Black Ride

Chapter 43: Ayaka

Although the girls burst into swearing, Wu Qi still didn't understand why the two men suddenly reacted so big. He saw that the girl and the tigress in the jungle were somewhat similar. The shoulders sank three inches in an instant, lowering the center of gravity and subconsciously posing the attitude of welcoming the enemy.

Wang Sheng saw Wu Qi reacting. When he was sitting on the sofa like a spring, he went to Wu Qi and said: "Don't stop, this is my sister, called Wang Hao."

Then Wang Sheng quickly turned around and glanced at Wang Hao from the angle that Wu Qi could not see. He said: "His name is Wu Qi, I intend to let him stay in our house."

The misunderstanding was lifted, and Wu Qi re-raised the center of gravity. He carefully looked at the Princess, and finally determined that this girl did not have any dangerous atmosphere. If the perception is good, she should not even count the genetically-enhanced warrior. It is the most common pure human being.

However, Wang Hao was swept away by Wu Qi, and his heart was not good at all, just like the feathery skin of the feather duster. Wu Qi’s eyes were burning in her eyes, like Mai Mang, as if to wear her whole body. And every time she paired Wu Qi's beautiful eyes like obsidian, seeing Wu Qi's delicate and white face, her heart suddenly lost the kind of arrogance that can be used to Wang Sheng.

"Wu Qi... Well, I don't care, Wang Sheng, you arrange him." Wang Hao threw a sentence, stepped on some messy steps, pushed the bedroom door and drilled in.

The door is closed, and Wang Sheng and Wu Qi are left in the living room.

Wang Shengsong took a sigh of relief and took Wu Qi to sit down on the sofa and said, "Let you laugh. My parents left when my sister was 8 years old. She has lived with me for the past eight years. I Well, sometimes it is quite rude to her, let her get some ugly swearing, plus I have to go out all day with a black sergeant mercenary group to fight and kill, and rarely come back. Once, so she was born like this."

Wu Qi didn't think too much, saying straight away: "You must be very fond of your sister."

Wang Sheng shook his head. "How is this possible? If I am good to her, she will not treat me like this. You see that she is using me to talk to me, not to call my brother Wang Sheng, if you give me those black My embarrassed buddy heard that I couldn’t laugh at me."

Wu Qi did not explain why he said so. He simply knew how Ruo was to himself. She gave him guidelines and he followed them in his bones. She gave him food, and he was not wasting his temper. She teaches him knowledge and he stores these memories in the brain forever. If there is no doubt about his love for him, and Wu Qizhi will become such a person, it is inseparable from the crisis environment.

Only when living in an environment where there is no living, will it be a bit of a waywardness, and in the age of the last days, it is a rare happiness.

Wang Sheng sighed and then sorted out the spirit. After regaining his enthusiasm, he said: "I’m not going back home, but I’m depressed. I got it, Wu Qi, I will take you to a good place.” He shook The leather jacket with wet marks stood up.


"Yan Street." Wang Sheng squatted his right eye and smiled meaningfully.


Clouds and rain breaks, the sky is dim, and the faint purple glow is like the sky's gauze. It is covered with a layer of layers, which is intertwined with the pale yellow sky background, which reflects a blurred view of the sky. The previous thick clouds have disappeared, as if they had thrown away countless viruses and bacteria and then fled.

Wang Sheng drove a pickup truck and took Wu Qi for a quarter of an hour in the dazzling base building. By the faint yellow sky, the night light turned into a dark blue night. The pickup truck rushed into a gray street with bright yellow lights on both sides, and then stopped.

Wang Sheng got off the bus and saw Wu Qi still sitting in the car, could not help but open the door for him, pulling his arm down.

Wu Qi’s eyes never looked at the front, as if he was worried about anything. Wang Sheng smiled a bit: "All come here, still afraid of a hair, is it a man?"

Wu Qi said: "Put July in your home, isn't it?"

"Reassure, don't look at my sister's words, she is very good at housework and taking care of small things." Wang Sheng remembered that twenty minutes ago, they knocked on the bedroom door together and hugged the fluffy little red fox in front of Wang Hao. At that time, Wang Hao’s eyes were instantly lighted.

Wang Sheng gently hammered Wu Qi's chest, then let him pass, leading Wu Qi to look up at the street bathed in the night and the street lights.

The appearance of this street is different from the street that Wu Qi has seen since. At first glance, there are about twenty or thirty passers-by on the street, and all of them are men. There are middle-aged people with smashed faces on their faces, and there are also masculine people who have nowhere to vent their masculinity.

The buildings on either side of the street do not have a dark gray armor, but instead paint bright colors such as bright red, delicate pink, and psychedelic blue. Most of the height of the building is three or four floors, and the outer side is welded with a rusty iron frame. The iron frame is adorned with various luminous wire lanterns, and the graceful woman body surrounded by colored lights. The name of the store on the rectangular signboard is always in the format of "XX Hostel", and there is also an old decoration of a cupid arrow shot in love.

After the bright yellow street lights lit up, the woman in the **** hotel’s store came out with a few exposed women. Their skin is not particularly white and tender, one by one wearing a thin and bright dress, revealing the slender legs and thin legs. The short skirt and the roots of the thighs are flush, and the dark areas that are not invaded by light are sandwiched between the two beautiful thighs, invisibly attracting men's hormones.

The deep gully between the low neckline and the hills that are shaken from time to time are full of softness. They are used to attract passers-by. They naturally look at each other, and the movements and eyes of the passers-by have become their muscles. reflection. From time to time, there will be a few passers-by who will not listen to the woman who signals to them. When they take the woman's arm, they will go to the interior of the **** hotel.

The **** hotel is not the whole of this street, there are some bright and noisy bars mixed with it. The color of the bar is biased towards a deep brown tone, and the interior is completely opposite. There isn't a sea of ​​wine that is not a drunken fan, the radiant pillars that irritate the eye are swaying around, and you can see through the narrow glass windows.

The old sound plays the sinister songs of the civilized era. The lyrics are all linked to the woman's body and the night's love. The walls of the bar are soundproof, but the sensitive Wu Qiru does not deliberately control the hearing. Music.

Wang Sheng’s Yan Street is like a beautiful area in a small city with a civilized era.

If you haven't taught Wu Qi to let him come to this place.

Wu Qi’s eyes swept over the exposed women on both sides of the street. After confirming that these women were pure humans without threats, they relaxed a little vigilance. However, behind this time, there was a strong palm thrust. Wang Sheng pushed a hand and led Wu Qi to be forced to move forward.


PS: Seeking collections~ Your collection is the biggest support for Xishan~

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!