Black Ride

Chapter 919: Yemenga

Faced with the fourth-order enemy Kazan, he has realized that the three of them must work together to the best of their ability to kill them.

Even if he let the seal incarnate in Plague Scourge at Longyuan at the bottom of the Heiyuan Sea, he didn't care!

Just a glowing coral was sent to Kazan by the turbulent seawater. With the light of the glowing coral, Kazan saw the head of a fourth-order enemy for a moment.

It was a snake covered with dark silver scales, and the head of his serpent was locked with a silver vertical pupil! In addition to the two largest pairs of snake teeth, the giant snake's first open blood basin has a large mouth, which is full of dense fangs, which is enough to tear the prey into pieces.

The terrible fourth-order life breath doubled at the moment when the huge snake's body was lit, but everything happened in an instant of 0.1 second. The next moment the giant snake shook his head and closed the blood, a little dark red had entered In the sea.

Kazan's hands were bitten by the snake. The torn arm was covered with the serpent's chaotic teeth. Dark red blood spurted out from the two wounds!

Wu Qi and Highham were shocked, and Kazan was even more incredible.

The speed and biting power of this giant snake are so shocking and irrelevant that ninety-nine percent of the opponent's aim is his hands!

The first time he bit his hands, didn't he let him untie the chains?

Wu Qi and Highham shot decisively! Wu Qixun waved his sword sharply and split the blades apart, and quickly condensed into the sea with four silver "horoscopes"! The Silver Star, which contains amazing energy intensity, cuts through the sea and rushes directly into the snake's head, neck, and body from four directions. At the same time, Helem draws out a black short knife and incarnates a black gas into the snake's neck. .

The snake responded very quickly, and two silver energies were released from the hole organs around its neck when it was stunned. The four astrolabs controlled by Wu Qi were rushed by the torrent of silver energy, and the revolution and rotation gravity of hundreds of blades were severely washed away to offset. On the other side, Highham's black dagger was about to stab the snake's neck. As soon as he felt the torrent of terrible energy, he turned and turned away at the fastest speed.

joke! This is the outrageous energy released by the fourth-order life, and his third-order energy body is completely finished as soon as it is washed away.

The giant snake blocked both Wu Qi and Highham's offensive and rushed to Kazan without stopping. Kazan's body exploded in flames of white, purple, and black, and the speed increased sharply, but he couldn't escape the serpent's horrible mouth, and did not respond to another leg directly into the snake's mouth.

Seeing that Kazan couldn't help but be about to die in the mouth of the giant snake, Wu Qi didn't have time to analyze the enemy's ability at all. He pierced the black spear into his body with his backhand, inspiring the strongest "ghostification" while numerous black-red blood thorns danced out, and his back cracked and stabbed six sword-shaped fire wings like crystals. !!

The magnificent sword-shaped fire wings illuminate a dark sea of ​​water around it, like the star of piercing the night. At this moment, Wu Qi ’s ancestral power and ghostly power came out at the same time. At the beginning, it turned into a blazing aurora like a meteorite, and a speed of 500 kilometers per hour burst into the head of the snake and Kazan.

His long knife with only one-third of the blade was made up with the slender fire blade that was burning, condensing, approaching, and erupting in one go.

The skull of the serpent is under the blade!

The darkened sea water that had been illuminated suddenly became empty, and the serpent's neck, which was close to Wu Qi's fire blade, disappeared out of thin air. Wu Qi's fire blade swept down with the momentum of splitting the mountain, and a plasma-like bomb-like crisis burst into his body, forcing Wu Qi to instinctively start a "super-sensing" state.

Everything slowed down more than ten times. Wu Qi slowly turned around in the time of "super perception", but saw the head of the serpent that just rushed to Kazan just zoomed in sharply in front of his eyes!

The snake didn't know when it appeared in the other direction, and it didn't turn around or swim. The strangely long body moved instantly without warning.

With Wu Qi's dynamic vision, Mo said that he could not see the difference between the enemy's actions and his energy perception was extremely sensitive, and he could perceive the fluctuations of the surrounding water every moment. However, the information returned by the current told him that the serpent did not swim backwards at all.

This is not a "teleport" that is fast beyond his observation ability, but a real "spatial displacement"!

In the "super-perceived" world, Wu Qi did his best to twist his body and manipulate the fire of ghosts and gods to attack the head of the serpent. The blood of the serpent shattered.

"Super Perception" ended coldly in Wu Qi's spine. This is the first time that "Super Perception" did not reach "5 seconds" and ended early, resulting in a flaw in Wu Qi's response.

When Wu Qi thought that his head would be bitten in half, and then acted on the consciousness spread on the nerves of the limbs, he unexpectedly discovered that the painful smashing of the body was delayed in the future.

The eyes were dark, the snake was gone, and his body was unharmed.

Wu Qi glanced around suddenly, and immediately caught the giant snake's huge body for the second time.

He just saw the scene where Kazan, who was burning with the fire of ghosts, was chased by a serpent and swallowed shut.

"Master Kazan!"

Hiram's eager cry fell into Wu Qi's ear. Wu Qi's Bai Zi's vertical pupil shrank sharply, and the raging angry beast broke his cage and directly swept the tide of terror ~ ~ Kazan would die if he died.

A swelling swell of flare shattered the darkness of the deep water, and Wu Qi's long knife and fire blade swelled directly into a giant flame torch held in Wu Qi's hand! The high-speed rotating flame in the tornado released thousands of degrees of heat, which caused the sea water to boil, causing Wu Qi to create a tide of endless bubbles around him, as if water and fire were enclosing Wu Qi with a knife.

Wu Qi with his arms up and down, the flame tornado sword swept across the deep water and fell to the serpent's neck. But weird things happened again, the snake-like body was once again out of thin air, and Wu Qi deliberately strengthened the attack range with a full blow.

"It escaped!"

Highham yelled very quickly. Wu Qi looked in the direction just now, and it turned out that the snake was teleporting back. And it turned around and set off a strong wave in the deep water with a huge snake tail. By using the strong wave, Wu Qi and the two men chased the resistance and their own acceleration, and fled here normally.

Wu Qi directly gave up a lot of energy condensing the flame tornado sword, roared Shanghai Ram and speeded up his pursuit. The serpent's tail seemed to disappear into the endless darkness, and no more direction was given to them!