Black Ride

Chapter 1159: On the Magic Star

After everyone entered the forest, they slowed down from running to walking. Although the one who should be vigilant still had to be vigilant, it was confirmed that it was difficult for chasers to catch up.

   "Except for the battlefield on the edge of Xishan City, everything else is good." Pi Chunsheng said.

   Others all said they acquiesced. After all, they had just experienced the ups and downs from safety to life and death. After escaping to a safe place, they felt like they were dreaming. Especially the golden light beam that was deflected by "Xin" and shot towards them, now that I think about it, I still have lingering fears.

   However, when everyone's hearts were slightly relaxed, a strange voice suddenly sounded over the empty and quiet forest.

   "Humans, don't you plan to just run away like this?"

When   's voice sounded, the pupils at high distance shrank suddenly. He suddenly pointed to Lu Chaoqi and shouted, "Little Lu, be careful!"

   But it was too late, a flash of blue light suddenly struck from behind Lu Chaoqi, and it was almost too late that Lu Chaoqi could not react enough to hit him! After the lightning flashed, Lu Chaoqi's body had been burned into a piece of black coke, smoked all over, and fell straight in the direction of everyone.

   When Lu Chaoqi fell, a two-meter-tall humanoid monster appeared from behind him. The monster’s limbs are like human beings, with tentacles on its mouth, bat wings on its back, and its body white. It has blue electric arcs on its body. Its appearance is evil and strange, and the energy and life energy it emits are all in the crowd. Above the perceptual limit!

   Yue Zhanfei could clearly feel the oppressive feeling of the monster in front of him, like a stormy sea. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

   "This seat is one of the eight wilderness officials of the Wilderness Empire-Lai."

  Lai faintly answered Yue Zhanfei's question, and then he waved his hand, and the electric ball the size of a projectile ejected from the palm of his hand flew into the air and suddenly expanded a hundred times, turning into a plasma ball with a diameter of one person! Immediately after twelve sturdy chains of lightning emerged from the plasma ball, the chain of lightning buckled and snaked through the dense forest, and in an instant created a lightning prison that besieged the investigating team.

   This series of actions only took less than two seconds, and it did not give Yue Zhanfei and others a chance to react. After doing all this, Lai slowly walked towards the crowd and said, "You are soldiers of Noah City. Just a few days ago, Noah City killed thousands of people in our wilderness empire. This blood debt will be paid by you who happened to be delivered to the door."

As soon as   lai's voice fell, a loud bang instantly resounded over the forest! A sharp sniper bullet penetrated the air and flew to Lai's forehead, but before it entered Lai's forehead, it was blocked by a grid barrier that suddenly condensed.

It was too late and it was fast. The contact surface between the blue grid and the bullet burst out with a surprisingly bright electric arc. The turbulence of that burst of energy plowed the surrounding ground into several deep marks, even shot through and burned. Scorched nearby trees. Everyone looked for bunkers and hid them. After the tyrant's electric energy raged for a while, the electric light gradually disappeared.

   As for the special sniper bullet "energy annihilation bomb", it has been wiped out in the violent fourth-order electrical energy.

   On the other side, everyone else hid, but Gao Yuan stood in front of Lai with his arms flat with electromagnetic energy*. A wisp of white smoke remained on the thick and long muzzle, as if silently telling Lai the origin of the big killer just now.

   Gao Yuan has already used the fastest shooting action in his life, but unfortunately he still failed to blast its head before Lai made a defensive response.

   Lai looked at Gao Yuan coldly. Faced with a Tier 4 being that could kill oneself easily, this human being was able to decisively pull the trigger to preemptively, and was precise and extremely fast, and his psychological quality was evident. The most important thing is that the bullet just now, if it weren't for the strong sense of crisis that I had foreseeed and seriously released the fourth-order intensity of electricity to resist it, it would really be different which one wins and which one loses.

   "Interesting, your life is worthy of me." The tentacles of Lai's mouth shook, and two clusters of hedgehog-like lightning cores had accumulated in the humanoid hands.

