Black Ride

Chapter 227: Renee team

"Mr. Luke, your induction, which direction is it now?" Xiang Keping turned and asked.

Known as Mr. Luke is a mature man of nearly 35 years old, silver-colored head, pale yellow skin, a small beard with a fine chin. He wore a black and gray-green striped suit with a yellow spotted tie and a black shirt. All of them are high-level combat uniforms that are custom-made.

Sitting on the right side of Luke is a muscular black man who is younger than Luke, with short black hair and rough face. Black war suits are covered with a dark purple trench coat, and Billuk is much lower-key. His name is "Rui", and Rui has a close relationship with Luke. The two often act in the mode of a duo.

"Southwest, all the way to the southwest." Luke's voice is a very attractive voice of mature men, quite magnetic.

His answer is the actual feedback of the ability to "trace". The advantage of "trace" is obvious, the range is infinite, but the disadvantage is also that the precision is very weak. Unless Wu Qi is within 200 meters of Luke's square, he can't accurately sense that Wu Qi is very close to him.

"Thank you." Xiang Keping was polite and sly.

The off-road vehicle continued to drive for a while, and a huge monster shadow suddenly appeared in the front window. The mercenary in the front row observed the telescope and reported: "The chief officer, there is an 8-meter-high grotesque monster in front, do you want to detour?"

The crisis in the wilderness often comes from something weird and beyond common sense. "Monster", indicating that the other party is likely to be a plague of a body mutation, the risk is not clear. In the unsafe night, it is still rare.

Xiang Keping just planned to say "bypass", and Renee, who has been in a daze, suddenly said: "Let's see it in the past, I want to practice my hand."

"Well, look at the past." Xiang Keping allowed Renee's choice. The team’s actual voice is still the most beautiful.

The off-road vehicle drove to a place 50 meters away from the monster, and everyone got off the bus and looked at the monster carefully.

The monster is indeed a grotesque shape, a sarcoma mountain that is nearly three stories high. The whole body can only see the mouth and arms full of sharp teeth. The skull and body are all foamy sarcoma bodies. The movement is all about peristalsis. The speed is about 70 meters per hour. The ordinary mobile vehicles can be opened.

This is a typical plague of body variability.

"Well, weird creatures, Renee, are you sure you want to fight?" Xiang Keping was somewhat worried.

"Not in the way." Renee shook hands.

Breathing the wilderness of the air brought Renee an unprecedented level of happiness. The air here is mixed, not like the cleanliness of Xinjing, but it has a free atmosphere. Open your mind here and seem to be able to embrace the earth.

Renee’s body instinct tells Renee that she is a good fit here.

Renee doesn't remember her life before accepting the Pioneer Pioneer program. In fact, although she is a Xinjing, she has been living in dark and dirty underground slums. She couldn't go to the city, and she hated slums. Although she hadn't been to the wilderness, the sounds and intelligence of the roads shaped her concept of the wilderness - it is absolutely impossible to like the wilderness.

Only now, Renee has forgotten the gray and oppressive past, and every cell in her body wants to embrace the wilderness. Her body contains powerful power, and the beautiful appearance exudes a fascinating charm, all of which are brought together by the genes of McDonald.

Perhaps, it is McDonald who likes the wilderness. And Renee wants to release!

Renee slowly went to the sarcoma monster, her style is hidden in a streamlined crimson battle suit, her combat uniforms outline her bumpy body, including the thighs with full strength. Her long blond hair danced in the wind under the night sky, her feet on the high-strength combat boots, and every step seemed to sway in the earth.

The moving sarcoma monster is chasing a mutated hyena, and the hyena does not rest for half an afternoon plus half a night, already exhausted, and the sarcoma monster's physical fitness seems to have no limit, when the speed of the hyena is lowered For a moment, the sarcoma monster rushed to the food, holding the hyena with one hand, and put it directly into the mouth, and immediately closed the big mouth.

Renee adjusted her muscles and made several preparations. Because Dorothy repeatedly reminded her that she must not explode all her body strength at one time.

The sarcoma monster swallowed the prey in the empty body of Renee's body, smelled the smell of everyone here, quickly moved to Renee's direction and squirmed. Its figure was rapidly enlarged, and the tall and tall body immediately covered the silver moonlight that reflected Renee.

An instant scanning device in Xiang Keping's hand projected a red light. When the sarcoma monster approached quickly, the tablet connected to the scanning device showed the information.

"The monster's gene is completely disordered, and the genetic strength is close to the second-order peak!" Xiang Keping shouted loudly, wanting to remind Renee that the enemy is a second-order top plague.

Renee seems to have listened to Xiang Keping's reminder, but she didn't seem to listen. Her legs bent slightly, and when the feet slammed toward the ground, they did not make any sound, and there was no trace of destruction, so they flew out lightly!

This is the effect of "speeding" and "weird force" at the same time.

Renee "flights" against the ground level, and the body separates the wind from the obstacles. The distance between the two sides has shrunk sharply, and before the encounter, Renee's feet just landed The perfect proportion of the body borrowed the power of the earth, and transmitted to the right arm along the perfect proportion of muscle fibers.

Renee slammed a punch. The sarcoma monster slaps in the palm of his hand. Its arm is more than 4 meters long. It is judged by the wind that is picked up. It seems that the power of this slap can directly knock the off-road vehicle!

However, the next second was judged, and Renee became a straight fist for the uppercut. The fist was smashed and inserted into the slap of the sarcoma monster. The wave of the wave immediately blasted the palm of the sarcoma monster, splashing foam. The meat did not stand on Renee's body. Renee took off with a slap in the face, and the body lightning was close to the sarcoma monster. The left fist seemed to penetrate the spear and directly penetrated the surface of the sarcoma monster.

Renee's fist hit the belly of the sarcoma monster and produced a thunderous sound. It also separated the foamy flesh of the abdomen, revealing the actual body that was rock-solid inside. She fingered into the flesh of the monster and borrowed the force. The legs are fired out, and the reaction force of the cockroach is 20 meters away from the sarcoma monster, and the opponent's agile counterattack is avoided.

Renee fell back to the ground, a round of collision, and the sarcoma monster did not seem to suffer fatal damage. Its actual body is quickly wrapped up in creepy foam, and the broken right palm is regenerated.
