Black Ride

Chapter 1172: In the mouth of a tiger

"I admit that I lost, but let's solve the problem first."

Wu Qi said. As soon as his voice fell, a large number of orange-red cracks were visible to the naked eye on the ground below, and the cracks spread staggeredly. The first cracks had sprayed tens of meters of high-temperature magma into the sky!

The switch between the battlefield and the lava purgatory was only a few seconds away. Suddenly, the ground from all sides spewed out four huge lava flows like counter-current waterfalls. The lava flow flew high into the sky, deformed and woven into a fiery red sky cover as if it was out of gravity. A lava of thousands of degrees enveloped Qiu Yuan and Wu Qi.

Gaia's figure slowly walked out of the billowing black smoke, her gaze turned, a stream of flying magma accurately sprayed the frozen red tomahawk. The red-patterned battle axe bathed in magma thawed, spinning at high speed and flew back to her palm.

"Say! Where is Urano!" Gaia said angrily. The magma under her feet boiled, and after overflowing the cracks in the ground, it condensed into huge lava lions at an astonishing speed.

This row of lava lions is not formed by the third-order fire system supernatural powers. They take lava as their body, and their whole body is full of high-heat and thick earth vein energy. And this earth vein energy is the same as the earth vein energy that creates the high wall of soil, both of which are of Tier 4 level!

It was only a moment when the lava lions would attack together. Wu Qi reminded: "Qiuyuan, the opposite is a Tier 4 natural control type ability, you are not her opponent."

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"Don't resist, let me help you."

Before Qiu Yuan could react, he suddenly felt a sharp tingling pain in his waist. He lowered his head and saw that Wu Qi actually stabbed his waist with a crescent long knife, and there was still no blood flowing from the wound.

The blood was taken away by the crescent long knife!

"Wu Qi, are you crazy!"

Qiu Yuan yelled in a low voice, and even nearly tightened his wrists and crushed Wu Qi. But at this moment, crescent long sword and Wu Qi's body showed a looming blood vein. Wu Qi's other three slow-regenerating limbs suddenly showed ten times the regenerative activity, and in the blink of an eye they were completely repaired and put on sharp and tough black scale armor!

Wu Qi's face once again changed into a mask of returning to the ancestors, and his overall momentum returned to its peak. He pulled out the long crescent knife inserted into Qiu Yuan's body, and a hazy red mist spread out from his body; the tentacles that touched the red mist naturally lost strength and let go of Wu Qi.

Wu Qi, who had recovered to his heyday, took the initiative to take a step forward and took Gaia's attention to himself. He sneered: "Want to find Urano? I would advise you, if you can't bring troops into Xinjing within seven days, you will never want to see your brother."


Gaia was so angry that her face was distorted, and she immediately controlled a row of lava lions flying towards Wu Qi. At the same time, she firmly held the red-patterned battle axe with her right hand, and her feet burst out with two bursts of flames, pushing her to move in front of Wu Qi instantly!

There is a giant axe in front, a group of lava lions next to him, and behind him is Qiu Yuan who would not be of much use to Gaia, but Wu Qi is not afraid of danger.

He drew Tier 4 blood from Qiu Yuan, which was enough. Next, is his stage!

Wu Qi held the Crescent Moon Long Knife with both hands, and for an instant, dark energy burst out of the long knife! The violent black mixed into the strong wind, turned into storm, whirlpool, and lightning, and then smashed into Gaia's face with a mighty force!

The top of the sky seems to be a roar of violent thunder that penetrates the lava cage! After this loud sound like an auditory hallucination, all the lava lions that pounced on Wu Qi were only half of the crippled fall, and Gaia was shaken by the violent air current, and the red-lined battle axe and the front end of both arms seemed to be swallowed. The beast disappeared without a trace like a bite, and there were still two traces of pitch-black energy remaining on the cross-sections of both arms, as if smoking.

Wu Qin's face wearing a mask of rejuvenation emerged from the gravitational energy that was divided into two halves, and a pair of eyes colder than the devil looked down at Gaia who was defeated by him.

This knife is the real domineering exposure of the "gravity" ability, and it releases a gravitational vortex to the outside world with the crescent long knife as the center. At that moment, all the matter and energy involved in the gravitational vortex will be annihilated, and Gaia's ferocious and full-stroke hit just hit the gravitational vortex that fearlessly attacked by energy.

Perhaps Gaia’s real power lies in manipulating the energy of the ground veins, changing the terrain and even inducing geological disasters. If she is given a chance to play, it is not impossible for her to slaughter the soldiers of the Third Army with one person, but Wu Qi does not Will give her this chance, never!

When it was said that it was too fast, Wu Qi suddenly pushed forward with his left hand, with five fingers forming claws, which burst out with a powerful attraction to the residual energy on the cross section of Gaia's arms! Gaia knew that he would die if he got close to Wu Qi again, and immediately poured all his mental power into the "flame incarnation" of the Valkyrie armor!

The armor burns, and the flames roar! In an instant, Gaia's upper body, which was covered by armor flames, was ignited and turned into a burning fire. Gaia's eyes, face, and hair all turned into flames. Her arm also turned into fire, naturally "getting rid of" the gravitational energy attached to the broken arm.

Gaia, who has been promoted to Vulcan, has a sharp increase in affinity with fire energy, and the energy of the entire lava cage can become a part of her life at any time. And she was also the first to take more than 20 active lava rivers from six directions of the lava cage, making them staggered through the inside of the cage, and at the same time enhancing her offense and defense.

Wu Qi and Qiuyuan won't let the environment become more favorable for Gaia. They unanimously cooperated. Wu Qi sprayed an astonishing amount of serum red mist all over his body, and a gravity vortex was stored on the crescent long knife; the left body of the ice of Qiuyuan sprayed extremely cold mist to the surrounding area with all his strength to lower the temperature and temperature in the lava cage. The speed of movement of the lava river.

The next moment, Wu Qi suddenly teleported in front of Gaia, the blade he held in both hands was like death's sickle, aimed at Gaia's torso and slashed.

Those lava rivers taken from the surroundings have not been able to reach Gaia, and what makes Gaia feel even more shocked is that the gravity vortex on Wu Qi's knife seems to lock her body, and there seems to be a hock in the dark. The energy of the bone maggots spread out from her body, pulling away from the gravity vortex that brought annihilation!

Wu Qi passed a sneer in his eyes as if silently telling her: Gravity is not a force that can be easily shaken off.


In the last 0.1 second, Gaia screamed frantically and actively posted to Wu Qi, who was swooping down. It was precisely because of her post that Wu Qi's blade hit her lower body too quickly, rather than her torso.

The speed of the two is extremely fast a blink of an eye, they are back to back separated by a hundred meters. Wu Qi stopped anxiously in front of an active lava river, and when he looked back, he just happened to see Gaia, who had lost her legs, fell into the nearest lava river.


"Don't make noise!"

Qiuyuan yelled at Wu Qi while screaming, and at the same time outputting extreme cold energy to freeze the lava river where Gaia was hiding!

That was the limit of Qiuyuan's third-order ice system ability, but it was a pity that the river of lava was mixed with fourth-order earth vein energy, and Qiuyuan couldn't freeze it with force until his brow brows fiercely.

Before Wu Qi rushed over, the surrounding lava rivers stopped as if there were life, and the lava river where Gaia was hiding turned around and plunged directly into the magma-filled ground, with a thump and nothing.

At this time, the six directions of the lava cage sounded rumbling restlessly, and the fiery red sky cover first softened and began to collapse!


PS: Last night the system maintenance could not be posted, sorry for the late post