Black Ride

Chapter 1039: Swept down

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The person floating in mid-air is about 185 cm tall, and his body is obviously a man. He is wearing a simple white shirt and a fierce scale mask on his face, and he can't see the true face.

Wang Yan stayed in a silver "bubble", also floating in mid-air, as if carried by this man.

The elder Changan glanced at Wang Yan, a special emotion flashed in his eyes. He said quietly: "Who is the person who came? You tied our mercenaries in Chang'an District and knocked down our power mech units. What are you going to do?"

But Wu Qi did not reply in time. If he had focused his attention on Elder An for the first second, then 90% of his eyes fell on this beautiful man with blond hair and a single pony tail next to Elder An.

The face from the depths of the memory surfaced, and Wu Qi remembered that this person was Charlotte Leroy!

Wu Qi wore a ancestral mask to cover the true appearance. If he took out the crescent moon sword, his weapon would also be the same as before. So he recognized Charlotte, but Charlotte could not recognize him.

Charlotte is not a vegetarian either. His powerful and keen intuition tells him that the person in front of him not only flies, but is also very strong. And the man looked very strange in his eyes. It was as if he was staring at him, not looking at the elder Changan.

Have you seen it before? Or was it because Elder Ann had no fighting power, and this intruder directly locked him with the strongest presence?

There were two possibilities in Charlotte's mind, but it didn't matter which kind it was.

Since the six gray cranes that were touted by the elder An were all knocked down by the invader in front of him, it was his turn.

Elderly Ann was ignoring his face, and his face was dull. Charlotte simply stepped out and stood obliquely in front of Elder Ann.

"Why did this friend attack Chang'an District for no reason and started to be so ruthless, come and talk to me."

Wu Qi said lightly: "It's not for no reason, just teach your friends about the old old pervert."

Wu Qi did not deliberately change his voice, his voice was different from his previous. But Charlotte still heard something strange: he had never heard the sound, but he knew it strangely.

This is Wu Qi's underestimation of the deep impression he had left on Charlotte Leroy. He did not know the failure Charlotte experienced in him. Once he became Charlotte's arrogant self and worked hard. Powerful motivation.

"Oh, listen to your words, you are not satisfied with the status quo, but still continue to do it?" Charlotte said calmly.

Wu Qi raised his finger directly at Charlotte's nose, then bypassed Charlotte and pointed to Elder An.

"Don't pretend that you don't understand, that's right, pointing to the elderly behind you."

"But I won't let it." Charlotte chuckled.

Wu Qi replied: "Report your name!"

Charlotte's aura suddenly fell silent. His fore-brush-like eyelashes were under the cover of his comb, and his blue eyes opened suddenly in the next second!

A few strands of powerful golden-red flames appeared in the air three feet away from Charlotte's air, and faintly surrounded Charlotte's huge gas field that was very different from the previous second. His bright red lips lifted lightly, and his words were as clear as the piano.

"Lieutenant Hawk, Charlotte Leroy."

Speaking of this title has special meaning to Charlotte, and changing the aura seems to be a brief ceremony held in honor of this title. Reporting this title to the enemy means that he must show the strength of the pioneers of the same level, and the sense of oppression that the Eagle Eagle officer should have!

Wu Qi narrowed his eyes.

"Lieutenant Hawk ... Charlotte has also improved. And it is a double progress in strength and identity."

Wu Qi said in his heart, then immediately thought: "This confident look is not bad, otherwise it seems that I am bullying you."

"Xiaoying Lieutenant? It's really a narrow road." Wu Qi replied, just understatement.

"Can't hold it?" Charlotte said with a heart, stepping out again in the next second.

A cry! The scorching wind roared step by step. Charlotte stepped on the flaming red lotus step by step, and the temperature around him quickly rose to hundreds of degrees. His whole body was also bursting with large groups of golden red flames. These bright and bright flames seemed to be separated from Charlotte's body, but the burning swing was like Charlotte's arm.

Up to a high temperature of thousands of degrees, a terrible flame of energy, and extremely delicate manipulation, this is Charlotte's third-order natural control type ability-"Flame Master"!

Charlotte raised his hands, and the flame that formed a ribbon adhered to Charlotte's arms, and the flame tail spread like a flaming wing.

His momentum rose to the extreme, and he immediately said: "War. Let me remove your mask that hides like a rat."

Wu Qi didn't rush forward, Charlotte rushed forward! His electric footsteps rushed out in an instant, and the flames behind him surrounded his high-speed advance at a breakthrough speed of 200 kilometers per hour!

At a distance of tens of meters, Charlotte stepped on the fireball in the palm of the fire cone, and flicked the fireball as he approached to the very close. The moment the fireball broke away from the hand, it burst into bloom and turned into eighteen flaming lotus flowers that came to life in Wu Qi!

Charlotte used this trick to overcome hundreds of self-righteous enemies.

However, Wu Qi saw all of Charlotte's movements, and he seemed to be unable to see the eighteen fire lotus that was about to explode violently. Special chest.

Charlotte finally reacted, he gathered flames in a very short time to condense the fire wall to protect his chest, but Wu Qi's fist still penetrated the thousands of degrees of fire wall.

boom! Eighteen Fire Lotus exploded in situ ~ ~ The fire was dazzling like a gorgeous sun! Extremely strong winds rushed in all directions, and the raging flames rushed to the sky above. A huge cloud of mushrooms rose up, violently exploded while controlling the area, only burning on the road without affecting the houses on both sides.

Elder Ann ’s eyes reflected a bright golden-red flame, and he looked up to Charlotte ’s power and admired his control. Charlotte Leroy, who is such a beautiful, talented and virtuous person, is admirable.

However, the next second's change made Elder Ann stunned. Charlotte bowed out of the mushroom cloud in the center of the explosion and slammed into the road behind him and rolled out a dozen meters.

Elderly turned his head blankly, and saw Charlotte's body was still full of fire, and he scrambled up a little bit hard, as if it was just extremely difficult to climb; his red lips dripped darkly The red blood streaks touched the ground and gathered a small pool of blood.

Charlotte lost?

The rising flame mushroom cloud was pushed up into the sky by an invisible force to dissipate. After the flame disappeared, Wu Qi was suspended intact in the spot, and even the bubble shield protecting Wang Yan was still intact.

I wanted to hide my identity, but Wu Qi thought about it, forget it.

"Wang Yan, do you know that the man lying there vomiting blood is the culprit who killed your brother Wang Sheng!"


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