Black Ride

Chapter 1067: Expected

"You all know ..."

Wu Qi subconsciously repeated Adriana's words, of course not verbally, but in her heart.

Wu Qi would like to ask: "How much do you know?"

Some of what happened with Renee should be concealed along with her comrades-in-arms. Renee should not tell Adriana even this. Based on this premise, Adriana might know what Renee's comrades saw.

Wu Qi closed his eyes and recalled the scene when he was separated from Renee.

In the wasteland of the occupied area, the grey queen just died, and then Kazan suddenly appeared and used the dead virus to forcefully control his body, causing him to cut off all Renee's comrades.

Then, he gave Renee a knife in the back.

Wu Qi really didn't want to recall these long and painful memories, but his brain was as full of responsibility as expected, and he remembered clearly where he stabbed Renee's body.

My feelings at that time were sorry for Renee.

Remembered that this degree was a bit biased. Wu Qi immediately put his thinking back on track and remembered the Crouching Tiger fighters who fell under his sword.

It stands to reason that all the soldiers should die, and Adriana will not have a channel to get the information, but then Renee ’s blood was also mixed with corpse virus. If she wants to resurrect all her comrades, then she can do it To.

Follow this logic without any problems. Wu Qi took this reasoning as a background for talking with Adriana.

He said with discretion: "How do I think of Renee ... I am similar to her in terms of ability, and in experience we are enemies and comrades in arms, and those who cannot be considered comrades ... know people.

Adriana showed an intriguing expression: "Just a person I know, just?"

Although Adriana has never experienced love, it is impossible to say that she does not understand it at all. On the contrary, her experience of seeing through people's hearts also helped a lot.

Wu Qi's words clearly revealed the meaning of evasion. They all said that they were comrades and later denied the facts. Adriana really dare not think of such contradictory words Wu Qi also said.

Or is there some scruples?

Adriana suddenly showed a little interest: "Wu Qi, I will give you a chance."

"What do you mean?"

"Give you a chance and ask me how Renee thinks of you."

Adriana gently squeezed her bright red bright hair, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Wu Qi instinctively produced a hint of retreat, which is strange to say, obviously he only faced an Adriana, why should he retreat.

If you obey Adriana ’s intentions here, you will fall into a trap 100%, but if you forcefully reverse her meaning, you will greatly increase your suspiciousness.

Wu Qi thought of the third method, the easiest way to eliminate suspiciousness.

That is the truth.

"No need to ask. I will tell you the truth, Colonel Adriana."

Wu Qi seemed to recall something, and the tone was heavy in the depth.

"The reason why I divided our relationship is so contradictory, I can only say the superficial words of" knowing people "because I did something that is worthy of Renee. In the occupied area, I and Renee At the end of the trip, Kazan, the thirteen throne of the Apocalypse, appeared. He controlled me with abilities, and I could n’t resist hacking all Renee ’s comrades, including Renee.

Adriana's eyes changed slightly, she didn't expect Wu Qi to admit this sensitive thing in person, but if the third method of Wu Qi's circumvention of the first two methods was a hand trick, then he was completely wrong. .

"I said what are you going to say, and it turned out to be this matter? Do you think I don't know?"

Wu Qidao said: "You naturally don't know what happened at the scene, I mean I was controlled by Kazan."

Wu Qi spread his palms and looked at his palm, as if he had traveled through time and space to see himself when his palm was still dark red.

It was a longer memory, and I will never forget any of the details in this life.

If he was asked to condense this memory into a very short sentence, then he would only say three words, which is the conclusion.

Kill Kazan.

And Adriana, who was beside Wu Qi, heard Wu Qi's speech and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"So, in fact, you are worried about being misunderstood by Renee, so don't you dare to mention that you are" friends "?"

Wu Qi knew that Adriana's expression was a mockery without looking. His left hand drew down and he returned to normal immediately.

"Friends ... We have different positions at first. This vocabulary may summarize our experience and relationship, but it will not change the norms and the positions behind us. I am so, and Renee is the same."

"No, it will change."

Adriana interjected suddenly. Her expression no longer looked like the one she just mocked, but she rarely took her own feelings.

Wu Qi turned his head to face Adriana.

"If Renee is like you said, then she will appear here now ~ ~ Maybe she will take my place, watch over you and chat with you," Adriana said. Quite seriously, as if instead of Renee expressing her true heart, "But she didn't, to say why, that's because she was afraid of your" friend "relationship, probably because you are afraid of you and you become an" enemy " Misunderstanding, so I chose to avoid suspicion. "

Wu Qi's expression froze for a while, and then Adriana first changed her words and laughed: "Of course, Renee, me, and you can't predict the future. If she knew between the Eagle Army and Noah City There will be no fighting at all. You will easily surrender and be willing to go to Beijing with us. I guess she will choose to come back from the northern border without hesitation? "

Adriana was joking and using her own method to soften the atmosphere, but she never expected that Wu Qi would use that tone in the next second.

"North border border ... Dare to ask if the Crouching Tiger fighters who walked with Renee were resurrected by Renee with" corpse virus "two years ago?"

Adriana was surprised by Wu Qi, who was suddenly brought into private feelings. His eyes swelled with the idea that he must be informed of this information. Adriana recalled a little bit and found that this was the first time Wu Qi had failed. Speaking calmly and calmly.

"Yes, so what's wrong?"

Although it seemed to lose to Wu Qi's momentum, Adriana said the truth. And her instincts told her that it might be related to Renee.

Wu Qi's fingers rubbed against each other, and thought about saying it again and again.

"My hunch may not be accurate, but I think the northern border border will be dangerous!"