Black Ride

Chapter 163: Avengers and Desperados

Charlotte put his hands on the ground, and there were two fireballs in the palm of his hand. The fireball turned into a cannon and violently bombarded the ground. The crimson fire in the light illuminates the entire street and the sides of the street.

The strong wind whistling in the narrow streets, the anti-pushing airflow generated by the artillery attacking the ground sent Charlotte to the air of more than 20 meters, and instantly disappeared into Wu Qi's field of vision!

Wu Qi was too late to be surprised. He rushed back and shouted: "Throw the flash."

Guo Baibai immediately reacted and took out a flash bomb from the tactical belt. After pulling the buckle, he threw the window. The flash bomb crossed a parabola in the air and landed on the road in front of the armored truck.

The flash bomb exploded and gave a blinding aurora. Wu Qi took the car's enemies in a few seconds after being blinded by flash bombs, and turned the car back to the original road, stepping on the throttle and retreating at full speed!

"You can't escape."

I saw Charlotte "station" in the air 20 meters from the ground, his flexible body traversed 720 degrees in the air, at the moment of facing the broken car, the position of the two shoulder blades ejected a spiral flame beam, The flame beam expands into a raging phoenix in the blink of an eye, extending over the shoulders and back of Charlotte!

boom! The blasting air of the blasting fire sent Charlotte out to the front and down. He turned into a deep red meteor, crossing the entire i-9 street, taking the car at the crossroads full of bullet holes.

The blue-eyed eyelids are dyed red by the surrounding fire, and only Wu Qi has a goal in the center of Huanren!

The blinding effect of the flash bomb only played for 3 seconds. The mercenaries on the armored trucks resumed their sight and saw the target car as the rat fled. Wu Qi did not love the war. The car he controlled had just retreated to the first intersection, and he slipped into another street and disappeared quickly.

The next moment, the mercenaries saw a fire-breathing meteor breaking into their field of vision. The back of the torso and the limbs of the black sergeant uniform covering Charlotte's whole body are now wrapped in a burning red flame. The flowing flame keeps rolling, and there seems to be a devil's face in the flame, roaring.

Charlotte rushed from top to bottom, but did not hit the road. He adjusted his posture in the air one second before the road, his legs facing the ground, and two groups of fireballs with a diameter of 20 cm were produced in the air five centimeters below the soles of the feet, so that the wind generated by the explosion of the fireball helped him complete a mirror. Reflective drop action.

In the marvellous eyes of many mercenary officers, Charlotte, who was burning all over, flew to the air 20 meters again, maintaining the same high speed as before.

In the air, Charlotte glanced in the direction of the lower part. After getting the "amazing, envy, worship" he wanted to see, he smiled easily and regained his gaze.

In addition to destroying Wu Qi’s companions, the purpose of this cofferdam’s battle was to capture Wu Qi, and Charlotte would like to show his strength before the newly recruited ministry.

His ace "Fire and Phoenix" has been developed to a new level, which can achieve the super-high-speed movement of the flame explosion by consuming a large amount of fuel, and expand the battle zone to the upper air in one breath.

In order to control this speed, Charlotte must maintain the precision of the flame control at all times; to control the timing and angle of the detonation, the reaction must be very fast. By doing it, he will have the ability to fly and become a real "fire phoenix".

At this moment, Charlotte overlooks the street in the middle of the low-rise area of ​​the 4th floor from the 20-meter sky. It clearly sees the vehicles of Wu Qi and others who fled.

The Charlotte blasting flame accelerated in the air. In the horizontal air, the room spanned three hundred meters in a row, and instantly smashed the rear part and flew over the car that was driving on the road.

The moonlight outlines the shadow of Charlotte in flight, stretching his shadow and projecting it onto the roof and road of the car.

Charlotte deliberately kept the state parallel with the car, because Wu Qi and others' visions were limited and blocked by the highly limited windows and roofs, so he was sure that he had flown to the blind spot of Wu Qi and others. This avatar eagle looks very good at the rabbit, as if you can make a fatal blow to the prey at any time!

Charlotte raised his right hand and aimed at the car below. A huge 40-centimeter fireball slowly condensed out of his palm. The temperature of this fireball is more than 1000 degrees. The deep red flame flow floats on the surface of the golden fireball and squirts the hot gas. The released heat can distort the light and it looks like the space is distorted.

This is a serious blow from Charlotte, and the ignition power is 100%!

"Heavenly Fire!"

The huge fireball collapsed inward in an instant, rapidly shrinking and then expanding and rebounding, turning into a larger flame column and launching toward the car below. The speed of the flame jet is so fast that it hits the front cover of the car in seconds. The front cover is melted in a hollow, and the golden red wind and fire falls through the middle!

The violent high-temperature flame directly detonated the engine of the car. The huge impact force turned the car 180 degrees backwards. The flame tongue of the claws protruded from the front window and spewed out from other windows.

The car exploded to a height of two meters in the volley, and the front tires were directly blown! The rolling smoke dragon pours out from the inside of the car, and the burning car chassis falls up to the ground, bounces twice on the ground and then stops.

Charlotte hit a hit 遂 reduced the amplitude of the body pushing the explosion, quickly landed in two seconds, and settled on the road.

The wreckage of the car has been reduced to a fire. A large dark red burnt mark has been left on the ground near the car body, and the white gas rises from it and is mixed with the smoke from the car.

Charlotte stepped toward the car wreckage that was the fire. In the next second, the two rear doors that were burnt were opened. Guo Baibai and Gao Yuan quickly climbed out of the car wreck. The combat uniforms on them were burned to the flames, leaving only half of them. The face and skin exposed to the air were covered with dust from the explosion and became dark and dirty.

Gao Yuan and Guo Baibai's eyes and nose were baked and smoked by flames and smoke. They temporarily lost their sense of sight and smell, and lost their sense of direction. They only closed their eyes and explored the wreckage of the car. They don't have any serious burns that are incurable, because Charlotte is aiming at the front row of the car for the sake of less waves and high altitudes. It is a blessing in misfortune.

Charlotte did not relax his vigilance, because he knew that Wu Qi could not directly kill himself even if he was in the middle of the sky. He was super-perceived to the wreck of the car that was full of fire. Finally, a black shadow with a long knife came out of the frantic flame and entered Charlotte's field of vision.
