Black Ride

Chapter 77: Under the smoke

At the same time, all the mercenaries noticed the sudden smoke. The fog. They grabbed the assault rifle hanging on the chest and put the armor of the explosion-proof helmet down. Two or two backs, began to tactical enemy and move.

Norman’s body was still in a comfortable rest for a second, and the next moment was like a long snake in the bow, and it turned to the back of the sofa. He immediately opened the gun bag of the gun. He took out the AWM painted by the snow leopard and quickly installed the scope and the clip.

In the clip, there are 5 8.6×70 mm Ma.G. South rifle bullets lying in the clip, each of which has the power to penetrate the four-level defense-enhanced human body.

Norman’s grandmother’s green eyes began to change, and a circle of violent waves of water swayed. The ability of two-level vision enhancement was maximized by him. He looked at the ruins of the smoke in a hidden way, and his eyes penetrated into the thick white smoke. I want to see the enemies hidden in the smoke.

Prior to this, Norman dared to say that absolutely no humans entered the radius of 500 meters, but there were indeed multiple cigarettes under the eyes. The fog appeared. This is absolutely impossible to use for mutant animals or plague species, only humans, and they have somehow avoided his sight and lurked close.

Humans... This G032's main city, in addition to their Hells Lions Mercenary, there are humans?

"Don't the black servant mercenary group come back, that Gaolan will miss?" Norman muttered, unbelievable.

Even though he did not respect the high names of Gao Lan, Charlotte and other bosses, Norman had no doubt about their strength.

"Don't panic, carefully attack the enemy!" Norman's headset came with a commander's command, and Norman immediately turned off the headset and screamed.

His eyes don't see white smoke, and the infrared sight in the gun bag doesn't work either. At the moment, only a keen sense of hearing is used to sense the surrounding environment.

Norman suddenly fortunate that he did not give up two levels of hearing enhancement because Gao Lan's ability was unattainable.

Just as the smoke started, the gunshots suddenly sounded in the ruins below. The deafening gunshots are like the beasts of the beasts, rough and violent.

Norman, the gunshot, is very clear. It is the gunshot of the M500 revolver. The huge power is in line with its huge caliber. One shot definitely allows a mercenary wearing a military bullet-proof vest to fall to the ground, and this gun is not hell. The standard of the male lion mercenary group.

"The gunshot is in the direction of 10 o'clock, the distance is about 150 meters, and the enemy is there." Norman secretly said.

However, when Norman was highly focused on listening to the surrounding environment, he did not find a ghostly figure flashing through the corridors and corridors, and getting closer to his position. Ghostly black shadows move quickly without a little bit of footsteps, and even the breath does not exist.

In a flash, a dark gray figure appeared in the doorway of the room, and the line of sight passed through the open door, and Norman’s back was unprepared in front of him.

Wu Qi looked at Norman with no expression. His left hand held the M500, and the slender and huge silver gun reflected the golden light. Wu Qi quietly lifted the muzzle of the black hole to the front and firmly aimed at Norman's back.

He buckled the trigger, and the silver beast immediately gave a harsh scream, a huge 12.7 mm bullet slammed with the fire, turned into a ruined gold thread that ran to Norman’s back, and at the same moment, Norman Actually made a tactical evasive action!

The bullet and Norman passed by at a distance of 2 cm. Norman volleyed his body and slid his body to the ground in less than half a second.

The obsidian-like deep eyes are on the beautiful eyes of emeralds, and the nerves of both sides are stretched to the extreme at this moment.

A drop of cold sweat condensed on Norman's right cheek. If he didn't smell the metal smell suddenly, he made an evasive action on the danger. At this moment, he had already opened a hole behind him, and he could not die.

Wu Qi was surprised at why Norman could react, and his own quiet step should not be any sound. But in the battle he never spent more than 0.01 seconds to adjust his mind. He quickly turned the magazine to pull the trigger, while Norman also pointed AWM's gun at Wu Qi's head.

boom! The two gold wires broke through and the speed of the sound that exceeded the speed of sound made the sound sound too slow.

Wu Qi side-by-side slammed the sniper bullets that had passed through the neck. The sniper bullets with huge destructive power suddenly opened a large hole in the wall behind Wu Qi. Norman’s right shoulder has a large spiral hole! The fragments of the bullet-proof vest and the spiral puddles burst at the same time, splashing the red blood.

Norman's body was carried out by the huge power of the large-caliber bullets, and flew out of the balcony and fell down.

Wu Qi looked coldly and took out the long knife behind him. His legs were wide open and he jumped out of the balcony on the third floor like a flying rat. In the sight of several mercenaries, Wu Qi fell into a thick white smoke rising from one side.

The scene in front of the scene immediately turned into a piece of white, and the enemy naturally lost the target. In such a chaos, Wu Qi erected her ears and presented the chaotic surroundings in a semi-perspective way in her own voice.

The guns of the M500 sounded again in the northwest, and there were many consecutive SCAR-H gunshots.

Wu Qi turned to the east because he heard the sound of crawling. The smoke in front of the eyes was separated in a moment, and Norman, who fell on a sky-blue tile floor, caught his eye.

Norman was in a pool of blood. His right body exploded most of the time, and the bones of the entire shoulder were completely shattered and even flew out. At this moment, he was covered with blood from his own, and a knife-like white face was no longer cynical. The green eyes were squirming and filled with pain and fear.

His left hand trembled to support the broken body, and pulled out a slender box from the tactical belt. It took him two seconds to open the box and remove a cell active agent tube from it.

"I can't die, I can't die." Norman whispered and lifted the needle to the upper end of his right arm, only to suddenly find that his right hand had been blown up by the flying knife. At 1500 meters, he could see the clear vision of the human face in the state of heavy physical weakness. The severe pain stunned his mind and turned the vision into a fuzzy group. Mixed light fog.

Norman had no knowledge of Wu Qi who had stood in front of him. Wu Qi has already raised the long knife on the top of Norman's head, and Norman has not seen it at all. He still reads "I can't die" and looks for the place where the cell active agent is taken.

When the hand fell, the Norman's head was separated from the neck and rolled into the **** pool. Wu Qifei quickly turned Norman's headless torso, took a few throws from his tactical belt, turned and left, and sneaked into the smog.

One of the nicknames of the "Green Beast" double-enhanced intensifier, the third-level sniper Norman Neuss, the impression left to Wu Qi after his death only let him know that the Wantai hard-resistant M500 can also be a physical body. How powerful.

The white smoke is still spreading, and the mercenaries are grouped in groups of two, vigilantly moving toward the northwest corner of the battlefield. Wu Qi quietly sneaked into the battlefield of the white mist and the wall, and sealed three cigarettes and fog at the northwest corner more than 100 meters.

The entire battlefield was filled with chemical fumes from the smoke, fog, and bombs, and the visibility was high. And Wu Qi, who is acutely aware of the battlefield, has a three-footed edge.

After 45 seconds, the gunfire on the battlefield came to an abrupt end, and the white smoke began to disperse.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!