Black Ride

Chapter 922: Tour time on the temple

The fourth-order special field type "temple of time" has the ability to create a huge space where time is dominated by the body. If any creature enters the temple of time and is locked by the blood of time, it will be trapped in the temple forever. The blood of time locks at most one "prisoner" at a time. If the prisoner touches the blood of time again, all but the deceased and the environment in the temple will trace back with the will of the power user until the prisoner enters the temple. , Body backtracking, memory reset!

After receiving this information, Wu Qi was in a rush. He sent consciousness back to the outside world as fast as he could, but what he saw was the "world" that obscured the three, four, and five layers.

The world is glowing with layers of weird and illusory purple light, all the seawater, Yemenga's decapitated but not completely decapitated body, Kazan, Hiram, his own body ...

Without a sound, Wu Qi tried his best to roar, but it was extremely small in his ear. Hiram seemed to lean back when he heard his roar, and Wu Qi reached out and grasped Hiram's black palm, spitting Lianzhu with excitement and telling him all the information he knew.

But it's useless. The purple light that comes out of everything in this world increases one layer after another, as if it is composed of all things and forms a kaleidoscope like a psychedelic and bizarre color world. Countless patterns explode out of consciousness. Want to **** him somewhere.

Wu Qi realized that Haarlem did not discover the change of the world. The kaleidoscope world seemed to be a declaration of Yemengaard to himself. This time, he declared that he had fallen into the trap it had designed. Skull, but won!

The target locked by the blood of time is himself-Wu Qi. Because of his ancestralization, he touched and absorbed the blood of Yemengad before every reversal of time, and the purple snake blood was mixed with a trace of "blood of time". As long as the memory is reset as before, no matter how many times he, Kazan, and Herem defeated Yemenga, in the end Yemenga will be able to restart the "Temple of Time" and then fight them again. Until Yemenga had mastered all their details and weaknesses, in a cycle of time and cycle, drag the three into the absolute abyss of death!

"There must be some way to make these memories, no, the clues continue!"

The fall of consciousness is faster and slower and slower, and it seems that there is a force in the bottom of the mind that stretches this moment to several minutes. Wu Qi tried his best to think instinctively, such as a kite with a broken rope desperately looking for the airflow that would let it fall in the wind that dominated itself.

In Langzhong, Wu Qi could not see the outside world. His consciousness was wrapped in the world of kaleidoscope. Before he died, he seemed to see another world from another perspective.

Just like a marquee.


First tour.

Wu Qi, Kazan, and Hyrum came out of the belly of the dragon king whale, and they found colorful glowing coral groups and coral mountain areas. They saw fish schools and the sea living freely in every corner of the coral mountain. Creature, each converging breath dives into the coral mountain zone. Seeing the fish swarming around you, the palms of the palms passing through the gap, searched step by step between the coral walls of the sky.

The giant monster fish that inhabited the coral reef wall glared at them with vicious eyes, but they passed through the coral reef wall steadily, and the giant fish did not attack them.

There are a group of sea creatures behind the coral mountain belt. There are first- and second-order creatures with petite physiques, and there are no shortage of fierce third-order creatures such as sharks. Everyone carefully surveyed a circle of 10 kilometers in length, and found that the most convenient place for third-order biological density in Longyuan was the glowing coral belt. It happened that they found the vortex rock area and the sea eye, thinking that if the Lost Vessel was really in Longyuan, the density of the third-order life in the place where the Lost Vessel was buried must be the highest in the surrounding area.

According to this logic, everyone went down to the sea eye, shuttled through the dark and dark sea eye channel, and broke into the world under the sea.

Using luminous corals as a light source and bait, Wu Qi scattered these coral blocks, while diving with Kazan and Helem in an intuitively selected direction.

Suddenly, a glowing coral encountered an obstacle to advance. Wu Qi immediately manipulated other glowing corals to stick it up to expand the light source. The sight that greeted them made each of them uncontrollably creepy!

A giant snake whose head was as small as a hill was quietly immersed in the deep black water. They couldn't see the body of the snake hiding in the dark end, and they couldn't see the whole face of the other person's head with the perceptual net alone.

The high level of life evokes the fear and escape engraved deep in the trio's gene chain, but Wu Qi and Kazan have overcome this rigid state of muscle death, and Helem has no flesh and blood that can be stiff.

In the moment of uncertainty, Wu Qi asked the three to lean together and not to separate, because no one knew when the giant snake sleeping in the deep abyss would suddenly wake up ~ ~ It seems that the ultimate giant snake in front of me is the "dragon" in the deep, and it is inextricably related to the lost vessel that can give life "divine power"!

The three took the name of the myth in the myth as a pronoun, called "Yemengad", and immediately began investigating the situation around Yemmengad, searching carefully for possible existence under the premise of not alarming Yemenggad. This Lost Vessel.

However, when everyone's seven-point attention was on the sleepy Yemenjiade, an unusual dark shadow suddenly emerged from the darkness of thin existence. Objects like the body of a giant snake are moving at high speed and force in the water, and the changes caused by the current also quickly surrounded Wu Qi and his three.

"Fourth-order breath! Yemenga woke up?" Kazan's husky voice revealed a hint of disbelief.

Wu Qi said swiftly: "No! Based on the analysis of the changes in the water flow, the creatures that move around us are also giant snakes, but their size is far from that of Yemenga!"

Wu Qi held a three-foot long knife in his hand, Highham clasped the black short knife, and Kazan started "Ghost Deification." When the three of them looked at the 120-degree position and were ready to meet the enemy's first attack, the black shadow broke away from Wu Qi's perception network without any acceleration, and then appeared in the other direction in the next instant.

The open-mouthed snake head jumped to the nearest position to Kazan, and Kazan was bitten off his upper body without a reaction!

"Master Kazan!"

Heilham's first reaction was to spread the black body to prevent unknown enemies from swallowing up all of them, and Wu Qi suddenly turned and turned into four "astrolabes" with a long sword, pursuing the thunderous attack Eat the head of Kazan's serpent.