Black Ride

Chapter 1230: Eternal night is coming [super big

   Fall in love with you reading net, black ride

   Two days have passed since the curtain call of the battle. But all humans and wild spirits who survived knew that this was not a real curtain call.

   When several hanging eagles and Jiuhui blasted down the fleshy wall composed of countless plague species, and did not find the emperor and any person in the moment, the information that the emperor was not dead was almost a certainty.

Emperor Zuo did not "die" under Xu Fang's sneak attack. On the contrary, he took advantage of the slight contempt of him from the outside world, and killed the carrier carrying the "roulette" of the **** vessel. Every moment, he took away and gathered everything. Four divine vessels. After that, the Emperor also compulsorily sacrificed the lives of the thirteen thrones, and erected a total of thirteen bright red and eye-catching pillars of light on the battlefield inside and outside the Fearless Bulwark. Moreover, the thirteen pillars of light that pass through the sky stand in place without any reaction. Any matter and energy will directly pass through the light beam without any influence on it.

   But after finishing this series of things, the throne disappeared strangely. The Apocalyptic Abyss Army brought by him, the thirteen throne was forcibly sacrificed for an unknown purpose, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of plague-type soldiers were all abandoned.

The hundreds of thousands of plague species left over were not driven to extinction by the human and wilderness empire’s armies, because the military budget consumed for this was too large, it didn’t make sense to leave it alone, and it would completely destroy the plague species corpses full of frenzied power viruses. The environment near the Fearless Barrier.

Therefore, these hundreds of thousands of plague seed prisoners were first sealed in place by Zhang Hao in the Xuanying Jiuhui with the fourth-order ability "Space Imprisonment", and then by Lieutenant General Nan Konghao, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanying Southern Military Region He took over and used his Tier 4 ability to "shuttle in other worlds", confining the army of hundreds of thousands of plague species into different spaces and turning them into prisoners.

   The rest of the matter is much more complicated. The cruel reality requires that the Wilderness Empire and the Supreme Court have never been united before to deal with post-war matters. On the basis of each other's war damages, the interests in the signing of a temporary armistice and alliance treaty are distributed, and a plan to confront the Apocalypse after the war is also to be conspired.

   Even if it does not count as the head resolution of the Standing Committee of the Supreme Pioneer Committee such as Monarch MacDonald and Wu Jun, this news aroused the huge waves of opposition within the Wild Empire and the Supreme Court.

   On the side of the Wilderness Empire, because of the damage to the "mother stone" of the **** vessel, four members of the Eight Wilderness Ministers, and nearly 100,000 soldiers of the Wilderness Empire. Macdonald naturally requested that the part of the “Treaty” that the Supreme Court’s actual interest support for the development of the wilderness empire be increased, including the expansion of the territory of the wilderness empire officially recognized by the Supreme Court, and reducing and restricting human rights in cities, bases, and safety zones. The hunting volume of wild spirits within the surrounding radiation range, dividing the captives of the Apocalypse Abyss Army, and the output of technologies in the fields of biotechnology, energy use, and so on.

   It is naturally impossible for the Supreme Court to agree so easily. Most of the members of the Supreme Pioneer Council believe that their losses in this campaign are heavier. Not only did they sacrifice two members of the Standing Committee who were of infinite value to mankind, a ‘roulette’ of the gods, an "arrow" of the gods, the western wall of the fearless barrier and military installations were almost completely destroyed in the fierce war. Moreover, the original purpose of the combined army of Noah City and the Wilderness Empire was to attack Xinjing, but it just happened to be invaded by the Apocalypse Army.

   And Noah City is a third-party force that participated in the formulation of the "treaty." Although after the death of Ruorong and Lu Chaoqi, Wu Qi was the only one of the top powerhouses in Noah City, but McDonald and Xu Xinsu came forward to support Noah City, and Wu Qi's strength has already been ranked. Only second among the three camps after MacDonald, Noah City certainly could not let go of this opportunity to open up a path for its own future.

