Black Ride

Chapter 194: Under the change in July

The change in July shocked Hess and M. Weier, shocked Wu Qi, who was pretending to be in a coma, and shocked Guo Baibo and Gao Yuan who were watching at the window of the house.

Half a minute ago, the three quickly changed the combat uniforms and tactical equipment in the room. Guo Baibai hung the assault rifle on the chest and the bullet. The clip was full of bullets; Gao Yuan took out the RT-20. Gun bag.

The three men were going to evacuate together, but Wu Qi suddenly changed his mind after hearing the outside movement, letting them evacuate and solve the problems on the street.

Guo Bobai and Gao Yuan are ready to go, and when they are ready to follow Wu Qi’s order, Guo Baibo can’t find the little red fox that should have slept in the nest.

The two people in a hurry searched the house and the yard, and could not find the little red fox. Eventually they rushed to the window where they could see the street before they saw the scene on the street.

They did not expect that there were two powerful enemies. Wu Qigang was shot and attacked in less than half a minute. He did not expect Xiaohuhu to see the fallen Wu Qi, and rushed out to save the owner.

Gao Yuan’s eyes widened and looked at the changes that occurred in July. His fingers slammed **** the edge of the window, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Wu Qi was knocked down by the anger and the surprise of the little red fox, double superimposed on the high face.

Guo Bobai was shocked. She saw Gao Yuan’s look different and hurriedly asked: “Gao Yuan, do you know what happened in July?”

Gao Yuan swallowed his mouth and slowly explained: "Two and a half months ago, you have not joined the black servant mercenary group's previous mission. We completed it with Wu Qi. In a high-speed railway tunnel where a plague breed occupies a nest. We encountered a second-order plague-destroyed colossus. The catastrophic giant has a mutated organ-type second-order abilities 'high-heat ray', and there is a cavity for storing magma behind it. After the death of the giant statue, it ran to destroy the Colossus in July. The body of the body bite off the skin of a cavity. Although Wang Sheng stopped it in time, I did not expect that the genius virus in the meat was assimilated by the body of the little red fox two and a half months later, and became its power!"

Guo Bobai listened to it, which sounds like a blessing in the midst of it.

Although Gao Yuan was shocked, he still maintained a certain degree of calm. He is well aware of the power of the high-heat ray, but the powerful catastrophic giants were still killed by them. Just after the "high heat ray" evolved in July, it is unclear whether its petite body can control this terrible abilities, as long as the cavity on its back is hit by a gun, it will be seriously injured.

In July, single-handedly won't win the two enemies who can defeat Wu Qi, they must help!

On the street, Mi Weier and Hess saw the extremely dangerous atmosphere in July, and they never dared to take a nap. Hess immediately pulled out the long barrel of the revolver, and slammed the bulletbox, and hit the bullet, aiming at the head of July.

boom! Hess decisively pulled the trigger, and the long-barreled revolver made a roaring roar. The long, high-fire machine gun bullets flew to July!

The rapid sound of the wind rang, followed by the high-altitude machine gun bullet hit the street surface, leaving a huge crack hole in the road. In July, in the sound of the wind, it turned into a red-hot afterimage, and it disappeared in the eyes of Hess.

"Be careful, this red fox is a second-order mutant animal, very fast!" Mi Weier clearly saw the red shadow of the fire around the back of Hess, and quickly reminded.

Hess's face is distorted. Of course he knows that July has been around his back, because his cold back is immersed in the ice lake!

Hess turned quickly, and the slender hem of the black windbreaker slammed in the wind at high speed. His fingers quickly turned the magazine, pointed the gun at the red-hot shadow that was running fast, and fired another shot.

However, the gun still failed. The red fox ran so fast that Hess could not predict it. It moved left and right on the smooth ground, like a string of sparkling fires rushing toward Hess.

"Damn!" Hess breathed a stagnation, and July had already reached its three-foot range. Such a close distance has not allowed him to use a gun, only to slash a knife to the close-up of the flaming shadow!

For a moment, the knife shadow of the long knife and the red shadow of the fire flashed across, and a string of blood spurting out of the sky!

In July, he quickly landed four feet, and turned his head. A pair of magma-colored fox eyes released an indifferent killing. In the narrow mouth, a person's broken hand was held, and the broken arm was covered by the long sleeve of the black windbreaker, and the long-barrel revolver of Wu Qi was also seriously injured.


His left hand was broken, and the elbow joint was bitten by a moment in July. The broken blood vessels and nerve meridians were also pulled on the outside of the fracture. It looked extremely infiltrating.

In July, I hit a hand and spit out Hess's broken hand. Then it exhaled a white steam. The skin of the whole body passed through a lava-like dark red.

The screaming Hess exposed his back to a full second in July. In July, a narrow mouth was opened against the back of Hess. At the end of the abyss of the big pot of blood, there is a hot orange white aurora!

Boom! In July, Zhang mouth spouted a bunch of high-heat rays with a diameter of six centimeters. Although its high-heat rays are much smaller than the size of the giant statues, the time required for coagulation is shorter, and it also has nearly a thousand degrees of high-temperature heat. This moment is a direct attack on Hess' unguarded back!

A few hundred degrees of high-temperature hot air shrouded the back of Hess from behind, and Hess looked at the back, and the center of the right eye reflected the infinitely magnified high-heat rays.

He can't hide.

At the beginning of the millennium, Mi Weier's right foot is strong on the ground, and the muscles of her legs, such as a group of extremely flexible and tough springs, instantly explode with explosive power. The same carved rocket that smashed the road, rushed to the side of Hess! She hugged her arms around her with her arms wide open, and then took the body of Hess to avoid the high heat rays!

The high-heat rays that penetrated the sky were escaped by Mi Weier and Hess. After flying 30 meters away, the diameter was sharply reduced. Finally, it was made into an orange-red thin line and flew straight to the end of the dark night sky.

boom. Mi Weier pressed Hess's body and fell to the ground, picking up a circle of dirt. She quickly propped up and turned over from Hess.

At this time, a white steam was again sprayed in July to prepare a second high-heat ray.

"Mui Weier, help me kill this beast!" Hess had not been crawling from the ground and he was hysterically shouting, and he had to report the shameful shame of breaking his hand.