Black Ride

Chapter 830: Hide under the sea

The moment when the word "mission" jumped out of Tianwei Gulong's mouth, the overall momentum of Tianwei Gulong suddenly turned 180 degrees. It raised its hand to throw the breath of the distinguished superiors that this Club exudes, and all disappeared at this moment. Instead, it sent out the soldier's decision!

Zhu Huolong and Tian Yulong both widened their pupils, and grinned at the cracks in the tree trunk of Tongtian Bone Tree. The next moment, three Gulong Qi fan wings broke out with a terrible speed, rushing towards the thick and long crack at the middle end of the trunk of the Tongtian bone tree.

Several giant bone branches of the Tongtian bone tree immediately moved their arms. Several bone-arm arms crossed the sky like a giant's hand, and when they moved, a strong wind was set off; each bone-arm arm opened five fingers and grasped the limbs of the three ancient dragons quickly.

At the end of the day, Tianwei Gulong, the fastest and the first to rush, was in front of Zhu Huolong and Tianyu Dragon for a second and made lightning contact with several giant bone branches. It has counted the movement speed and attack range of the giant bone branch arm. This time, it did not let the two ankles be caught. Instead, it waved the silver dragon claws like a sickle, aggressively, and cut off the head-on attack like a vegetable. Arms with multiple bone branches.

For a moment, Tianwei Gulong tore open the arms of many bone branches in front of him, and killed a blood path that went straight to the body of Tiangu tree. At the last moment, it gathered weight and slamming speed to fit and hit several thick and fissured trunks of the Tongtian bone tree cloth. When the sound of "Boom" sounded, its dragon body and the surface of the Tongtian bone tree were simultaneously The rattle made a crackling bone.

Tianwei Gulong's onslaught is what it regards as the last hit. Its explosive force has doubled the maximum force of the previous collision. It is a true sense of death without putting the safety of its bones into consideration at all. one strike!

This is not enough. Zhu Huolong and Tian Yulong also dodged or split open multiple giant bone branches grabbed by the oncoming head, and then exerted their full strength, sacrifice the consciousness of sacrificing themselves to complete the mission, and slammed above the Tianwei ancient dragon's impact site and Below.

Click. The new deep cracks were born from the inside of the Tongtian bone tree. After the body was forcibly subjected to three consecutive collisions with the ancient dragon's body, the bones of the bone tree burst into dense chains such as firework explosions. Those new cracks and old cracks have largely overlapped, and whether on the outside or the inside, the Tongtian bone tree is split from the middle into two.

The giant green pupil of the super-large raven looks at the shocking movement of the distant bone tree every second. He thought to himself, "The bone-in-the-sky bone tree was forcibly destroyed .... It ’s a bit bad. But if all three ancient dragons of the Gulong Corps have paid the price of serious injuries and it is difficult to continue fighting, then the Yinsha Army is completely profitable. "

The situation is as Kerr analyzed. The "Demon Arms" created by the bone shell originally restrained the Gulong tribe that was good at energy attacks. At the sight of the Gulong tribe, the overwhelming bone-butterfly soldiers turned back and retreated. But now the bone shell has forced the Gulong tribe, who is proficient in high-power attacks, to consume each other with melee combat, and finally let the opponent fight for their own bones and lives.

The bone shell can do this step. Even if the Heavenly Bone Tree is broken and the third-order power is almost unusable before the body is restored, it is a great achievement, which is equivalent to smashing the top three of the Lark Legion from the source. Combat power.

The next battle only required him to get the steel dragons blocking the road, and he could spread the fog of the plague recklessly, and let the soldiers of the Millionaire Legion go to **** together.

Kerr's battle plan and ideas were good, but he was wrong. The next second he knew how outrageous it was!

I saw that at the same time that the Tongtian bone tree fell down, the three ancient dragons that had hit the trunk of the Tongtian bone tree with all their strength lost the strength of fanning giant wings and fell from the mid-air up to hundreds of meters. Their huge ancient dragon bodies suddenly began to glow one after another during the falling process, and every corner of the whole body was glowing with beautiful seven-colored light. The light was as bright as the three rounds of small sun falling.

The upper half of the trunk of the Heavenly Bone Tree broke heavily above the quicksand ocean. Because the length and weight of the half of the trunk were too horrible, the half of the trunk did not fall into the quicksand pit and was drawn into the desert abyss when it slammed the ground violently.

The scene of the three glowing ancient dragons falling to the ground is different from the cloud and mud of the great movement of the Tongtian bone tree. During the short fall, there were no deafening giants hitting the ground, nor did they raise a terrible sandy waterfall that was too sweet and more than 10 meters high. The three dazzling colorful lights gradually weakened, and what was finally exposed to the air was not anything related to the Gulong tribe, but just three human figures.

