Black Ride

Chapter 897: Under the Secret of Black Source

As soon as Harvey made a noise, the hunters of the hunting team heard nearby were frightened and bowed down on one knee facing Wu Qiqi.

The kneeling of the hunters was neat, but Wu Qi did not intend to do so.

"You're not rude, I just came here to hide my breath," Wu Qi paused for a moment, then immediately said, "Yes, Harvey, Master Solu has a new forging project, and you must help him fully . "

Xavi's eyes flashed a little thought, and he immediately answered, "Keep in mind."

By the time Harvey looked up, Wu Qi had disappeared like the wind that had melted into the night.


Two days elapsed. Wu Qi's trip to Heiyuanhai is unknown, so he gave everything he wanted to explain to his ambassadors.

At noon, Wu Qi and Highham were seated in the pale palace. Highham directly changed into a mass of black gas, swallowing Wu Qi into the black gas space.

Today, Wu Qi's defense on the spiritual level is extremely strict. Even if Wu Qi is in Heilham's dark air space, Heilm cannot silently use "reading heart" on him. Not to mention that now Wu Qi is the loyal owner of Highham, and Highham will not do such an offside.

In the black space, Wu Qi can give orders to Helem anytime, anywhere. The beginning of this trip was Heilham's hidden breath flying to the "old waste city", the domain of the cursed throne, to go there to pick up Kazan.

Highham's "Ghost Incarnation" is unique in hiding, and it is difficult to find and escape. Even if someone else has a psychic power like "spiritual true vision", they can't see what's hidden in Helen's dark space. So when Wu Qi didn't have to appear outside, Helem would serve as the "transportation" for him and Kazan.

After a period of time, Hailem successfully hid Wu Qifei from the area of ​​the Silver Sand Desert. As soon as their front feet left, an unfamiliar foot stepped on the other boundary of the Silver Sand Desert.

On the desolate silvery white desert, the warm wind blew from the southwest, blowing the linen-colored robes of those who came.

He wore a misty mask, and curled a curly hair from his forehead in his right hand, with a careless word on his mouth.

"Little thirteen, you don't come to me, I can only come to you and ask how you think about it. Let the third throne find the thirteen throne. This shelf is not so big."

The third throne talked to himself, hiding half a complaint and a half smile, then jumped into the air and flew straight to the direction of the pale sand in the deep sand desert.

At the same time, a side hall of the pale palace.

Dawson was sitting at the desk in the study, sorting out the information. Suddenly a messenger came from the outside, and when his feet fell on the edge of the window, he opened his mouth and spit.

"Master Dawson, Master Dawson! The third throne is really here, and is flying straight to the pale palace from the western border of the Silver Sand Desert!"

Dawson put down the information book in his hand, and a wave was brewing in the eyes of the deep calm like the sea.

"Master Wu Qi has just left his feet, and the third throne is on his feet. Did he send a spy to look at the border of the Silver Sand Desert?"

Dawson's first reaction was this. In the past two days, he and the third envoy made Kerr fully investigate the silver sand desert border detectives. He deployed a strict subpoena crow investigation team and even stared at some silver sand desert. s eyes".

However, the "eyes" narrowed out belonged to the adjacent throne territory, which does not rule out the possibility of being there usually. Moreover, the territories of the third throne and the silver sand desert are separated by a whole throne. The real borders with the silver sand desert are actually the "Lark of the Forest" that sealed the throne, the "rock mountain ridge" of the thunder sword throne, and the magic "Bottom of the Hole" of the Eye Throne.

Regardless of whether the third throne came from a deep heart, or if they were out of luck, he had to stop for Lord Wu Qi.

"Let me order, let the second envoy Lois and the fourth envoy Harvey follow me west of the pale palace, and tell Harvey to stay in the dark."


The messenger fluttered his wings and flew away, and Dawson rose from his desk.


Wu Qi, who was far away from the desert of Silver Sand, did not know that the third throne had stepped on his territory without invitation. He stayed in the Black Gas Space of Highham, only to escape from the Black Gas Space when Highham flew to the central ruins of the ancient deserted city.

At the entrance to the central ruins, Kazan slowly walked out of the shadow inside the door.

"Where is the curse?" Wu Qi asked.

Kazan replied: "He took a step first. At this time, the Black Mother Throne also left. We set off immediately, cursing him for leaving the trace of the Black Mother Throne without leaving a trace, delaying her return to the territory."

"OK, go."

Then Bi Wuqi and Kazan both entered Heilham's black gas space. Heilham looked to the right, and immediately turned into a ball of black gas.


In the northern part of the Abyss Abyss, there is an endless "dark sea." The "sea water" in the sea is a solid-liquid mixed black mud, with a thick and disgusting appearance. Some places will sink into some places. . But even this kind of dirty land full of evil and danger is not a barren land. Animals and plants were born and lived in this "dark sea." There will never be any nutritional depletion. Kind of disaster.

The black mud that is rumored to form the "dark sea" is actually a kind of mud mixture that contains power viruses and is very nutritious for life. It is just like the earth soil that normally breeds souls. "source of life".

The combination of rumors and real examples has created the name "Heiyuanhai".

Wu Qiyou wondered, since "Heiyuanhai" is called "Heiyuanhai ~ ~", is there a unique place in the depths of the ocean like the deep sea?

"It depends on the angle from which you know Heiyuanhai," Kazan answered Wu Qi's conjecture in Heiqi space. "If you think 'Heiyuanhai' is a name with a beautified meaning, it is actually It is a piece of earth made of black mud, and the bottom of the earth is naturally the depth of the earth. But your conjecture ... it has a certain innocence meaning. With luck, this innocence can really see through the facts on the surface. "

"A normal person wouldn't just have the idea of ​​digging in the ground for three thousand feet, and treat it in special circumstances. If the trace of the stolen thing from the throne of Heiyuan is so easy to find, that thing would have returned to the throne. It's our turn to investigate. "Wu Qi said lightly. He doesn't think "innocence" is a derogatory term for the throne that should be cold and mature.

Kazan shrugged. "Then look at the Heiyuanhai."

The next second, Wu Qi and Kazan's minds sounded Hellham's voice at the same time.

"Master Wu Qi, Master Kazan, Heiyuanhai has arrived."


PS: Seeking support for subscription. Volume Five Qiming comes from the abyss and has reached the real part two. The detailed outline has been completed, and the plot is linked up. The tide, so stay tuned!

Black ride

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