Black Ride

Chapter 982: In fear


The gigantic black tentacles violently shakes the channel of ice where Chris is in, and the surrounding ice blocks collapse irreversibly in the noise and chaos. At a certain moment, the stepping objects under Kris's feet suddenly became empty, and the external light suddenly hit him through countless cracks in the ice.

Chris's last hiding place was completely destroyed by the black tentacles of the tree roots, and his relentless gravity dragged his body to the ground, as if he was exposed to the enemy's fierce teeth.

Heiyun Roshan was not able to let go of this delicious Kris body. Immediately, dozens of tentacles surrounded him. Kris also wanted to condense water vapor and frost in the air to block the tentacles. The tentacles were ripped apart.

Alas. Four tentacles bound Kris's limbs, sealing Kris' full mobility and hanging him in the air, and one of the dozens of fangs and mouths growing on the surface of Roshan Ten meters below Chris.

The large, slippery tongue wriggled in the mouth of the fangs and mouth, and the drool in the air splashed over Chris' legs. And the smell of the blood of returning to the ancestor in the body of Kris is very appealing, the black mother throne wants to eat this man immediately.

Killing Kris is easy, but it takes a little time to lure bigger fish with Kris, the human "small ace".

At this moment, the Kuroshio is shrinking as part of the Heiyun Roushan, and the distance around the throne of the Black Mother is nearly 100 meters completely empty. It pretended to eat Chris soon, but actually gave it 3 seconds on purpose.

If Chris is really important to Noah's base, the other party will seize these 3 seconds to come to rescue.

A large number of heavy artillery cannons. The shells dropped in the sky and rained down, and several high-energy annihilation guns turned the caliber to Heiyun Roushan! The Black Mother Throne has countless black tentacles. It wields these tentacles to volley and shoot down cannons. They form a shield to block high-energy annihilation guns.

These mighty military weapons can damage the flesh of the Black Mother Throne, but the parts that were pierced and broken by heavy artillery shells or high-energy annihilation guns quickly recovered using the horrible regeneration ability. After being smashed and spattered, the black pieces of meat began to creep slowly, preparing to become "dark creatures" created by the "mother of life" ability.

The Heiyun Roshan obviously became shorter, not because of regenerative injuries, but because the Black Mother Throne took the initiative to divide a third of the meat mass and re-melt it into a black mud tide to go and swallow the battlefield. Plague species with human soldiers.

As long as there are creatures on the battlefield that can be swallowed and converted into energy, whether it is a living or dead body, the "darkness and abundance" can continue to operate and multiply!

"Is that all?"

The Black Mother Throne is a little disappointed. Xinxin said that relying on this guy to draw the Noah base card or Ruoqiang is still unrealistic.

Just as the Black Mother throne moved the tentacles to eat Chris in one bite, the ground covered by the black mud tide suddenly emerged! Just hearing a loud noise, a wave of black mud suddenly set off in the tide of black mud. Immediately, a whole body of darkness, like a ghost ship's shadow, broke through the earth and drove between the waves of the Kuroshio Current. Instead of being swallowed by the Kuroshio, it traveled like fish.

This accident happened too bizarrely and suddenly, causing the Black Mother Throne to rest in place for a moment.

The ship that can move freely on the Kuroshio Current is undoubtedly the Heiyuan Kingship left by the Throne of Heiyuan! But why, why did Heiyuan Wangzhou appear here at this time?

The Black Mother Throne suddenly looked at Kris bound by the four tentacles, but between the four tentacles there were only four broken limbs frozen into ice. The real Kris body was no longer visible.

No, Chris did not disappear, but fell silently to the ground! At a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, Heiyuan Wangzhou sailed through the wind and waves to reach the final landing point of Kris, and Kris, who was caught in the electro-optic flint, landed directly on the deck of Heyuan.

Heiyuan Wangzhou, the coveted throne of the Black Mother, has never been so close to it, just under his feet, and within easy reach. When Heiyuan Wangzhou received Kris, he turned and dived. After a blink of an eye, only half of the hull was still floating on the surface of Kuroshio.

At the same time, the deck of Heiyuan Wangzhou softened a part, and Kris inserted his four limbs into the softened black mud together, and when he pulled it out, his limbs were fully regenerated.

Looking for something that has finally appeared in front of you for a long time, the Black Mother Throne is absolutely impossible to let go! Regardless of the impact of the plague soldiers, it used "spiritual pollution", and dozens of mouths made weird sounds. In just one second, it formed an amazing scene where the entire battlefield was disrupted and stagnated.

The black squeezing tentacles swarmed towards the fast-moving Heiyuan Wangzhou, and Kris's action also temporarily stopped due to the terrible power of "spiritual pollution". But he knew very well that he was on the verge of death, and that he would run away even if he carried his nauseous nausea!

Under the **** of "mental pollution", Chris was confused about the perception of space and the position of his own body. Survival urged him to put his right hand in front of his face in desperation, and then bite it uncontrollably. .

puff. Kris left a deep visible bone mark on his right hand side with his teeth. When blood splattered, he could use the "blood of the frost king" again!

The snow-white electric arc burst out from the wound on the palm of Chris's ~ ~, which was filled with the eyes of Chris's astonishment. This time there is no amazing energy lightning column rushing into the sky, only the surrounding lightning chain is violent in a small area, and then a thick cold fog bursts from it!

Hundreds of tentacles of the Black Mother Throne have been stabbed in the instant of the cold fog, and the ice skeleton condensed on the black source king boat is unable to withstand the powerful tentacles. Frozen hundreds of tentacles in an instant.

Why didn't Chris know this before he transformed. He knew that he was unable to fight again after fully exerting "Frost King's Blood", and forcibly transformed again, only a defective product that was less than 20 meters away. But what he wants is such a defective product, that is, a little time to hold hundreds of tentacles in Heiyun Roushan!

The frost giant's skeleton was severely dismantled by the tentacles of the Black Mother Throne in the crackling sound of clicking, and even the surrounding cold mist was scattered by the strong wind.

At the last moment when the fog was cleared, the Black Mother Throne saw his tentacles grabbing the Heiyuan King boat, which was only exposed to the Kuroshio Current at the last 5 meters height. Chris was blood-stained, and half-length was pierced back and forth by one of the black tentacles.

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