The three super-large lives that were still crowded in the sky the previous second were gone without a second, especially these three targets are still the most important combat power of the enemy army. This is unacceptable to anyone.

Among the three human figures, the "man" lying on the front row was the most fit. Although he was bathed in blood, he immediately stood up again. The bone shell in the body broke into the internal organs after the rupture of the body, and several green wounds could be seen on the surface of the skin; such scars were most shocking, because everyone could clearly see the broken pieces in his chest that were almost punctured with flesh bone.

The other two "men" transformed from Zhu Huolong and Tian Yulong also struggled to get up. Fortunately, the quicksand under their feet was all fixed by the giant bony tree roots of the heavenly bone tree, otherwise the time wasted by them lying on the ground was enough to catch them.

All three "men" are not high-ranking strongmen of the Gulong race, but high-ranking strongmen of the deformed beast! The three have different strengths, but all of them are reserve patriarchs who have mastered the "gene quantization" of the strongest power of the deformed orc race. They are arranged in order from strong to weak, from "big family" to "three families."

The deformed orc headed is the one who used "gene quantization" to transform into "Tianwei Gulong". He wiped away the red blood left by the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but looked back at "Zhu Huolong" and "Tian Yu" "Dragon".

His comrade-in-arms had only a lot more injuries than him. The clan who turned into "Tianyulong" even began to bleed blood. Seeing that, even if they can move now, they won't live long.

As a result, the corners of his mouth still rose sharply, revealing an arrogant smile.

"we won!"

The rest of the half-penetrated sky-bone tree still inserted on the sand plain was completely motionless. Not long after, a long, dark crack cracked under the pale bone trunk, and then a pair of cold white bone hands emerged from the depth of the crack and grasped the outer sides of the long crack.

Nathan's white bone hand cracked open, and a longer, thicker round white bone leg emerged from it. Two seconds later, the bone shell was completely detached from the "Devil Arms" of the heavenly bone tree shape. The white seat on his body shattered the clothes, and the body surface covered by the bone armor was mostly sticky, unpeeled, thin cartilage threads. All fine cartilage filaments used to connect to the inside of the fissure of the "Demon Armed" body, and are the remnants of the nerve wires that the bone shell controls the "Demon Armed".

Naked. The shell of the body is not much different from the bone shell that is wearing a white ensemble. The bone mask is still on his face. The whole body is a bone shell, only purple-black. The back of the head is exposed behind the bone mask.

The bone shell's body is now very weak. He lost his connection with the massive third-order power virus at one breath, and exaggerated the metaphor as if he had dragged a baby in his mother's belly to the outside world. Although his body looked unscathed, in fact his body was "empty."

"This is you, the tyrannical beast covered with bone shells, was originally the ambassador of Kazan, who casts the heavenly bone tree-shaped 'Devil Armed'!"

The head of the deformed tribe endured the pain in their bodies and taunted at the same weak bone shell. Not only was his mouth moving, but his feet were moving, and he closed tightly as he stood toward the bone shell.

The bone mask of the skeletal shell made an inquisitive questioning voice: "Aren't you the Gulong, but the deformed?"

"Of course! Otherwise, you think that Tianwei, who is clever and clever, will use his thunder monarch's body and your‘ democracy ’to change?”


Edit: Nathan's white bone hand cracked open ~ ~ A long and thicker round white bone leg came out from the middle. Two seconds later, the bone shell was completely detached from the "Devil Arms" of the heavenly bone tree shape. The white seat on his body shattered the clothes, and the body surface covered by the bone armor was mostly sticky, unpeeled, thin cartilage threads. All fine cartilage filaments used to connect to the inside of the fissure of the "Demon Armed" body, and are the remnants of the nerve wires that the bone shell controls the "Demon Armed".

Naked. The shell of the body is not much different from the bone shell that is wearing a white ensemble. The bone mask is still on his face. The whole body is a bone shell, only purple-black. The back of the head is exposed behind the bone mask.

The bone shell's body is now very weak. He lost his connection with the massive third-order power virus at one breath, and exaggerated the metaphor as if he had dragged a baby in his mother's belly to the outside world. Although his body looked unscathed, in fact his body was "empty."

"This is you, the tyrannical beast covered with bone shells, was originally the ambassador of Kazan, who casts the heavenly bone tree-shaped 'Devil Armed'!"

The head of the deformed tribe endured the pain in their bodies and taunted at the same weak bone shell. Not only was his mouth moving, but his feet were moving, and he closed tightly as he stood toward the bone shell.

The bone mask of the skeletal shell made an inquisitive questioning voice: "Aren't you the Gulong, but the deformed?"

"Of course! Otherwise, you think that Tianwei, who is clever and clever, will use his thunder monarch's body and the‘ democracy ’you ’ve changed?

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