   It is noon, outside the highest conference room of the Central Political Court. Wu Qi stood against the wall outside the conference room, wrapped his arms around his chest, and kept hitting his arms with his fingers, as if thinking about something.

He was supposed to be the negotiator of Noah City, but Wu Qi was often upset and sleep deprived in the past two days; and Wu Qi himself knew that he was not suitable to do this, so he handed over the important negotiations to Hicks. Command and take care of it.

   When the negotiation progressed through the usual process of arguing with each other, Wu Qi found a reason to leave and walked outside to breathe.

   Just as Wu Qi was cleaning alone, Commodore Wuyang suddenly came over from the other side of the corridor. Wuyang saw Wu Qi who was worried, and then glanced at the conference room door where the sound of fierce arguing was faintly heard from inside. He thought about it and knew what the meeting room was like, so he walked up to Wu Qi and handed Wu Qi a cigarette.

"calm down?"

  Wu Qi declined Wuyang's kindness, but Wuyang didn't insist on it, and leaned on Wu Qi's side after lighting the root.

  The gray smoke continued to puff, Wuyang looked up at the ceiling in the smoke, his eyes seemed to penetrate time and space, seeing the past.

   "I knocked you down involuntarily two days ago. Sorry."

   Wu Qi suddenly spoke when Wuyang was about to speak. Wuyang was slightly surprised, and then said: "It's not a big deal, I forgive you."

   "Thank you." Wu Qi said.

   "Well, how should I put it, if Madam is kind to me, I grew up watching you, and Senior Ruorong... is watching me grow up..."

   Wuyang glanced at Wu Qi secretly, and saw that Wu Qi didn't react much, so he cautiously continued: "Senior Ruorong is also the target of my small admiration, so the sacrifice of her, I feel the same as you."

   After Wuyang finished speaking, Wu Qi didn't respond, but the more quiet he was at this time, the more disturbed Wuyang was.

   "Wu Qi, are you...really okay?"

   "I have something, but it's not time for me to act."

   Wu Qi said coldly, as if his feelings had been frozen.

"The bodies of Guo Bobo and Ruorong are now being kept by people from my mother's group. The Supreme Court killed my favorite person in order to control me, and the culprits of the organization plan such as Zhao Yuenlang and Ye Xiao leader are also No longer alive. Now, we can’t tolerate each other, but no one can avenge anyone. So the best solution is to leave with the remains of Guo Baibai and Ruorong after the crusade against the throne. Where to stay."

   After listening to Wu Qi, Wuyang couldn't help but feel a writhing. He asked tentatively, "What about Mrs. Ruo and Standing Committee Member Wu? You really have the heart to be separated from your two closest relatives in this world?"

   But Wu Qi's answer is very clear.

"Senior Wuyang, this is the result of my deliberation. My parents have struggled for the first half of their lives for the development of the Supreme Third Hospital and the cause of human survival, and will contribute the second half of their lives. Now the standing committee members have only three dead, so I continue. It is also their beloved Supreme Court that the revenge destroys. However, I can’t help but regard the Supreme Court as an enemy. From my birth, memorizing, taking risks, and now, the Supreme Court has almost run through my entire life, and it plays His role has always been the'villain'."

Wu Qi turned around and gave Wuyang a relieved smile: "I hate the Supreme Third Court, but I don't hate the humans it guards. I also hope that the human race can survive in this world, and it’s more wild than wild. The plague species have developed prosperously. As the pioneer of the Third High School in protecting it in the light, I will protect the pure humans in this world in the dark. I will spend my whole life to protect the city of Noah of Sister Ruorong."

   Wuyang pursed his mouth, looked at Wu Qi with a bitter smile, and smiled helplessly.

   "Well, I wish you well. After the crusade is over, I will visit you frequently when you return to Noah City." Wuyang patted Wu Qi on the shoulder.


