Black Ride

Chapter 803: Witch on

Women claim to be "this seat", and they do not deliberately hide their identity. Wu Qi’s question was heard in her ear as if it was deliberately harsh.

"It’s hard to be murdered. It’s really a human being that makes the self-proclaimed noble Tianwei Laolong disregard the image." The woman smiled charmingly, and she acknowledged it generously. "Yes, this seat is positive." It is the second ambassador of the tenth throne."

Even though her black feathers have a hundred breaks on her face, the skin that is exposed to the white and white skin is scarred and uncomfortable. But at this moment, she showed a gesture that was easy.

Wu Qizheng looked at the deformation seat and made some changes. He found that the deformation seat made the body hurt, but she did not have any blade cuts deep in her body. At most, the level of the muscle surface did not affect the action.

Wu Qi's left arm slammed his knife and slashed his knife. The sandstorm barriers surrounded by Wu Qi and surrounded by a hundred meters began to rotate inward.

The space for their activities has shrunk together. The deformation seat made it realize that when Wu Qi started, Wu Qi stepped on the ground and the figure suddenly evaporated.

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In less than 0.1 seconds, the deformation seat made a near-impossible limit avoidance action. Her waist was like a natural rhythm of water waves that swayed with waves, stuck in a perfect angle and a very small distance. Two snipers on the chest.

The price she paid was that the black feather robes on the chest broke a cross, and the white flower had a shallow wound on the chest.

After the exchange, Wu Qi’s body also appeared in front of the deformation seat. The energy of his hands and long knives poured out in a moment, like a squally shower. The slender and strong arms erupted, and it was almost a second. In the same space, dozens of whip-like afterimages are drawn; the knives of the flurry seem to be exchanged for the overwhelming offensive in speed. In fact, each knife accurately estimates the coordination and strength of the body muscles of the deformed seat. After the weakness, it is cut out.

Behind Wu Qi’s high-density seamless flail is the ocean-like calculation, and what he sees next is a bizarre scene.

The deformation seat uses the seemingly ordinary action to escape the high-density seamless flail of the knife and knife. When it is three seconds, the deformation seat has left a hundred shallow shallow edges on the body, and the black feather on the original itself. The clothes are more like a drop into the paper cutter and generally become ruined to the extreme.

She was covered with a fine knife edge, but there was no knife to cut a deeper wound, so that Wu Qi suspected that she was waving a line at some point.

The deformation seat makes it possible if the speed and reaction force are sufficient, then Wu Qi will slap a lot of snips and she will not be able to smash the knife. The black feather attire will be neatly covered on the body. However, she can't do it. Her speed, reaction, and observation are all so different. When the gap is enlarged, it becomes a sniper that can only escape Wu Qi, but it will be wiped by the knife tip. The result of a little bit.

It is a miracle that the deformation seat enables the level of evasive action in a high-intensity battle that is inadvertently hit, and such a miracle can subtly give the opponent a heavy blow on the psychological level. The opponent felt that he was being played, angered and lost peace.

See the moment of dawn after three seconds. Wu Qi’s rationality was transmitted to the spiritual creatures at the end of the “road” as a pool of stagnant water. He was not angered by the deformed seat to make the weird evasive ability and the degree of injury. He chose to further enhance the attack of high-density seamless sniper!

Wu Qi's offensive no longer climbs precision and speed. In the previous three seconds, he saw hundreds of extreme evasive actions made by the deformation seat. The eyes with strong observation and the memory like a printed picture have firmly imprinted the evasive action of the deformation seat in the depths of the mind.

Wu Qi's super-loaded brain now summarizes the law of the deformation seat to make all the evasive movements. His sniper after three seconds inherits all the characteristics three seconds ago, and adds a series of traps that induce the deformation seat to make corresponding evasive actions. Attack. As long as the deformation seat makes the dodging action go to the induced trap of his design, the end point is to avoid the inevitable.

The impact of the coming is as fast as Wu Qi’s imagination! The three-footed knife that Wu Qi held in his right hand crossed the right arm of the deformation seat and left a gap of 2 cm deep in the position of her big arm.

The **** beads shaped like a projectile splashed into the air, and a few drops of it hit Wu Qi's hunter's uniform.

The deformation seat made the expression between seriousness and flattery finally reveal flaws. The psychological offensive that she operated with countless times of escaping movements also collapsed at this moment.

Wu Qi's two long knives quickly left three wounds of 2 to 3 centimeters deep on the scarred left arm, waist and thigh in the deformed seat. What is important is that he successfully injured the waist and abdomen of the deformed seat. The injury in these two parts will make the deformed seat make a fatal discount for the strange escape.

She could only barely block Wu Qi’s violent assault, and the “dike” will be lost if it breaks a gap.

