Black Ride

Chapter 871: Scourge

Just then, a foggy demon spider with eight long feet and a height of more than 20 meters was long overdue. The foggy spider has yellow-gray thick long hairs all over its body. These sensitive hairs have evolved into a "net" based on the yellow-gray mist of the ancient night mausoleum; instead of weaving spider webs, it senses new prey by the hairs. The ancient night mausoleum signals and heads for hunting.

The Mist Sense Spider's bent legs are all opened to double its height. It has extremely long and flexible legs, and its feet are already extremely fast, but the blood flood monsters rush to Wu Qi and Frege's side much faster than him.

When the Wujue Demon Spider came to the Great Round Pit, the eight dark eyes on the head directly saw the flesh and blood tissue in the normal regeneration of the blood flood monster. The enemy who once seriously threatened his life fell to this appearance. For example, the fish on the chopping board was slaughtered by anyone, and it also gave off a seductive third-order virus smell. The foggy demon spider smelled and the appetite was wide open. Pounced on the flesh and blood mass of speeding regeneration!

However, this also became the last time in the life of the mist feeler spider. The Mist Sense Spider stabbed its teeth into the flesh mass severely, and immediately filled them with nerve toxins and dissolved solution. It eats all the flesh in the lower layer three times, five, and two. When it eats the spiny spine, the flesh previously given to it suddenly recovers and riots. It immediately broke through the foggy spider's belly and then extended a dozen flesh tentacles. , Wrap the half-dead mist feeler spider.

The foggy spider has never imagined that the flesh and blood tissue injected with neurotoxin and lysate has such terrifying vitality. It is like a drowning man frantically struggling for a life-saving straw, but it can never wait for a life-saving opportunity.

Half an hour later, the outer part of the spiny spine had been wrapped with 20 meters of thick flesh. The surface of the flesh and blood tissue that has not yet been regenerated is covered with a layer of translucent insect exoskeleton. Eight flesh tentacles simulating spider legs are its temporary moving tools.

This strange flesh-and-blood mass is like a new life, letting go of perception and observing the chaotic world that gave birth to it. After a while it stood up and left the big round pit, and plunged into the deep yellow-gray fog with no fingers.

On the other side of the ancient mausoleum, Wu Qi and Frege passed the five levels to cross the dense haze to find Kazan and the Cursed Throne.

Along the way, they encountered many evil creatures blocking the road, but most of these creatures were at the level of a third-order blood drawing tree, which was far from the threat of the blood flood monster.

It is much easier to solve these plague species. Wu Qi also devoured the blood of several plague species, taking the opportunity to alleviate the vitality of excessive consumption.

At this moment, Wu Qi was wearing a mask of returning to the ancestors, with white and purple erect pupils, and covered with black scale armor. After all, the state of the mask of returning to ancestors lasted for a long time. Wu Qi ’s body was weakened by both the "ghost deified" flame and the power of returning to ancestorization, but he still had a long knife; the long knife absorbed more than the body. The power of the power virus and the two thrones contains gravitational energy far superior to that of the body, which is enough for Wu Qi to use.

Wu Qi didn't know that the last fire he had put on half an hour ago was because of insufficient energy reserves, and burned the remains of the blood flood monster to the point where he survived.


PS: modify 1000 words

Just then, a foggy demon spider with eight long feet and a height of more than 20 meters was long overdue. The foggy spider has yellow-gray thick long hairs all over its body. These sensitive hairs have evolved into a "net" based on the yellow-gray mist of the ancient night mausoleum; instead of weaving spider webs, it senses new prey by the hairs. The ancient night mausoleum signals and heads for hunting.

The Mist Sense Spider's bent legs are all opened to double its height. It has extremely long and flexible legs, and its feet are already extremely fast, but the blood flood monsters rush to Wu Qi and Frege's side much faster than him.

When the Wujue Demon Spider came to the Great Round Pit, the eight dark eyes on the head directly saw the flesh and blood tissue in the normal regeneration of the blood flood monster. The enemy who once seriously threatened his life fell to this appearance. For example, the fish on the chopping board was slaughtered by anyone, and it also gave off a seductive third-order virus smell. The foggy demon spider smelled and the appetite was wide open. Pounced on the flesh and blood mass of speeding regeneration!

However, this also became the last time in the life of the mist feeler spider. The Mist Sense Spider stabbed its teeth into the flesh mass severely, and immediately filled them with nerve toxins and dissolved solution. It eats all the flesh in the lower layer three times, five, and two. When it eats the spiny spine, the flesh previously given to it suddenly recovers and riots. It immediately broke through the foggy spider's belly and then extended a dozen flesh tentacles. , Wrap the half-dead mist feeler spider.

The foggy spider has never imagined that the flesh and blood tissue injected with neurotoxin and lysate has such terrifying vitality. It is like a drowning man frantically struggling for a life-saving straw, but it can never wait for a life-saving opportunity.

Half an hour later, the outer part of the spiny spine had been wrapped with 20 meters of thick flesh. The surface of the flesh and blood tissue that has not yet been regenerated is covered with a layer of translucent insect exoskeleton. Eight flesh tentacles simulating spider legs are its temporary moving tools.

This strange flesh-and-blood mass is like a new life, letting go of perception and observing the chaotic world that gave birth to it. After a while it stood up and left the big round pit, and plunged into the deep yellow-gray fog with no fingers.

On the other side of the ancient mausoleum, Wu Qi and Frege passed the five levels to cross the dense haze to find Kazan and the Cursed Throne.

Along the way, they encountered many evil creatures blocking the road, but most of these creatures were at the level of a third-order blood drawing tree, which was far from the threat of the blood flood monster.

It is much easier to solve these plague species ~ ~ Wu Qi also swallowed the blood of several plague species, taking the opportunity to alleviate the vitality of excessive consumption.

At this moment, Wu Qi was wearing a mask of returning to the ancestors, with white and purple erect pupils, and covered with black scale armor. After all, the state of the mask of returning to ancestors lasted for a long time. Wu Qi ’s body was weakened by both the "ghost deified" flame and the power of returning to ancestorization, but he still had a long knife; the long knife absorbed more than the body. The power of the power virus and the two thrones contains gravitational energy far superior to that of the body, which is enough for Wu Qi to use.

Wu Qi didn't know that the last fire he had put on half an hour ago was because of insufficient energy reserves, and burned the remains of the blood flood monster to the point where he survived.

At this moment, Wu Qi was wearing a mask of returning to the ancestors, with white and purple erect pupils, and covered with black scale armor. After all, the state of the mask of returning to ancestors lasted for a long time. Wu Qi ’s body was weakened by both the "ghost deified" flame and the power of returning to ancestorization, but he still had a long knife; the long knife absorbed more than the body. The power of the power virus and the two thrones contains gravitational energy far superior to that of the body, which is enough for Wu Qi to use.

Wu Qi didn't know that the last fire he had put on half an hour ago was because of insufficient energy reserves, and burned the remains of the blood flood monster to the point where he survived.