   At this time, the door of the conference room opened with a creak, and the personnel of the three delegations walked out of the conference room. Not because of anything else, but simply because it was time for dinner and the meeting was suspended.

  Wu Qi ignored everyone in the delegation of the Supreme Court and walked straight to Hicks and MacDonald.

  Wu Qi asked: "How?"

   "Continue this afternoon." Hicks held a thick notebook with a calm expression.

   Since Ruorong's death two days ago, Hicks has shown unimaginable strength and determination. He is in charge of all the affairs of Noah City, is responsible for the operation of the internal and external affairs of Noah City with a single person, and handles everything in an orderly manner, just like a perfect new City Lord.

   But Wu Qi knew how much hair this old general who had been with Sister Ruorong for half a lifetime was due to Ruorong's death overnight.

   Without Hicks, there would be no city of Noah that is still functioning normally. Therefore, Wu Qi only has full respect for Hicks.

   "Thanks for your hard work." Wu Qi nodded politely.

   "It's all duty." Hicks said.

   During the negotiation break, Wu Jun, one of the five standing committee members, personally came forward and received the negotiation delegation between Noah City and the Wild Empire in a luxurious banquet hall. The banquet hall was equipped with a dazzling array of high-end gourmet buffets and expensive and unlimited red wines and wines. When everyone was enjoying the fine wines and delicacies and temporarily getting rid of the troublesome negotiation gap, Wu Jun came to the stage and announced a tripartite joint effort to seek the future. Gorgeous speech.

No one can refute that Wu Jun’s speech is very infectious and mobilizing. Under the "curtain" he described, the trilateral forces of the Supreme Court, Noah City, and Wilderness Empire will work together to eliminate the evil of the throne. Help the world create a glorious and beautiful future. Among them, the Noah City delegation can feel respect, the Wilderness Empire delegation can feel equality, and the delegation of the Supreme Court naturally gained more confidence in successful negotiations.

   "Wu Qi, your father is full of talents as a ruler."

  In the area where most of the Noah City delegation members are located, Hicks and Wu Qipan talked about this suddenly.

  Wu Qi does not deny this. Although Wu Jun’s poor performance as a father impressed Wu Qi, it did not affect Wu Qi’s belief that Wu Jun was an excellent ruler. And if the future direction is really what Wu Jun said in his speech, and the three forces work together to create the last piece of the puzzle for a glorious future, then father Wu Jun and uncle Ruo Shian will be the senior members of the Supreme Court. People from Yacheng.

   Thinking this way, Wu Qi felt more relieved.

   "But my father can do so, and the death of the two old bones of Zhao Yuen Long and Chen Yu is ‘indispensable’." Wu Qi spoke without concealing his hatred for these two enemies.

   Hicks sighed: "But if the two members of the Standing Committee, Zhao Yuen Long and Chen Yan, guarded the "arrow" of the gods and did not let the "arrow" fall into the hands of the emperor, the situation may be better now."

   Yes, maybe that way, Sister Ruorong will survive.

   Wu Qi didn't say what was in his heart. He was silent for a while, then changed the subject with Hicks.

   As time goes by, the banquet gradually comes to an end. At a certain moment, Zhang Huanling, the son of Standing Committee member Zhang Yuyu and a student of the Dean of the Academia Sinica, entered the banquet hall without anyone paying attention. He found Wu Jun and said something in his ear.

   Just these few words, Wu Jun's face became dignified visibly.

   In the banquet hall, Wu Qi, MacDonald, and Xu Xinsu were simultaneously contacted by the same spiritual voice. The three of them each made excuses to interrupt the conversation with the people around them, and secretly walked out of the banquet hall.

   At the corner of the corridor outside the banquet hall, Wu Jun and Zhang Huanling stood there waiting for the three.

   Wu Qi, MacDonald, and Xu Xinsu looked at each other, and then walked to Wu Jun and Zhang Huanling together. MacDonald asked: "Is there something to contact the three of us secretly?"

   "A major event related to all human beings and wild spirits." Wu Jun said very seriously.