   The high and distant eyes kept staring at Lai, his hand quickly replaced the electromagnetic energy* with a second energy annihilation bomb.

At the same time, Yue Zhanfei’s voice came from behind a certain tree: "Your Excellency Lai, please be slow, if I remember correctly, the senior officials of your wilderness empire had a face-to-face conversation with our city lord Noah. The well water does not offend the river. However, you still send troops to attack the investigation team sent by Noah City to the wilderness. The soldiers are defending properly. Your people can only be blamed on yourself for being killed. You keep asking me to wait for the debt to be paid, I am afraid it does not make sense."

   "Really? Now that it is agreed that the well water will not violate the river water, what is your outpost on the southeast border of the Wilderness Empire?"

   Lai sneered, and saw Gao Yuan's face change on the spot.

   "Finally, I will send you a word, the weak and the strong in the wilderness, I want to reason with this seat, let your Ruorong City Lord come and talk about it."

  Lai yelled, and suddenly pushed his hands forward, the two lightning cores in his palms instantly turned into two ferocious thunder dragons and flew towards Yue Zhanfei high and behind the tree! The flying speed of Thunder Dragon is as terrifying as its prestige, and the distance between the two parties is so short that it can't be shorter than two people can dodge.

   At the moment of the moment, Gao Yuan and Yue Zhanfei, who saw the Thunder Dragon attack with the "global view range", took out a steel ball from his arms, immediately let go and rolled back toward the rear. The two steel **** were annihilated by the Thunder Dragon in two places, but immediately a large red oblique energy field shield popped up from the place where the steel ball was, and it deflected the Thunder Dragon's flight before the red position was broken. The direction is about 15 degrees.

   This seemingly small angle separates life and death! After the thunder light flashed, two trees and the land at the foot of the tree were blown to pieces by the thunder dragon and ignited a raging fire. Gao Yuan and Yue Zhanfei escaped by luck.

The two steel **** contain advanced technology in the same vein as the "energy annihilation bomb". An "energy refraction shield" contains 48 miniature energy base groups. When subjected to a huge impact, the steel ball shell naturally disintegrates and the energy The oblique energy field shield of the base group structure will pop up and open instantly; each "energy refraction shield" has the ability to refract an attack of the third-order peak energy intensity level, UU reading is even a face It can also exert about one-third of its power against fourth-order energy.

  The investigation team of Yue Zhanfei, Gao Yuan and others did the terrible task of infiltrating the border of the wilderness empire. As the captain and deputy captain, they can be equipped with a precious "energy refraction shield" to protect themselves or their teammates at critical moments. But this kind of props disappeared after they were used, and they could only face Lai's next deadly attack on their own strength!

Lai had already made up his mind to kill Gao Yuan and Yue Zhanfei in one go. He directly raised his hand to absorb a few lightning bolts in the thunder and lightning light prison and aimed at them and then released Thunder Dragon. The interval between the two rounds of attacks was even less than one second. .

   At this moment, the ground in front of Gao Yuan and Yue Zhanfei suddenly cracked, and an extremely wide wall of blood thorns rose to the ground, blocking the deadly Thunder Dragon when they were in danger!

   Boom boom boom boom! The continuous loud noise erupted continuously, and Lai suddenly looked back and found that the surrounding earth was cracking everywhere, and the ground, the air, and the trees were climbing or flying everywhere with ferocious, wild, blood-colored thorns that seemed to have autonomous consciousness.

   In the middle of the countless blood thorns, Lu Chaoqi, whose whole body was like charcoal, struggled to get up. The scarlet spear that released the blood-colored thorns penetrated his heart, and the wandering blood-colored thorns continued to entangle, cover, and add to his body. His scorched skin and combat uniform cracked and peeled off, revealing flawless and intact skin.

   Immediately, blood thorns full of sharp thorns covered his smooth skin, and in just a few seconds he armed him into a scarlet monster with a long thorny tail wrapped in blood thorn armor!