Black Ride

Chapter 904: Iberfitz

In the memory of all ambassadors, Heiyuanhai wanders a black giant boat that is legendary to chase life relentlessly. There are several black giant boats. Some ambassadors think there should be only one. Some ambassadors have seen two ships appear at the same time. Others think there must be more than one but the total number is unknown.

Regarding the truth of this legend, even Heiyuanhai's own ambassador did not have a definitive answer. This is a very critical intelligence difference, indicating that the Black Mother Throne does not have unified intelligence.

And only in the depths of his memory, he firmly believed that there was only one black giant boat.

Heiyuanhai's five ambassadors represent the intelligence possessed by the subordinates of the era of the Black Mother Throne, and Ipofizi has three generations of intelligence. The difference in intelligence between the two sides is behind the intelligence inheritance of the Heiyuan Throne.

According to this logic, it is determined that the black giant boat has only one whole black source sea, and probably only Ipofez or a black mother throne, and everyone believes that the legendary black giant boat is unknown When a certain corner of Yuanhai wandered like a ghost craving for blood, suddenly Wu Qi's remarks to Ipofizi were equal to expressing Ipofizi—I know the secrets that even your ambassadors of Heiyuanhai do n’t know. intelligence.

This is a fight between fishermen and fish. As long as the fish are curious about the bait the fisherman throws, it will not be far from being a winner.

Only when the fisherman actually caught the fish did he ask for more information. After all, "Soul Search" is not everything. There is too much memory accumulated in the searched brain. The power users only need to search for memories about several issues they care about. It is impossible to remember all the information of the entire brain; and "Soul Search" only searches for memories, and Questions cannot be asked about the brain memory itself.

After Wu Qi shouted, he quietly waited for the movement of the black mud wall around him. After 10 seconds and 20 seconds passed, there was still silence all around.

At this moment Kazan saw Wu Qi's eyes filled with deep doubts, as was Highham. Wu Qi knew this would be the result, and using this trick was equivalent to betting.

"It seems that Ibofis is not here, we will come back another day." Wu Qi said lightly.


For a while, a thunderous voice echoed from the depths of the black mud wall in all directions. At the same time, the black mud wall that Kazan broke into the black mud palace hall with the fire of ghosts and gods was also restored and repaired, which is equivalent to blocking the way of the three of Wu Qi.

"I'm Ipofizi. The whole Abyss Abyss knows where I come from and knows I'm still alive. Only the current ninth throne, the" Black Mother, "how can you know!"

Ibuffez's voice sounded shocked and furious. Wu Qi explored with energy perception. Ibuffez was still hiding somewhere in the wall of black mud and never exposed the body.

"The second time after losing my memory, I became so cautious ... Does this guy really think that for the first time, he can use the power of the Black Mud Palace environment to kill Kazan?" Wu Qi thought to himself.

Wu Qi said, "Since you said that only the Black Mother Throne knows your existence in this world, then we naturally learned from the Black Mother Throne."

Ipofiz's tone instantly cooled down: "The guy who destroys the throne of Lord Black Mother as soon as he comes up will never be a friend of Lord Black Mother. No matter what your intentions are, Muddy Palace is your graveyard!"

As soon as Ipofizi's voice fell, the six-sided black mud wall of the Black Mud Palace Hall suddenly began to deform. Wu Qi's eyes moved to the left and right, and the space where the original one was stepped away the next moment when he stepped away was directly slammed by four pillars of black mud that broke through the ground.

The first round of siege of the Black Mud Pillar was just a signal. Immediately, a large expanse of black mud ground surged and launched a thick and long square mud pillar to attack the three of Wu Qi. The three Wu Qi were forced to take off all to dodge, and the four walls and ceiling of the Black Mud Palace Hall were pushed inward at the same time, constantly squeezing the space where Wu Qi and others could flash.

They couldn't just watch Ibuffez compress their space. Because of the strength of the black mud, even the throne-level life falling into it must be sucked away to digest the flesh and blood. Once lost, it is tantamount to death.

Wu Qi and Kazan Qi shot together. They each condensed a six-foot fire blade, holding the fire blade on the right to cut off all the pillars of black mud that came in front of them, and the left hand compressed the flame of the ghost and **** into the fist into a burning fire punch, and one punch blasted out and dented A large wall of black mud delays the time the black mud wall compresses the space.

"Helham, tell me any limitations and weaknesses in Ibuffitz's ability to control the Black Mud Palace!" Wu Qi shouted a voice as he fisted up.

"The greater the power of Ibuffitz to control the environment of the Black Mud Palace, the closer we must be, other than there are no restrictions or weaknesses!" Heilham immediately responded.

Wu Qi glanced around quickly. In other words, Ipofizi can hide in any corner of the black mud wall around the 50-meter-high black mud palace. In addition to attacking them, he also has the option to move through the dark mud wall to hide deeper in the dark mud palace

They must seize the identity of Ipofizi while Ipofizi is confident and daring to appear near them, and only once.

"Ipofizi, did you just give up your negotiations like this? If you don't want to know where your legend of Heiyuanhai got lost, then you don't have to show up to admit your existence at the beginning!"

Wu Qi tried to seduce Ipofizi to start the next operation, but Ipofizi muffled ~ ~ seems to intend to control the environment of the Black Clay Palace to suppress the space of the three. As the space of the Black Mud Palace continues to shrink, the attack speed, frequency, and precision of the Mud Pillars from all sides are rising, Wu Qi and Kazan can still be more relaxed, but Hyrum cannot support it. Already.

"Wu Qi, we simply burned the entire Black Mud Palace Hall so that he couldn't hide if he wanted to hide!" Kazan said hoarsely. He had enough patience, so he wouldn't die so long, and precious time wasted too much.

"Not in a hurry," Wu Qi calmly said, "I'm looking for rules."


On the surface, Wu Qi is busy dodging in the air, but in fact he has been exerting the power of energy perception at full power. As a computer, he accurately collects information in the environment for high-speed analysis and comparison.

"That's right. I'm calculating the law of Ipofizi sneaking in a certain wall. The closer he controls the environment, the stronger it is. Generally speaking, if he is on the left, the black mud that he shoots at us The strength, speed, and precision of the column are much higher than those shot from the right. And he knows this feature, so he will constantly move in the wall, so that the direction of the powerful black mud pillar changes rapidly, and even Intentionally mix low-power pillars of black mud to confuse judgment. "