Black Ride

Chapter 134: At the end of red inflammation

The body of a dragon with a diameter of one meter is twisted and twisted under the control of Charlotte, turning into a spiral tornado. The surface of the fire tornado has a myriad of spiraled deep red cracks, and then a blazing aurora emerges from the end of countless cracks!

Wu Qi hurriedly crossed the knife on the right side of the body. The hot wind of the fire tornado blasted all over the knife of the long knife. The powerful driving force made Wu Qi's left arm unable to support, and the knife body hit the chest.

Wu Qi’s body was struck by a powerful force and flew 20 meters away. The flame that invaded in the air left Wu Qi’s chest and left arm with a burning tattoo.

Charlotte looked at Wu Qi in the air across a curved arc of fire, and then changed the handle to the right hand before landing, the left palm simply landed on the ground, the elbow joints bent to resolve the powerful thrust And made a flip motion, then the legs fell steadily on the ground.

Charlotte looked at Wu Qi's sensibility without losing the rules and regulations. Charlotte thought, if Wu Qi is not dead, maybe he still has a chance to escape from his own hands.

Wu Qiming Ming has suffered several serious injuries and placed on the average person enough to die three or four times, but still in a flexible movement. Even though there is a slight dissonance in the muscles of the whole body, it seems that 30% of the muscles are not involved in sports at all, but this does not prevent him from making such a beautiful unloading action.

Now, when Wu Qigang landed, he rushed over to himself three times.

The distance of 20 meters is not enough for Wu Qi’s feet for a second, which is enough for Charlotte to always be very jealous of Wu Qi’s closeness.

Charlotte's shoulders shook slightly, and Wu Qixun, who came to the oncoming, slammed a right-handed jab, and the phoenix-winged flame attached to his arm naturally turned into a tornado with the rush of the jab. Attitude, and there was no more than five meters of distance.

Then, the punch of the fire tornado burst under the idea of ​​Charlotte, the whole action is like throwing a bomb! The hot wind from the fire tornado violently pushed Charlotte back in the air, and Charlotte was equipped with a blasting flame to create a distance from Wu Qila.

Wu Qi did not out of Charlotte's accident, and he quickly evaded most of the damage from the fire tornado blast, and then went to Charlotte's place like a ghost. He looked at the landing of Charlotte like watching a bouncing ball. The ball, his eyes are clear that he wants to rush to him before Charlotte falls, slamming him out.

Charlotte unfolded his arms and legs and put it into a "big" character to withstand the largest surface area of ​​the wind, allowing the hot air to push himself back; when the wind was running out, his two shoulder blades were near Suddenly, two deep red flame beams were released backwards. The two beams of fire released backwards were Charlotte's wings. After leaving the body, a huge fireball with a diameter of half a meter was formed in the air. Then the distortion bursts open, and the spray is thin and the endless strong wind.

Charlotte's sturdy body, which was covered in darkness, suddenly made an emergency stop in the air. In just a few tenths of a second, Charlotte followed the fired double-fired shots several times. His black figure bathed in a large flaming phoenix flame tail, retreating in the air, rushing, fighting, sprinting, and the action was done in one go. The feet did not touch the ground from beginning to end, and they were in the air in a series of clouds and waters. After the action, it turned into a dazzling flame meteor and rushed to Wu Qi.

Wu Qi’s fighting nerves in the early years have digested Charlotte’s posture changes. The flames of Charlotte’s incarnation went straight to his door, and finally he no longer retreated, and he decided to make a positive decision!

Charlotte's beautiful pale golden curls squirted for the wind behind the flames. A pair of blue-blue eyes finally reflected the light of the will to win. He made a posture in the air, his right leg was straight, his left leg was slightly bowed. The left hand is in front and the right fist is in the back of the body. His entire right arm was covered with a deep red flame, and the flame whirls in a spiral shape, forming a ring of ultra-high pressure ring about five centimeters thick on the outside.

This is a flame tornado held in the hand. The previous two flaming tornadoes were Charlotte's experiments. In the battle, he experimented with how much the airflow caused by the spiraling of the flame could hinder the result, and Charlotte made a decision. Since Wu Qi will dodge a long-range flame attack, he will use this trick and Wu Qi's long knife to win the battle!

On the other hand, Wu Qi quickly turned into a hand holding a knife. His high-speed movement did not have a gorgeous flame as a special effect. He always pursued the attack range of enemies into the long knife and then strangled.

After both speeds have reached a certain level, collision and separation are only momentary.

The red-red flame meteor collided with the black long knife in the next moment, and there were countless deep red cracks on the meteor's tail flame, and a dazzling blazing white aurora emerged from it!

Charlotte’s right-arm condensed flame tornado slammed into the long knife blade of Wu Qi’s front, and the invincible long knife and the five-centimeter ultra-high pressure ring blocked each other in an instant collision. The splitting of the volume broke open and became a bombardment of melee blasting!

boom! ——

The flames of Haotian will transform the ruins of the garbage dump, which is 25 meters away from the center, into the oil pan of the purgatory. The smoldering flames from the center will flow unscrupulously through the broken wall of the garbage square, and the dust on the ground or in the air will be completely Baptized with fire. The fire wall that surged into the sky from the ground once again reached a height of five meters, and there seemed to be a flaming phoenix bursting out in the middle of the sky.

Fifty meters跪 Sitting in the armored chariot next to McDonald’s Gao Lan staring at the battlefield of Charlotte and Wu Qi’s battle, her dark brown eyes were overwhelmed with flames. Filled up, except for the raging flames, there is nothing else in it.

If you record such horrific scenes and sounds with video recorders and pass them on to other pioneers, perhaps most people will think that this is a scene of a third-order pioneer of the flame system, and this flame The enemies of the third-order pioneers must be the peers of a full-fledged battle that forced the flame-powered pioneers to release the flames of burning the earth.

The earthen oil pot that was burned by the flames "boiling" for two minutes and then gradually calmed down. The fire wall that reached the sky was also gradually shortened, and eventually the flames of the same place merged into one. The high-temperature flame wall in the hustle and bustle surrounds the center of the flame blast, and Wu Qi and Charlotte are hidden in it.

Gao Lan's soft right hand is placed on the chest, nervous and weak. This area of ​​more than 100 square meters can be burned for more than two minutes, indicating that Charlotte is madly exporting flames after attacking Wu Qi, and does not intend to give Wu Qi a chance to escape. But the length also illustrates the possibility that Charlotte is unable to recover the flame.

A minute later, the flame wall surrounding the blasting center gradually disintegrated into Mars flying in the air. Mars fluttered to the north and winded to the north, eventually revealing the real scene behind the flame wall.


PS: I am sorry late.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!