Black Ride

Chapter 939: Seekers and Pioneers

Suddenly, Wu Qi's consciousness was drawn into ancient times. From the birth of the first paramecium, unicellular animals, coelenterates, sponge animals, flat animals, linear animals, echinoderms, chordates, vertebrates; Protozoa, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, humans; based on the vastness of the world, the gene chains of countless creatures are woven into stars, and his consciousness is like a light chasing the evolutionary process of life, from ancient times Chase to the present.

And the star map of this diverse evolutionary process of the earth's creatures ushered in drastic changes at the end of the old era. It was the day when the power meteorite fell to the earth. Since that day, the overwhelming power viruses have contaminated the earth and the ocean. Diversity The transformation of the earth's biological ecology due to the insertion of power viruses has made infinite changes possible. The so-called invertebrates, vertebrates, fishes, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals, and humans have all become the biological demarcation line of the old times, and have become the genetic basis of an evolutionary organism. The dividing line is pure humans, pioneers, plague species, and mutant animals and plants of the pioneers.

The vast expanse of star-shaped information is there. Instead of pouring into Wu Qi's mind, Wu Qi has become a witness of the information.

Wu Qi seems to understand where his consciousness is. This seems to be the other end of the "road". It is the origin of forces such as the power of returning to ancestors and the revelation of wild gods.

And as his body of consciousness that flew into light kept flying forward, he saw several other lights just like him. Some light beams are slender, the light is dim, and the length of extension is far less than that of him, and he was thrown away by this light before flying a certain distance; some light beams are constant and thick, and the light is always flying in front of him, which seems to be intentional. Seemingly inadvertently guided the way for him; some of the light disappeared and turned into a thick spot of light printed on the universe's canvas; some light could not see the trajectory of its flight, and was always in the front, as in the vast universe The star of enlightenment lights the way for the latecomers.

These beams of light are all the reborn ancestors of life on earth, whether strong or weak, conscious enough or not to reach here to witness the magnificent star map woven by the creatures of the earth, they are always at the other end of the "road" and contribute in the unconscious Information is given to the other end of the "road", and information is consciously harvested from the other end of the "road."

To the fourth-order realm, Wu Qicai finally understood the true colors of the ancestral forces. The essence of the ancestral force is the ultimate system consisting of "a giant library terminal that records all the genes of the earth's organisms", "endless lines for transmitting information and energy up and down" and "each ancestral individual is the receiving end"! If you want to operate the system, all three of them are indispensable, and once you have the power of ancestralization, you cannot continue to update it.

Wu Qi's mind was shaken by the strong shock. After he was shocked, he couldn't help but ask a question-who is the creator and dominator of the ultimate gene system?

Although his strength came from McDonald, it is clear that the founder of the system was not McDonald, and McDonald was only a slightly more powerful part of the ultimate genetic system. So is the founder the Enlightened Star that is always in front of them, these powerful pillars of light? Is it a re-ancestorized individual at the fourth-order peak, or is it a higher "fifth-order creature" that does not know if it exists? Is it the first ancestral life on earth? Was it the strongest pioneer who ever existed and was founded by his unique powers?

Still, this "ultimate gene system" has existed from the beginning, and the true pioneers have spawned a variety of biological and ecological earthly deities in themselves.

One truth that exists is that people always believe in the truth they want to believe. Putting on Wu Qi is that his intuition is biased towards a "truth", and he will be more likely to believe it.

Wu Qi already had his own answer. He whispered: "The revelation of the wilderness **** ... this 'wild god', the result really exists."

Wu Qi's thinking ends here. Although he saw countless questions in his mind after seeing his small and true power of returning to ancestors, he also understood that most of the answers he could not think of here.

If you want information, search outside. Perhaps this information will be entered into the terminal of the ultimate genetic system in the future, and then automatically transmitted to a reborn individual who also thinks about this problem in the future.

Wu Qi himself has not yet had a real and clear feeling, but in fact after his understanding of the truth, his psychological identity has changed subtly: from a pure recipient, digger, and seeker, to a part of the latecomer Pioneers who open the way.

At this point in Wu Qi's mind, consciousness was transferred from the terminal's own beam of light back to the body that is still in the sea-eye world. He took a subconscious look at his hands, feet, torso, and an unreal feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart, as well as the wonderful ideas that accompanied it.

"It turns out that I have a body in another world."

But this is the reality. The memory in Wu Qi's mind was not interrupted, he knew exactly what he was going to do next. The sons of Jemengad are dead, and Jemengad cannot be awakened, then they can begin to search for the traces of the Lost Vessel.

Originally Wu Qi also felt that the Lost Vessel was more likely to be inside the boat of the throne of the lord Kris ~ ~ But since Long Yuan was holding two fourth-order lives unexpectedly in the depths, the power in the sea The virus content is also very high, and the possibility of the Lost Vessel in the depths of Long Yuan is not small, and it may even be guarded by Yemenga.

Wu Qi intends to use the revelation of the deity of the wilderness to explore the life information of Yemengad before making further plans.

"What about Kazan?"

Wu Qi inadvertently looked back, and then looked around, but Kazan was not seen in the hundreds of meters. And all the glowing corals were destroyed by the sons of Jemengard during the battle, so that he now has a very small visible range in the sea eye world.

"Is Kazan's feeling of the accelerating poison unsolved? Wait, I've been flying away for a long time in consciousness, Kazan will not be destroyed by the backlash of the plague virus."

Kazan cannot die. Wu Qi quickly called out a group of ghosts and gods to ignite the body of the snake of the son of Yemengad, and then used the power stored in the power CD to increase the light and heat to turn the burning snake into a release. Super light source with strong light. He controlled the "gravity" ability to lift the burning serpent to a high place and turned it into a "sun under the sea", illuminating the entire sea eye world.


PS: Fixed a bug in one place.

Black ride

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