimson pupil aimed at Wu Qi's eyes, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, with a smile on the evil and beautiful face.

Gorgeous demon fire-"The Ultimate Throne" Omega!

During the frontal collision, Wu Qi's crescent formed by the gravity energy was blocked unscathed, and none of the nearby abyss soldiers were affected. Such energy intensity and precise control are enough to highlight the powerful strength of Omega's first throne. And this round also made Wu Qi understand that he might not be Omega's opponent in terms of energy level.

"Fourth order life, don't think about attacking soldiers, just look at me." Omega said.

Wu Qi replied: "Even if you are here, it seems that the battle plan against Macdonald failed."

"Failure? How do you know that I didn't break McDonald's and seized his lost vessel and returned with full load?"

Omega gave Wu Qi a meaningful smile, and then spread his arms like a bird's wings, releasing a lot of black energy like clouds, ink, and flames.

The powerful black energy changed into eighteen weapons such as swords, swords, halberds, and a black flame cannon in mid-air. When Omega's hand was raised, it blasted towards Wu Qi!

Wu Qi swung his long sword horizontally, releasing a circle of energy ring shield while moving. He flew away from the sky to open the distance, and all the Black Flame Hundred Soldiers and Black Flame Cannon crossed an arc to chase Wu Qi, who was backing away.

Omega took a step forward, jetting black fire from the soles of his feet to catch up. After he left, only Gaia, the sixth throne, was left to dominate the entire battlefield.

Commanded by the battlefield command post, the Noah Corps immediately began to push forward the battlefield. The heavy artillery array of the high wall was also prepared, and a round of rainy shells was fired in a superimposed roar.

Gaia sneered, she held up the red-stripe battle axe and slashed **** the ground from heaven to earth. The earth cracked between the roaring sounds, and deeper energy fluctuations penetrated into the earth through the cracks and spread out at an alarming rate.

The next moment a violent tremor came out of the ground, and the land at the foot of Noah ’s Legion and Noah ’s City fell into the scope of the earthquake instantly!

The agile mech posture in the speeding began to fall, and the armed heavy battle vehicles and war tanks had to slow down sharply. The soldiers in the military vehicle were also affected by the earthquake, and the heavy artillery they operated could not be properly targeted at one place.

The earthquake was just the first round offensive! Gaia Ma stepped forward and swooped forward against the falling shells, swiping the red patterned axe in both hands and swung it 360 degrees!

Boom! Gaia's figure passed through a large group of explosive smoke and intercepted all the shells. She continued to wield the red streak axe, and the simple movement of using her hands and feet was like the dance used for sacrifice.

The ground in front of Gaia seemed to respond to the dance of ritual, and thousands of fissures were continuously differentiated from the starting point. The longest fissure in a few seconds has exceeded 300 meters in length.

Suddenly an orange-red lava column burst out of the ground fissures, and after the first lava column erupted, the earth fissures with a radius of hundreds of meters erupted into extremely hot lava columns! One hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, every minute and every second more and more lava columns rush out of the fissure, like a lava fountain, the tide spreads rapidly towards the Noah's Legion.

The ground in front of the lava column continues to spray, and the lava column continues to output magma continuously after eruption. Those orange-red pulps spreading death meandering on the cracked ground, transforming the land of tens of thousands of living creatures into a lava purgatory!

The soldiers of the Noah Legion saw the discoloration. The agile mech squad that had already rushed to the front had to raise the energy field shield, while resisting the erupting lava column and high-temperature gravel, while looking for the ones that were not affected by the ground cracks. Ground retreat.

The ground fissures spread faster than everyone expected. The first lava column erupted directly near the square of the armed heavy battle vehicle. A large amount of scary lava poured on the armor of a battlefield vehicle. The battlefield vehicle stopped driving suddenly, and the whole vehicle was rising thickly with white smoke.

Gaia looked at the power mecha that was frightened to flee by the lava purgatory, and looked at the chariot hit by the lava column, and Gaia couldn't help but reveal the arrogant smile of the demon dominating the weak creatures.

"The ants never learn to fly."

Just as Urano, the throne of the sky, masters the power of the sky, Gaia, the throne of the earth, can perform the disaster of the earth. Earthquakes, lava eruptions, soil erosion, dust storms, etc., what she wants.

Even without the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him, Gaia alone is an army. She can turn the earth into a steamer in hell, and who cares whether a ant is lying on the steamer or a nest of ants.

You just have to die.


Gaia, who was laughing violently, shut up suddenly, her eyes staring at the direction of Noah City, a dangerous hunch came from the high wall.

A closer look at the sky above the high wall of Noah City, I do n’t know when there is a sea of ​​light particles that blends blue and gold!

A moment of tightness in Gaia's heart ~ ~ A huge light cannon shot through the sky shot from Noah's high wall! The intensely dazzling light sharply magnified in Gaia's field of vision, almost submerging all sceneries.

Gaia, who had exuded the domineering momentum that dominated the battlefield, suddenly jumped like a frightened rabbit. She instinctively feared this giant cannon of light, but she knew that if she acted subconsciously, the abyss army behind her would open empty gates and be driven straight in by this terrifying giant cannon of light!

In a flash, Gaia made a judgment. She bit her teeth and swiped her arms with red stripes to control the surrounding river of magma, and fortified a magma city as a defense.

The tumbling white gas and the hot red mist are intertwined in the air, and the hot orange-red magma flows from the earth to the sky, and then the giant light that kills everything and bombards it, destroying everything.

The tide of lava rushing across the wilderness shook violently. At this moment, behind the beginning of the spread of the lava tide, a city of broken magma, which was pierced by a circular hole, was standing hard.

The ground behind the city of magma was plowed by a huge cannon of light into a terrifying long tunnel. The abyss soldiers had dispersed to both sides of the long tunnel, because of chaos and panic, a few flat corpses were left behind.