The deformation seat suddenly took a step back, and this tiny step directly exposed her idea of ​​escaping melee.

puff. Wu Qi’s knife pierced the right clavicle of the deformed seat. This knife made the bones like the back of the butterfly from the deformed seat; it seems that there is soapy foam between her bones, and the blade pierces the bone. It will slide deep into the edge of the knife.

Wu Qi stopped the knife with the fastest reaction speed, but this is the only counterattack opportunity that the deformation seat can find in the 8 seconds! The distance between the two sides has narrowed the key 20 centimeters, and Wu Qi’s movement has been limited by the sudden adjustment. The deformation seat makes the right hand suddenly, the lotus-like palm and the fingertips are like a gun. In general, the dagger is made. The bullet was sent to Wu Qi's face!

"Good counterattack." Wu Qi thought immediately. Because this dagger puncture is very clever in both speed and distance, unless it pays the price of self-destructive balance, it will definitely be stabbed.

A very subtle sense of current crossed Wu Qi's cheek at this moment. This dangerous premonition is not strong, and the attack on behalf of the dagger will never die.

The deformation seat makes the counterattack of the intentional design not have many threats, which makes Wu Qi feel strange in his heart. At the time of insurance, Wu Qi tried his best to avoid the side of the face that the defensive helmet could defend against the tip of the dagger. At the same time, he carefully manipulated the spike on the helmet of the scale, causing the spike to change the original curvature. Sting, and then hit the blade of the dagger.

Then a series of harsh and intense rubbing sounds straight into Wu Qi's ear. The deformation seat made the dagger violently wipe the helmet of Wu Qi's scale. After cutting the six or seven barbs, the strokes were drawn on the scales. Blood marks.

Wu Qi’s face was injured, but his choice of not destroying the fighting posture also brought an excellent return.

In the next moment, Wu Qi held the left hand of the energy long knife and pulled back. The big round from the bottom left to the upper right was in the middle of the deformed seat! This time, the deformation seat made it impossible to use the shackles of the body to avoid slamming and only leave a shallow mouth. Her chest was cut by the force of this force and cut to the flesh and blood, and the wound was broken.

If the right shoulder of the non-deformation seat is inserted with the right hand long knife that Wu Qi deeply immersed, her body can be cut into the volley by 360 degrees and then fly backwards.

Wu Qi promptly turned his head back and flew to the deformed seat that could not be avoided. Just listening to the heavy muffled sound, Wu Qiyin in the deformation seat made the kick of the abdomen kick her out dozens of meters away.

The continuously shrinking sandstorm barrier has just narrowed to a radius of 50 meters. The Wuji footpath directly transforms the deformation seat into a sandstorm barrier full of high-speed flying sand and long knife fragments. Immediately, the deformed seat made the remnant fly out from the outside of the sandstorm barrier. It was thrown high into the air and crossed a long parabolic line and then fell to the ground, splashing a circle of low dust.

Wu Qixin lifted the sandstorm barrier and recovered hundreds of long knife fragments scattered. Now he holds a long knife that is as black as ink, and stands tall like a sturdy iron pine standing on the silvery desert.

The deformed seat makes the distorted body already a silk. No. Hanging, the only remaining piece of broken clothing is completely disintegrated into a broken thread at the moment of passing through the sandstorm barrier. That is almost red. The naked body is lying horizontally and horizontally, twenty or thirty shocking Blood rushes down from the glaring wound, and soon the silver sand underneath becomes a dull red.

The deformation seat was placed on the sand 20 meters away, and there was no problem with the picture collected by the mental energy perception.

However, Wu Qi did not personally give the other side a fatal blow, but manipulated the sand to form a rope to tie her limbs torso, and then hang her vertically.

In an instant, Wu Qi’s pupil slammed. Because in the center of his field of vision, the "transformation seat" bound by the sand flow suddenly faded the skin of the beauty, revealing a transparent humanoid energy body.

The appearance of the humanoid energy body begins to decompose from each part of the whole body, and the time of one breath is turned into thousands of fine small bubbles. The bubbles burst and the shape of the energy body collapsed naturally and ceased to exist.

This woman who is dying to death is not the real body of the deformed seat, but the substitute made by the "Floating Bubble"!

Wu Qi determined that he had seen the deformation seat in the past 10 seconds. In the previous 10 seconds, the deformation seat made it possible to make a power level that was thick enough to make a fake, but there was absolutely no chance to hide the body still in his eye. Under the shape of the shift.

The only thing she took off was the dagger.


Wu Qi suddenly looked back. He glanced at the deformed seat and threw the dagger that scratched his cheek. The dagger flew out and was not taken back by the "transformation seat", but inserted in the sand.

From the moment when Wu Qi’s gaze turned, the dagger inserted on the ground began to change. The dagger became large and deformed, and the surface flowed through the energy of the colorful streamer color, and finally it was shaped as a woman with a black feather dress.