   "It's related to the emperor seat?" Xu Xinsu said sharply.

   Wu Jun replied: "Not sure, but apart from him, no one else can do it."

   Wu Qi said straightly: "It seems that this is not a place to talk about things, so let us go without delay."

   "Well, everyone, please follow me." Zhang Huanling said.

   Zhang Huanling led the way, and the five quickly arrived at the research building of the Eastern Branch of the Academia Sinica.

  The area of ​​the research building is quite large. From the outside, it is a triangular pyramid-shaped glass building with a height of 120 meters. There is also a huge triangular area in the center of the inner side of the building. The 40-story building above the triangular area is transparent and non-layered. A manned space rocket model stands in the area, which symbolizes the farthest step forward in human science and technology in the era of civilization. Aerospace Science and Technology.

   Wu Qi followed everyone by the elevator to the top floor of the 40th floor. At a height of 40 floors, standing next to the glass wall can get a sweeping view of the entire Eastern Branch of the Academia Sinica; looking up, you will feel much closer to the sun.

   Zhang Huanling has been leading everyone to the astronomical observation room. When the face authentication door opened to both sides, it revealed dozens of busy researchers in the astronomical observation room.

   Zhang Huanling led everyone into the Wen Observation Department, when the director of the Astronomical Observation Department came over to greet Zhang Huanling. After Zhang Huanling explained his intention to bring Wu Qi, Macdonald and others, the minister immediately asked his subordinates to switch the main control screen and personally explained it for Wu Jun, Wu Qi, MacDonald, and Xu Xinsu.

"Look, sir, this is the unidentified flying meteorite observed by our No. 13'Watch' space station at 13:45 today. According to the latest calculation results, this meteorite is about 48.7 meters high and is currently traveling at a speed of 46,027 kilometers per hour. Fly to the earth. Converted into time, the meteorite will fall on the earth 122 hours later, that is, five days later at 16:00! Once the meteorite hits the ground, it is estimated that it will cause 150 times the size of the civilization in the local area. . The explosive power of the bomb! No matter what buildings and creatures are near the meteorite landing, all will be destroyed in an instant."

Minister    solemnly told everyone about the recent analysis of the situation. They all fell into silence for a long time looking at the various analysis data and flight trajectory graphs of the "unidentified meteorite" displayed on the main control screen.

   At the same time Xu Xinsu has closed his eyes, meditating and performing "foreseeing the future".

   She wants to know whether this meteorite will fall on the earth at 122 hours!

   The process of "going away from reality and communicating with the future" is very difficult. I don't know how long after Xu Xinsu suddenly saw a giant meteorite that broke the ground in the darkness! The meteorite gushes out of the dark clouds surrounded by 13 bright red light beams, burning with the bright red flames of destruction, and slowly descending from high altitude with the pressure to burn everything!

   The destructive pressure and heat of the horrible meteorite that fell that day seemed to be real, which shocked Xu Xinsu's mind, and at the same time frightened Xu Xinsu's consciousness at the moment when the final meteor fell.

   Xu Xinsu suddenly opened his eyes. At some point, her cold sweat was already covering her forehead and face, and her back was completely soaked with sweat, while she herself was panting with panic and fear, as if she had just come from destroying the world. Running out on foot during the disaster is average.

   And the eyes of Wu Qi, MacDonald, Wu Jun and others are all concentrated on her at this moment.

   "Xu Xinsu, what do you see?" McDonald asked Xu Xinsu's shoulder with concern.

   "I, I saw that meteorite. That meteorite will land. Although I didn't see the ground of the landing place, I saw 13 red beams of light standing on the sky in that place. It's true!"

   Where the 13 red beams corresponded, everyone present couldn't be too clear.

   "What?" The expressions of Minister, Wu Jun, and Zhang Huanling all changed drastically. The Minister couldn't believe it, but immediately the data on the main control screen was updated.

   "Minister! There is a major intelligence update!" a researcher shouted.

