Black Ride

Chapter 258: Gamble on

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was covered with a cloud of clouds that could not be seen at the end. The sunset that was about to fall on the western horizon gave the last light, and the purple-red sunset was laid under the long clouds.

The wind and humidity are just right. If people stand in the open space of the wilderness, the wind that is blown by the other side of the wilderness is not cold or dry, it will feel very comfortable.

Wu Qi, Gao Yuan, Guo Bobai, July, Gu Changshang, on time at the town mouth of Lanhu Town, the mighty silver tanks quietly parked on the land outside the town, as if it was a one-way trip .

The lord, Shen Lin, specially sent a farewell, chatting with Wu Qi and giving a blessing to peace.

Gu Chang’s lover did not come, because Gu Chang did not admit that he wanted to go, but chose to leave a letter to explain everything, and wrote a letter to indicate the transfer of pub and house ownership. Gu Chang knew that she would not come, but she always looked at the end of the path that the town can see.

Gao Yuan did not know when he appeared behind Gu Chang, and reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"Old Gu, ready to get on the bus." Gao Yuandao. He doesn't understand the feelings of Gu Chang, but knows that "moving forward" has always been a universal solution to all complex moods.

"Come." Gu Chang smiled at Gao Yuan and turned to climb the high driving position of the silver chariot. After sitting in the driver's seat, Gu often shook the glass window and waved a good greeting with the lord.

"The lord brother, you have to continue to be the lord of the town of Blue Lake. I hope that when I come back, I will see you again."

Shen Lin reveals a kind smile. "The former is guaranteed by the lord, and the latter is not necessarily."

"Hey, old man, you are really sincere." Gu Chang was licking his right eye and turned his head with a smile, looking ahead.

Wu Qi and others all went to the silver chariot and closed the door. The engine of the silver chariot made a powerful voice, and the four rounds rolled up the dust and pushed the silver chariot into the distance.

The current goal of Black Ride is to stay away from the new Beijing, so the silver chariots are heading west all the way, maintaining a high-end speed.

The sky is getting dark and the earth goes to sleep. Gu Chang switched the silver chariot to a medium-to-low-end automatic mode. The group solved the dinner in the living area of ​​the silver chariot, and each had its own business.

Gu often sat in the driver's seat and adjusted the two front seats to a "seat sofa", leaning on the sofa to see the wilderness map.

Unless you encounter a variant of the fauna of the night, the silver chariot will automatically recognize the obstacles and the terrain will automatically go around. So he only needs to pay three points to look at the road ahead.

The door connecting the cab and the middle area suddenly opened, and Wu Qi came in.

"Old Gu, are you looking at the map? Just, let's study the next place."

"Well," Gu often nodded, then stroked a few circles on the map with a pencil. "It’s always going west, the low-level security zone is quite a lot, but it’s not used. The G-series can’t go, it’s Sirius. The group's sphere of influence, three F-series, four in each of the H and I-series, are optional resource addition points."

Wu Qidao: "If we are wanted, we can't enter the base, how can we add resources?"

Gu Chang is calm and calm: "It doesn't matter if you can't get through, we just need to find the small forces of the wilderness near the base. Of these small forces, there will naturally be people who hold the base pass. This group of talents, regardless of whether they are wanted or not, are wanted. The business they do is to transfer the intelligence and materials from the base to the wilderness. High-quality guns, mechanical parts, special ammunition, food, water, gasoline, medical components, genetically-enhanced drugs, most of what we need can do As for the price, black is black, but after all, it is a price that must be paid. We must rely on hunting mutant animals and plague species."

"Then use the second-order creatures as a benchmark to hunt. Please take care of the creatures you encounter along the way." Wu Qi is serious.

"Hands over."

With Wu Qi's current strength, hunting second-order creatures is the most efficient. The second-order plague “Destroyed Colossus”, which once had a half-commission of their mercenary group, now Wu Qi can open its armor with a knife; and the value of the kinetic virus extracted from the special second-order plague High, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands can exchange a lot of gasoline and living supplies.

Whether it is a mission or an escape from the pursuit of the soldiers, walking the wilderness has always required only two things, strength and luck.

Living Area. Going high in the clean and tidy room, lying in bed. He flipped through the magazines that he brought in, and there are information about the smashing.

Now the high-tech 狙.. gun can carry a complete set of electronic data system, 狙. gun can automatically record wind speed, humidity, temperature, wind direction, the system calculates the drop point of the bullet; can also connect the system database, aim A mutant animal, 狙.. Gun can provide information about the mutated animal in the database, aiming at a well-dressed person, if he has a family and powerful iconic items, the system will also mark these signs. Sex items give a reaction.

The cost of using this advanced electronic system is that the gun itself will be positioned by the company that sells the system. Therefore, this kind of thing is completely a chicken rib for the artifacts of "official soldiers" and "escapers."

Gao Yuan does not feel that he is looking at this part of the information. At least these high-tech smashing gun models are still very eye-catching, and they know the weapons that the enemy may use. They are also a kind of "knowing oneself."

The innermost part of the living area is Guo Baibai's room. There is no other person in the room except Guo Bobai. She sat on the edge of the bed with a sample box next to her thigh.

Guo Bobai slowly opened the sample box and repeatedly confirmed that the door was locked, and then turned his eyes to the sealing reagent lying quietly in the sample box.

This sealing reagent contains the virulence virus serum obtained by Luke blood Guo Bobai pinch the needle, insert the needle into the reagent, and extract the sera of the scent virus a little. The speed at which the needle is pumped out of the blood is not slow, and Guo Baibai looks at it every second, and his heart becomes more and more embarrassed.

After a short time, she pumped the virion virus in the reagents. Now she has no retreat, or she gives up or either injection. Originally, dragging is meaningless.

Guo Bobai thought that Luke’s versatile virus would react with her body as long as the liquid in the needle was injected under the skin. The end result is that she surrendered the second-order versatile virus to a second-order pioneer, or was destroyed by the sinister virus as a plague, both in the thought of heaven.

Guo Baibo does not want to be a waste-like pioneer with only "super-sensing" in the team of Black Rider! She is not only trying to help Wu Qi, but also wants to have the strength to fight for a future!

The world is fair, and anyone who does not pay will eventually lose everything that is temporarily available. Guo Bobai decided to gamble, to gamble that he can succeed, and then open the locked door in front of him with a new look!