Black Ride

Chapter 951: Crescent test

Wu Qi thought about the electric eyeless flesh snake and sniped him again with high-energy rays. There is endless energy replenishment in the Heiyuan Sea, and the eyeless flesh snake sprays high-energy rays with no worries. A high-energy ray is at least one fifth of the total energy reserve of the throne of ordinary thrones. Twenty high-energy rays go out in one breath is the ordinary throne. Ten times the total energy reserve.

In the face of infinite energy, crushing without power strength cannot win.

While evading, Wu Qi looked at the surface of Heiyuanhai where Heiyun Roushan was submerged, and suddenly realized what was happening. He held the crescent moon knife horizontally, adjusted his posture and sprinted out in the next moment. The high-energy rays sprayed by the eyeless meat snake quickly chased his position, and Wu Qi deliberately circled, deliberately allowing the high-energy rays to penetrate the shell of Roshan to create more gaps.

When the high-energy rays penetrated through the shell of Roshan in nearly half a circle, Wu Qi decisively narrowed the final distance. As the near-multiple high-energy rays are more unavoidable, Wu Qi directly releases a black bubble shield that fuses fourth-order energy, and hardly hits the high-energy rays toward the body of the eyeless meat snake.

At this moment, the energy in Wu Qi's body was burning like a raging flame, maybe he had only one chance. He slammed through the gap in Roshan's shell, and raised his knife to slash at the body of the eyeless meat snake with all his strength!

The dark lightning entangled the slender knife tip, then mutated into a fierce beast and ripped purple high-energy rays. Wu Qi suddenly waved a crescent moon knife in the immediate vicinity of the eyeless meat snake, and the dark crescent blooming from the edge of the blade greatly enlarged the range of the slash, and directly crushed the cylindrical high-energy rays with the crushing of energy intensity. Cut an astonishing 20-meter-long wound directly on the flesh full of fangs and big mouth without eyes!

The black-eyed meat snake screamed with black blood, and the "psychological pollution" tweet from dozens of cracked fangs seemed to have a bit more stern meaning. And its huge flesh and blood body was torn further with the cut wound as a crack. Looking deep into the crack, you can see a humanoid black mud.

This scene is almost like the power of the power of the Black Mother Throne with an unbearable huge destructive power, and the fragile body in it will be exposed.

The "noume" hidden in this eyeless meat snake is of course false. And the eyeless meat snake was cut in half, it was chopped into dozens of sections and turned into a pool of blood and then regenerated by absorbing nutrients from the Heiyuanhai.

The trick used by the Black Mother Throne is to pretend to be defeated and lure the enemy deeper. The use of this trick to force the Black Mother Throne against the inferior Heiyuan Sea where the Black Mother Throne can be used is completely Wu Qi's fourth-order ability to give the Black Mother Throne the fear.

The Black Mother Throne can only see the approximate effect of Wu Qi's fourth-order ability. It is far from guessing the true face of the ability. Even if it is invincible in the sea of ​​Heiyuan, the fourth-order ability is still an eternal variable.

It is also the natural way to pretend to lose and deceive to win. It is necessary to win early and to wipe out all possible tinders!

"Come on Wu Qi, burst into the cracked eyeless meat snake and pierce my 'body'!"

The Black Mother Throne shouted loudly. It saw the signs that Wu Qi was about to leave, as if he saw Wu Qi entangled in the limbs with the tentacles that suddenly popped up from the left and right sides after breaking into the crack. The power itself was devoured by the "darkness and abundance" of misery and despair.

One second passed. But Wu Qi took a deep look at the "black mother throne body" inside the cracked eyeless meat snake, not only did not seize this rare opportunity to rush in and give the "black mother throne body" a knife, but opened the distance again.

The Black Mother Throne is unable to understand Wu Qi's behavior at the moment. If there is any reason, it is that Wu Qi sees through it and the exposed humanoid is not "the body" but bait.

"How is it possible that I have never exposed this intelligence ..."

At this moment, the metamorphosis protrudes! The Black Mother Throne suddenly felt a fluttering holding force holding up its body like a dark cloud of Roshan, and when it realized it, it found that there were some silver bubbles like the ocean under it, and the fluttering holding force came from In this sea of ​​bubbles.

The most terrible thing is that this sea of ​​bubbles intends to support its body of Heiyun Roshan to be separated from Heiyuanhai in this way!

"No way, my body weighs thousands of tons. The bubbles created by the third-order 'gravity' can never hold my body!" The Black Mother Throne would never believe the scene in front of her, but it was very scared Regardless of the disguise, a large number of tentacles must be released to destroy the bubbles below.

The silver bubbles were swept away by the black tentacles, but more silver bubbles popped up to replace the swept bubbles. The Black Mother Throne felt her body constantly rising, angrily added to control the tentacles to grab the surface of the Black Source Sea.

Under the control of the Black Mother Throne, Heiyuanhai set off a tide of black mud and hardened, and this hardened wave became the life-saving straw of the Black Mother Throne. But it hasn't looked at Wu Qi for too long, and Wu Qi appeared in the most unacceptable position of the Black Mother Throne in the midst of this round—underneath.

With a crescent knife in his hand, Wu Qi pulled out a shadow of lightning that flickered ~ ~ All the black lightning flashing tentacles were destroyed inside and out. The idea of ​​the Black Mother Throne to hold the hardened waves was also destroyed; Wu Qi finally flew to the gap between the bottom of the Heiyun Rou Mountain and the Heiyuan Sea, giving the Black Mother Throne a kick with all his strength!

There was a slamming noise, and the dark cloud of Roshan floated irreversibly upward. The black mother throne hysterically manipulated the tentacles to wipe out all the oceans of bubbles in it, but the heavy body of thousands of tons did not fall back, but rose a few meters higher.

The third method of gravity control is to permeate the whole body of the object and reverse the gravity of the object to the earth!

It is impossible to say that the body of the "Darkness and Abundance" of the Black Mother Throne weighs thousands of tons. As long as the new moon's long sword is used to reverse the gravitation, the Black Mother Throne can no longer drop ten times and one hundred times!

Wu Qi flew around the huge body of the Black Mother Throne to the same height as the eyeless meat snake. Here, it is nearly 150 meters from the surface of the Heiyuan Sea. The eyeless meat snake has already been regenerated and twisted fiercely to 50 meters in diameter. Wu Qi.

Wu Qi lightly backed out of the attack range of the eyeless meat snake, and spit out massive black tentacles in the dozens of sharp-toothed mouths of the eyeless meat snake, anxious to devour Wu Qi with all his strength.

Wu Qi smashed the tentacles and smashed the tentacles from the eyeless flesh snake, coldly sarcastically said, "But it was only disconnected from Heiyuanhai and returned to your true strength. You did not even have a high-energy beam Dare to spray? What about the arrogant arrogance just now? Wouldn't the successor to the throne of the black source throne be just a paper tiger? "


PS: This chapter is the addition of the new helm master [Fengling Wan] ~ Thanks to the 42nd helm master of "Black Riding" ~