Black Ride

Chapter 204: Escape the hope

Two days later.

The air is so cool that the top of the rolling mountains begins to condense a gloomy lead cloud, the lead cloud obscures the sun, and the whole world becomes a world dominated by gray. The jungle in the mountains is also affected by the dark light, and the lush green trees and shrubs are dark green. The canopy is connected to the canopy into a large sea of ​​crowns that cannot be seen. The sea of ​​the canopy is clearly shaded, the layers are scattered, and there are still gaps between the dense leaves, but there is no trace of sunlight reaching the top of the sea of ​​the canopy.

It was a patter, and there was light rain under the gray sky. Under the light rain, it became bigger. The raindrops smashed on the surface of the leaves and shrubs, and they shook their heads and then fell to the ground, gathering together into a puddle.

The whole dark green world seems to be shaking slightly. A chill of cold spread from the rain, soaked in the jungle, giving people the feeling of being like a frozen cage.

Wu Qi, Guo Baibai, Gao Yuan, and July, three foxes walked in the muddy jungle, and the three men’s combat boots and trousers were covered with muddy water.

Wu Qi walked in front and opened the road with a long knife, and opened the bushes that hindered their actions. There are a lot of small acupunctures on the shrubs of these bushes, and they are sharp and sharp, and they will be cut if they are not careful. The wounds are difficult to complete.

Gao Yuan’s gun bag was behind Wu Qi, and Guo Bobai walked cautiously in July. There are deep dark circles near their eyes, revealing severe exhaustion.

After they left Xujiazhai, they had been unable to sleep for two days and two nights in this endless mountain. They were followed by Mi Weier and Hess who were chasing after them.

Wu Qi is good at hiding traces in the jungle. Hess is good at discovering traces in the jungle. They are all hunters who are very proficient in jungle operations. Whether the two teams will meet, half depends on their ability to play, and half depends on who they are. More desperate.

The two teams maintained a considerable distance for most of the two days and had two battles. The result was that Wu Qi and his group escaped successfully.

This does not count as a victory for Wu Qi and his party. They don't know how many days and nights to go to the edge of the mountain, and Wu Qi's injuries are not completely better. Every time the old wounds are not healed, the new wounds are born again. Continuous injury and continuous day and night have reduced his cellular activity by more than half.

Guo Baibai's long hair was soaked by the waterfall-like rain pouring down the top of her head. The wet hair sticked to her smooth forehead, and from time to time there was rain across her nose and side. There was no blood on her lips, and she was screaming.

Suddenly, Guo Baibai sneezed. She was colder, so she held her tighter in July, hoping to borrow a warm body temperature from July to July.

Gao far frowned, took a shot on Wu Qi's shoulder. "Wu Qi, let's find a cave to rest for a while."

Wu Qi looked back at Guo Baibai, who had frozen hands and feet. At this time, Gao Wei’s stomach was called, Gao Yuan’s face was slightly red, and then he coughed.

"You have to find a cave first," Wu Qiping said lightly. His cheeks were a little thinner, and there seemed to be a pair of faint half-baked stars in the depths of his eyes.

Gao nodded and the three continued to shrub the bushes. Half an hour later, Wu Qi finally saw a cave 2 meters high and drilled in first.

The dim light is darker, but Wu Qi’s low-light vision is good enough. He had his left hand on the rugged rock wall, his right hand holding the knife across his chest, and his feet slowly moving inward.

The cave was not completely dry, and Wu Qi could touch the water that had penetrated from the other end of the rock wall, but now they have no choice. Guo Baibai hardened for half an hour in the cold rain. Wu Qi looked at her face and saw that she is very weak now, and her physical fitness is on the limit.

Suddenly, Wu Qi saw a pair of yellow-green eyes in the depths of the dark cave. From the shape of the pupil, it can be seen that it is the eyes of snakes, and the eyes of the other side are level with him.

Wu Qi’s movements froze. He saw the true face of the cave owner. It was a forest python with gray-brown markings. The size of the body was so large that Wu Qi first saw it.

The enemy does not move, Wu Qi does not move. He estimated that the forest giant has a body diameter of about 25 centimeters and a body weight of at least 200 to 300 kilograms. The strength of the entanglement is even more terrifying than the power of the second-order monster. He is entangled in his own life.

Wu Qi dropped his center of gravity and immediately put himself into a resting state. The whole body's muscles crouched and became a whole body. A force borrowed from the earth was transmitted to the right shoulder and arm through the legs, waist and back.

The forest giant cockroach violently violently opened, and the blood vessels of two rows of fangs opened up and swallowed Wu Qi’s head. Wu Qi also stepped forward in the same moment! The power of his whole body was transmitted to his right arm, and he went all out from right to left.

A trick is to see. The forest giant was cut off by Wu Qi, and the fracture was 40 cm from the head. When the huge snake head fell on the ground of the cave, the **** mouth of the giant clam and the body of the broken head also reacted with muscles, which looked very strange.

The cross section of the snake body did not spurt high blood, and Wu Qi also avoided the splash of blood. He pierced the brain of the giant python in a vertical knife, nailed the snake head to the ground, and the snake head struggling for a moment, and then stopped.

"Come in." Wu Qi said to Gao Yuan and Guo Baibo at the rear. Before that he threw the **** snake head into the corner of the cave.

After Gao Yuan and Guo Baibai came in, they were shocked by the scene in the cave. Wu Qi pointed to the cold rocky ground "sit there."

Highly incomprehensible, the average temperature of the giant python during the day is more than 30 degrees, the body will be a natural warm nest.

Wu Qi explained that "this giant python has a very strong vitality. Even if it is dead, the python still has a very strong muscle reaction. If you sit in it, the python feels that there is a living thing close to it, and the muscle reaction will entangle you, maybe In a flash, you will break a few ribs."

The two understood, sitting on the cold ground. In July, he broke out of Guo Baibai's arms and shook his hair in an empty cave, and took out a lot of water drops.

Guo Bobai's appearance is even worse than Wu Qi's imagination, and his face is pale and like a person refrigerated in a freezer. Wu Qi squatted down and pressed Guo Baibai's smooth forehead with his back and found it very hot.

Pioneers are several times more immune than ordinary people, and they are almost never sick except infected by mutant bacteria. However, in these two days, they had no days and nights, no nutrient intake, and only drank thirst-quenching landscapes. Wu Qi can feel that his immunity is significantly reduced, not to mention Guo Baibo.
