Black Ride

Chapter 908: On Black Mother's Trip

Somewhere west of the Abyss Abyss, a streamer of blue-violet flew under the golden sky. And 1 km behind this streamer, the cursed throne followed behind him with hidden breath and body shape.

The Cursed Throne has been keeping up with the Black Mother Throne for more than two hours. He calculated that Wu Qi and Kazan should have reached Heiyuanhai to start their plan. All he had to do was follow the Black Mother Throne and see where she had gone on this trip and what she had done. If the Black Mother Throne returns within 5 hours, even if he reveals himself, he will delay the return of the Black Mother Throne to Heiyuanhai.

These two hours, the Black Mother Throne seems to be hanging out, and strolling to the west of the Abyss Abyss.

According to the map of the Apocalypse of the Apocalypse in the mind of the Cursed Throne, the Black Mother Throne continues to fly in the southwest direction. The territories that may pass along the road are "Yanshan Ridge" and "Sunny Country", which are the seventh throne "Thunder Sword" and Territory of the Three Thrones.

The cursed throne hopes that the black mother throne can stay in one place soon.

Xu was willing to curse the throne, and after only 10 minutes, the speed of the Black Mother's throne slowed down. The sky has gradually changed from the dark yellow and yellowish color that is contrasted by the golden yellow arc to a clean and bright sky blue. The golden yellow arc that crosses the sky perfectly blends into the sky bands of different colors, like an extremely linear sun.

This clear blue sky was created by changing the spiritual ability of the sky. In fact, the illusion is implanted into reality, and a stable energy field has been maintained. The illusion not only strengthens the temperature of light, but also adjusts the humidity of the air. Meteorological factors such as wind force are under the control of this illusion. It replaces the almost constant layer of dark sky in the Abyss of the Apocalypse. Most creatures can't see false with their eyes. They can see through the mystery by having a power like "spiritual true vision".

But this is an illusion that creates "beauty", and many strong people are willing to enjoy them, instead of seeing the illusion coldly.

Beauty returns to the United States, creating such an illusionary sky above his territory, which is also a masterpiece in the throne. The design of space transfer in the pale palace of the Silver Sand Desert and the design of the shield perception in the central ruins of the ancient desert city are similar methods with different results.

The Cursed Net Throne followed the Black Mother Throne and flew into the "clear country" range. This is the territory of the third throne, and just as Wu Qi happened to have an intersection with the third throne the other day, the cursed throne thought of a little more refreshment here.

He flew down and looked down at the land of Harukuni. The warm light of golden yellow sprinkled from the sky to the vast land, and the green grassy sea spread from the entrance of Qingguo to the southwest of Qingguo; each mature grass on the sea of ​​grass was at least 1 meter high, and the wind brushed the grass. Above the sea's head, Caohai moved gently in one direction like a wave.

There is no shortage of herbivorous plague species living in groups on the grasslands, nor is it carnivorous plague species that feed on herbivorous plague species.

Use snake teeth to inject predatory poisonous grouper snakes that mineralize blood vessels, dig grass to dig out of the ground, the intelligence leader surprised ear mouse, stand in a jade hedgehog that can absorb high-powered energy attacks, and have sharp eyes and claws like grass Highly intelligent hunter red fox, black-skinned red mane, tall red scooter red trainer, bronze cowhide bronze horns, saboteur cattle, empty sheep with white horns, and empty mountains like walking mountains Golden lion king of the prairie and Cong Yundiao, the sky lord who moves thousands of kilometers, etc.

There are all kinds of creatures, and you can see everything in clear weather. As the old age supreme apocalypse of the Apocalypse, the Cursed Throne, the first time to carefully observe the territory of the third throne, "Sunny Kingdom", also felt a wonderful.

This wonder comes from a contrast. The average strength of the plague species on the grassland is not low. If you put them on the wasteland outside the Abyss Abyss, each is a third-order life group that can easily find a place to live, let alone the amazing momentum of the Golden Lion and Cong Yundiao. Behemoth. But they live together in the sunny country, and the surrounding grassland has almost no trace of being destroyed by the powerful power.

Perhaps there is a reason for the high level of life of the grass species, but to exclude the ecological inevitable behaviors such as the slaughter and hunting of the carnivorous plague species, the beauty and peace of this grassland is too high.

It's as if the third-order life on the grassland is restrained by their abilities not to easily destroy the scenery of the grassland.

The Curse of the Throne, I also noticed that I was not thrown away or noticed by the Black Mother Throne, and flew along the grassland below. After a while, I saw a large lake with no boundaries. The water surface of the Great Lake is rippling and shimmering. There are lush green forests growing along the lake, and a distant snow-capped mountain top in the distance. The integration of the three, together with the creatures that linger with the lake, the forest, and the grassland, is another rare painting of heaven and earth in the abyss.

The Black Mother Throne flew straight along the lush green forest and the snow-capped Qianshan towards the end of the Great Lake. This road went deeper and deeper into the Qing Kingdom as it went southwest, and the Black Mother Throne did not go so far along the other throne territories along the way.

The curse of the throne has a kind of intuition. The destination of the black mother's throne may be Qing country.

What does it come to Qingguo?

Continue to track for a quarter of an hour, finally the answer to the cursed throne. At the end of the snow-capped Qianshan Mountain and the Great Lake is a red maple forest that stands against the green forest "heli chickens." The large group of red maple leaves is extremely gorgeous, after the green mountains and green waters, it is like a flaming pearl embellishment painting.

There is no breath of other creatures in Fenglin ~ ~ but there is an extremely powerful and non-convergent energy breath in the center of Fenglin. Cursed the Throne from a long distance can also be felt.

"Can it be the third throne?" Said the cursed throne. Who can meet the throne on the land of Qingguo, but this energy breath goes straight to domineering. The third throne has not released the energy breath in other thrones, and the cursed throne cannot be identified as him.

If it is the third throne that is hidden from view, the cursed throne knows that it has to bear the risk of being discovered.

Everyone has reached the periphery of Fenglin, cursing the throne can leave the black mother throne to leave his eyes. He followed decisively, and finally saw the Black Mother Throne slowly decelerate, unloading a blue-purple streamer and landing on a clearing in the middle of Maple Forest.

The open space is huge, and several well-built wooden huts are bounded into an open courtyard. The flourishing maple forest surrounds the yard, beside the pond and rockery, and a well that is not like a furnishing, it has a kind of human style.

What surprised the cursed throne was that a side full of training martial arts was built beside this beautiful courtyard. On the training ground stood a young girl with a fiery red silhouette and black hair in white. The overbearing throne breath came from the fiery red figure in it.