   Everyone quickly turned around and saw a new line of latitude and longitude data displayed on the main control screen. The place corresponding to that data is Xinjing in the center of the mainland!

   At this time, the minister no longer had any excuses to refute Xu Xinsu's prophecy of destruction, and he even bowed deeply to Xu Xinsu in respect.

   "Maybe, we can try to intercept this meteorite." Zhang Huanling seriously suggested.

   Wu Jun nodded and said, "Yes, even if the meteorite falls in Xinjing, we can also rely on the long-range interceptor missile to destroy or miss the meteorite. You don't have to be so pessimistic."

   And at this moment, Wu Qi, who has been silent, suddenly interrupted: "Wait. Can you guess what the true face of this meteorite is?"

   None of the people present were unhappy, Wu Qi reminded, all of them became a little conscious.

The drop point of the meteorite corresponds to the location of the 13 red beams of light, and these 13 red beams were created by the imperial seat forcing the lives of thirteen thrones in some way. The beam of light does not affect anything and is not affected by anything. The purpose of being here is unusual at first!

"Whether it is based on Xu Xinsu's'foreseeing the future' or the data you have analyzed, we all have reason to believe that the landing point of the meteorite is related to these 13 beams of light, or more simply, these 13 beams of light exist here, which is a guide. The direction indicator of the meteorite landing!" Wu Qi said firmly.

   "So you mean, this meteorite is also the handwriting of the Emperor?" Wu Jun said.


   Minister thought for a while, and then said: "As a human being, I agree with your guess. But I still hope you can give more evidence."

"Yes, here," Wu Qi pointed to his own brain. He and MacDonald and Xu Xinsu both looked at each other, and then whispered: "You all know that I had a survival experience in the Abyss of Apocalypse. At the bottom of the Black Origin Sea in the Abyss of Apocalypse, there is a place that even the thirteenth-level figure rarely knows. That place is the'end of the earth'. If the Abyss of Apocalypse was once a pit hit by a meteorite with an ability, then' The end of the underground' is the center of the explosion of the power meteorite! I have explored there, and I have experienced nine deaths, and finally harvested a lot of information about the fifth stage. And my qualification to observe the fifth-order divine vessel is also from the end of the underground. some."

   Wu Qi calmly stated that any sentence would cause an uproar in the intelligence ~ everyone listened attentively.

"And at the'end of the earth', there is not only a huge amount of information, the traces of the fifth-order power, but also a consciousness that claims to be a'god'. It once said to me,'Wu Qi, go harvest the gods, wait for you When holding the sacred vessel, you can observe the power of the fifth order. Control it and then dominate this civilization!' It also said, "If you harvest all the sacred vessels one day and send them to me, I will give you the final Enlightenment.'"

   The amount of information contained in just a few short sentences by Wu Qi is enormous, and when a few core keys are connected in series, they will eventually come to a logical conclusion.

   Wu Jun took a deep breath, and then looked at Wu Qi with a torch, and said: "The emperor gathered all the divine vessels, and then rushed back to the end of the underground in the first time, which triggered the final revelation. Right?"

   MacDonald also said: "If it weren't for the'Ability Meteorite' you mentioned just now, I might not really remember it."

  Speaking of this, everyone is already aware of it. This meteorite that will land on Earth in 122 hours and hit Xinjing, the worst and worst possible is the second meteorite!

   At that time, even if the Supreme Third Hospital bet all the long-range interceptor missiles, it would be useless to destroy the meteorite before it landed on Xinjing. Because when the second meteorite full of super viruses falls on the earth, the "Dawn Age" human civilization built with pioneers as the core will completely regress to the "Dark Night Age"! Even with the exception of the top Tier 4 pioneers, the pioneers of Tier 3 and below will degenerate into plague species!

   And this time, mankind will never have a chance to usher in the ‘dawn’ again.


  Ps: It's about to end, and finally ask for a recommendation ticket for collection.